LTC 026-2020 Motion by the LGBTQ Advisory CommitteeM IA M I BEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER 026-2020 LTC # LETTER TO COM MISSION TO: FR O M : D A TE: SU BJE C T: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager l >,' January 14, 2020 Motion by the LGBTQ Advisory C The purpose of this Letter to Commission (L TC) is to inform the Mayor and the Commission of a motion made by the LGBTQ Advisory Committee at their meeting on January 14, 2020. M O T IO N : The Committee recommends supporting the resolution (C7Y) on tomorrow's Commission Agenda that states the City of Miami Beach urges the Florida Legislature to enact Senate Bill 206, or its related Bill, House Bill 161, both entitled the "Florida Competitive Workforce Act," or similar legislation that would prohibit discrimination in Florida on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in housing, employment, and public accommodations; and directing the City Clerk to send this resolution to the chair and members of the Miami-Dade Legislative Delegation, the Governor, the Senate President, the House Speaker, Senator Rouson, and Representative Toledo. M o tio n M a d e B y : Herb Sosa M o tio n S e c o nde d B y : Cindy Brown M o tio n P a ss e d : 9-0 M e m b ers in fa vo r: Herb Sosa, Cindy Brown, Paul Thomas, Riki Wilchins, Robin Schwartz, Elizabeth Schwartz, Gayle Durham, Sunny Weber, Edward Pascoe JLM/MM/mg