LTC 005-2020 TOWN OF SURFSIDE RESOLUTION NO. 2019-2659MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK No. 005-2020 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission FROM: Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk 72d DATE: January 8, 2020 SUBJECT: TOWN OF SURFSIDE RESOLUTION NO. 2019-2659 Attached for your information is Resolution No. 2019-2659, adopted by the Mayor and Commission of the Town of Surfside on December 10, 2019. A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COMMISSION OF THE TOWN OF SURFSIDE, FLORIDA, DECLARING A CLIMATE EMERGENCY; URGING THE STATE OF FLORIDA AND THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO DECLARE A CLIMATE EMERGENCY; REQUESTING REGIONAL COLLABORATION ON A TRANSITION PLAN AND EMERGENCY MOBILIZATION EFFORT TO RESTORE A SAFE AND SUSTAINABLE CLIMATE; PROCLAIMING A CALL TO ACTION FOR THE TOWN TO CONTINUE EFFORTS TOWARDS ADAPTATION, MITIGATION AND RESILIENCY STRATEGIES, INCLUDING IMPLEMENTATION OF THE TOWN'S CLIMATE CRISIS REPORT; PROVIDING FOR TRANSMITTAL; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The Town Clerk of Surfside has requested that a copy of this Resolution be provided to the Miami Beach Mayor and Commissioners. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at 305.673. 7 411. REG/le Attachment F:\CLER\$ALL\LILIA\L TC's - Transmittal's\Surfside\Resolution 2019-2659 Town of Surfside.docx RE SOLUTI ON NO. 2019- 2659 A RE SOLUTI ON OF THE TOWN COMMI SSION OF THE TOWN OF SURF SID E, FLORID A, DECLARIN G A CLIMA TE EME RGENCY; URGIN G THE STATE OF FL ORID A AND THE UNI TED STATES GO VE RNME NT TO DECLARE A CLIMA TE EME RGENCY ; RE QUE STIN G RE GIONAL COLLAB ORA TION ON A TRAN SIT ION PLAN AND EME RGENCY MOBIL IZA TION EFF ORT TO RE STORE A SAF E AND SUSTAIN AB LE CL IMA TE ; PROCL AIMIN G A CAL L TO ACTION FOR THE TOWN TO CONTINUE EFF ORTS TOWARD S AD APT ATION, MI TIGATI ON AND RE SIL IE NCY STRA TEGIE S, IN CLUD IN G IMP LEME NTATION OF THE TOWN 'S CLIMA TE CRI SIS RE PORT; PROVID IN G FOR TRAN SMITT AL ; AND PROVID IN G FOR AN EFFE CTIVE DATE. WHE RE AS, in April 2016, world leaders from 175 countries recognized the threat of climate change and the urgent need to combat it by signing the Paris Agreement, agreeing to keep the increase in global average temperature to ''well below 2ºC above pre-industrial levels," and to "pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to l .5ºC"; and WHE RE AS, the Town of Surfside (the "Town") has experienced the disruption and destruction already wrought by climate change through hurricanes, flooding, and other climatic events, that are also evidenced nationwide and worldwide by increased and intensifying wildfires, floods, rising seas, diseases, droughts, and extreme weather; and WHE RE AS , the ecological effects of climate change are driving an increased rate of extinction of species, which could consequently devastate ecological stability and much of the biological life on Earth for future generations; and WHE RE AS , reaching zero greenhouse gas emissions around the globe will require a drawdown or removal of all the excess carbon from the atmosphere, and to implement measures to protect all people and other biological species, requiring a coordinated emergency mobilization on a global scale; and 1 WHE RE AS , the Town is directly impacted by climate change through climatic events of increased number and size and has engaged in a series of efforts on climate adaptation, mitigation and resiliency initiatives, as detailed in the Town's Climate Crisis Report; and WHEREAS, the Town has forged strategic relationships with the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact, the Resilient 305 Program through the 100 Resilient Cities Initiative of the Rockefeller Foundation, the Compact of Mayors, the American Flood Coalition, the Youth Environmental Alliance, Florida International University, the University of Miami, Environment America's "Mayors for Solar Energy," Solar United Neighbors, ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability and The CLEO Institute to build a broad coalition to support strengthening the Town's adaptation, mitigation and resiliency initiatives; and WHEREAS, the Town has focused its attention on safeguarding our community through: 1) adaptation including such initiatives as revamping its floodplain management regulations, improving its stormwater system, advocating for beach re-nourishment and enhancing its Zoning Code; 2) mitigation including