LTC 006-2020 CITY OF MIAMI RESOLUTION NO. R-19-0477M IA M I BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK No. 006-2020 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk ~ January 8, 2020 ;u CITY OF MIAMI RESOLUTION NO. R-19-0477 Attached for your information is Resolution No. R-19-0477, adopted by the Mayor and City Commission of City of Miami on November 21, 2019. A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION DECLARING A CLIMATE EMERGENCY, URGING THE STATE OF FLORIDA AND THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO DECLARE A CLIMATE EMERGENCY, AND REQUESTING REGIONAL COLLABORATION ON A TRANSITION PLAN AND EMERGENCY MOBILIZATION EFFORT TO RESTORE A SAFE AND SUSTAINABLE CLIMATE; FURTHER DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO SEND A COPY OF THIS RESOLUTION TO THE OFFICIALS STATED HEREIN. The City of Miami Clerk has requested that a copy of this Resolution be provided to the Miami Beach Mayor and Commissioners. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at 305.673. 7 411. REG/le Attachment F:\CLER\$ALL\LILIA\L TC's - Transmittal's\Miami\Resolution R-19-0477 City of Miami.docx C ity o f M ia m i Certified Copy City Hall 3500 Pan Amer ican Drive Miami, FL 33133 ww w.m iamigov.com File Number: 6837 Enactment Number: R-19-0477 A RESOLUTION OF THE M IAM I CITY COMMISSION DECLARING A CLIMATE EMERGENCY, URGING THE STATE OF FLORIDA AND THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO DECLARE A CLIMATE EMERGENCY, AND REQUESTING REGIONAL COLLABORATION ON A TRANSITION PLAN AND EMERGENCY MOBILIZATION EFFORT TO RESTORE A SAFE AND SUSTAINABLE CLIMATE; FURTHER DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO SEND A COPY OF THIS RESOLUTION TO THE OFFICIALS STATED HEREIN. SPONSOR(S): Mayor Francis X. Suarez, Commissioner Ken Russell, Commissioner Joe Carollo, Commissioner Manolo Reyes W H E R E A S , in A pril 20 16 , w or ld leade rs fro m 17 5 coun tr ies recognized the threat of clim a te chan ge and the urge nt need to com bat it by signing the P aris A greem ent, agreeing to ke ep the in crease in globa l average tem pe rature to "w e ll bel ow 2"C ab ove pre-ind ustrial level s," and to "p u rsu e eff ort s to lim it the tem perature increase to 1.S ºC "; and W H E R E A S , the C ity of Miam i ("City") has experienced the disruption and destruction alre a d y w ro ug ht by clim ate change through hurri canes, flooding, and other cl im atic events that is evid e nce d by increased and intensify ing w ildfires, floods, rising seas, diseases, droughts, and e xt rem e w eathe r natio nw ide ; and W H E R E A S , the eco logica l effect s of clim ate change are driving an increased rate of e xt inct io n of species, w hich co uld conseq uently devastate ecological stabili ty and m uch of the biolo gica l life on E art h for future generations; and W H E R E A S , the U nited States of A m e rica has disproport ionately co ntributed to clim ate ch a n ge and the e cologica l crises and has repeated ly failed to lead global efforts to tra nsition to w a rds a carbon -ne utral econom y, thus bearing a significant responsibility to so lve these crise s; an d W H E R E A S , reaching zero gree nhouse gas em issio ns around the globe w ill require a draw d o w n o r rem oval of all the excess carb on from the atm osphere and im plem entation of m ea sure s to pro tect all people and othe r biological spe cies, requiring a coordinated em ergency m ob iliza tion o n a sca le not seen since W orld W ar II; and W H E R E A S , the C ity has led effort s on clim ate m itigation and adaptation thro ugh the ove rw h elm in g passage of the M iam i Fo rever B ond; and W H E R E A S , the C ity is com m itted to pursuing policies and pro gram s that are ecologica lly susta inab le , equitable , and just for all; and W H E R E A S , the C ity w ishes to act as a global leade r by both convert ing to an e colog ically, so cially, and eco nom ically reg ene rative econom y at em ergency speed and by cata lyzin g a unified and coordinated cl im ate em e rg e ncy m obili zation effort; and City of Miami Page 1 of 3 R-19-0477 Fi le N u m b er : 6 8 3 7 E n a c tm en t N u mb e r: R -1 9 -04 7 7 WHEREAS, the City commits to Citywide climate emergency mobilization efforts to reverse climate change, aiming, with appropriate financial and regulatory assistance from Miami-Dade County, the State of Florida, and Federal authorities, to end Citywide greenhouse gas emissions as quickly as possible to safely drawdown carbon from the atmosphere and accelerate adaptation and resilience strategies in preparation for intensifying climate impacts; and WHEREAS, the City further commits to educating its residents about the climate emergency and working to catalyze climate emergency mobilization efforts on local, state, national, and global levels to provide maximum protection for its residents; and WHEREAS, the City understands the need for full community participation, inclusion, and support and recognizes that City residents and community organizations that include faith, youth, labor, academic institutions, homeowners' associations, and a diverse range of civil society institutions will be integral to the leadership of the mobilization effort; and WHEREAS, the City further commits to keeping the concerns of vulnerable communities central to climate emergency mobilization efforts and inviting and encouraging such communities to actively participate in order to advocate directly for their needs; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are adopted by reference and incorporated as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The City Commission hereby declares a climate emergency, urges the State of Florida and the United States government to declare a climate emergency, and requests regional collaboration on an immediate emergency mobilization effort to restore a safe climate. Section 3. The City Clerk is directed to send a copy of this Resolution to the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, the Majority Leader of the United States Senate, each Florida Senator and Representative in the United States Congress, the Mayor and members of the Commission of Miami-Dade County, all municipalities within Miami-Dade County, and all members of the Miami-Dade County Legislative Delegation. Section 4. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor. 1 DATE: RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: 11/21/2019 ADOPTED Joe Carollo, Commissioner Manolo Reyes, Commissioner Ken Russell, Wifredo (Willy) Gort, Joe Carollo, Manolo Reyes, Keon Hardemon I, Todd B. Hannon, City Clerk of the City of Miami, Florida, and keeper of the records thereof, do hereby certify that this constitutes a true and correct copy of Resolution No. R- 19-0477, passed by the City Commission on 11/21/2019. 1 If the Mayor does not sign this Resolution, it shall become effective at the end of ten (10) calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission. City of Miami Page 2 of3 R-19-0477 File Number: 6837 Enactment Number: R-19-0477 gr2ts a±A.ES .. (for Todd B. Hannon, City Clerk) December 30,_2019 Date Certified City of Miami Page 3 or3 R-19-0477