such initiatives as creating a Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) District, establishing Florida Friendly landscaping requirements, enhancing our urban canopy, incentivizing the installation of solar PV systems, and completing a greenhouse gas emissions inventory; and 3) resiliency including such initiatives as creating a community garden and dog park, various programs that build a sense of community, creating the Sustainability and Resiliency Committee, and hiring a Sustainability and Resiliency Officer; and WHEREAS, the Town is committed to pursuing policies and programs that are ecologically sustainable, equitable and just for all such as prohibiting the use of plastic straws, certain fertilizers, and polystyrene food service articles that negatively impact the Town's environment; and 2 WHE RE A S , the Town wi shes to act as a global leader by both convertin g to an ecologically, socially an d economi cally regenerative economy at emergency speed and by catalyzin g a uni fied and coordinated climate emergency mobilization effort; and WHEREAS, the Town commi ts to Town -wi de climate emergency mobilization efforts to reverse climate change, aim ing, wi th appropriate financial and regu latory assistance from Miam i- Dade Coun ty, the State of Florida, an d Federal authorities, to decreas e and mini mize Town-wide greenhouse gas emi ssions as quickly as possible to safely drawdown carbon from the atmosphere an d accelerate adaptation and resiliency strategies in preparation for intensifyin g climate impacts; an d WHEREAS, the Town furth er comm its to educating its residents about the climate emergency and workin g to catalyze clim ate emergency mobilization efforts on local, state, national, and global levels to provide maxi mum protection for its residents and property owners; an d WHEREAS, the Town un derstands the need for full communi ty parti cipation, inclusion, an d support an d recogniz es that Town residents, property own ers and communi ty organiza tions that include faith, youth, labor, academi c institutions, condominium associations, and a diverse ran ge of civil society institutions will be integra l to an d in the leadership of the mobilization effort; and WHEREAS, the Town furth er comm its to keeping the concerns of vuln erable comm unities centra l to climate emergency mobilization efforts and invitin g and encouraging such communi ties to actively parti cipate in order to advocate directly for their needs; and WHEREAS, the Town Commi ssion finds that this Resolution is in the best interest and welfare of the residents an d property owners of the Town. 3 N O W , T HE RE F O RE ,B E I T RE S O L VE D B Y T HE T O WN C O MMISS I O N O F T HE T O WN O F S URF S ID E , F L O RID A , A S F O L L O W S : S e c ti o n 1. Recitals. That each of the above-stated recitals are hereby adopted, confirmed, and incorporated herein. Section 2. Declaration of Climate _Emergency:z Cal]_ tg Action. That the Town Commission hereby declares a climate emergency, urges the State of Florida and the United States government to declare a climate emergency, and requests regional collaboration on an immediate emergency mobilization effort to restore a safe climate. The Town Commission hereby declares an immediate call to action, consistent with the Town's Climate Crisis Report, to mobilize and engage in continued efforts to achieve adaption, mitigation and resiliency initiatives aimed at addressing climate impacts. Section 3. Transmittal. That the Town Clerk is directed to send a copy of this Resolution to the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, the Majority Leader of the United States Senate, each Florida Senator and Representative in the United States Congress, the Mayor and members of the Commission of Miami-Dade County, all municipalities within Miami-Dade County, all members of the South Florida Legislative Delegation, the Florida League of Cities, and the Miami-Dade County League of Cities. Section 4. Effective Date. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED on this 10 day of December, 2019. Moved By: Commissioner Paul Second By: Vice Mayor Gielchinsky FINAL VOTE ON ADOPTION Commissioner Barry Cohen Commissioner Michael Karukin Commissioner Tina Paul Yes Yes Yes 4 Vice Mayor Daniel Gielchinsky Y es Mayor Daniel Di etch Y es Daniel Dietch Mayor APPROVEIJ AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY FOR THE USE AND BENEFIT OF THE TOWN OF SURFSIDE ONLY: Wei Town Attorney 5