LTC 108-2020 City of Miami Beach Dual Enrollment Program Status Miami Beach Senior High School and Miami Beach Nautilus Middle SchoolOFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC # 108-2020 LETTER TO COMMISSION To: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of/the City Commission From: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager Date: February 25, 2020 Subject: City of Miami Beach Dual Enrollment Program Status Miami Beach Senior High School and Miami Beach Nautilus Middle School The purpose of this Letter to Commission is to provide information on the status of our partnership with Miami-Dade County Public Schools (MDCPS), Florida International University, and Miami-Dade College to increase dual enrollment courses at Miami Beach Senior High School and Miami Beach Nautilus Middle School. The interest and success of students at our Miami Beach high school and middle school in dual enrollment classes has resulted in a 280 percent increase in the number of classes from the 2015-16 to 2019-20 school years. The chart below provides information on the number of course and class sections available to students following the implementation of the partnership in Fall 2014, as well as the financial savings to Miami Beach families for those children choosing to enroll in dual enrollment classes offered at Miami Beach public schools funded by the city in a total amount since program inception of $2,017,148. Additionally, these classes support class size reduction efforts. # of Dual # of Class # of Students Per Credit Cost Savings to City School Year Enrollment Sections Participating (based on FIU of Miami Beach Courses Available credit per cost) Families Fall 2014 o o o $0 Spring 2015 3 4 104 $203.59 $76,000.08 Fall 2015 2 4 123 $203.59 $89,884.71 Spring 2016 4 6 138 $203.59 $100,846.26 Fall 2016 4 6 125 $203.59 $91,346.25 Spring 2017 7 9 181 $205.57 $133,344.51 Fall 2017 7 12 217 $205.57 $159,866.07 Spring 2018 9 15 257 $205.57 $189,334.47 Fall 2018 9 16 413 $205.57 $304,261.23 Spring 2019 13 19 412 $205.57 $303,524.52 Fall 2019 10 18 364 $205.57 $268, 162.44 Spring 2020 8 20 408 $205.57 $300,577.68 Total · .. 76 129 2,742 $2,017,148.22 Funding to support and expand the partnership in th e 2019-20 scho ol years includes an estim ated City contribution of $80,000 fo r instructor salaries an d M -D CP S estim ated contribution of $92,640 textbooks. The dual enro llm ent pro gram at M iam i Beach Senior H igh School and M iam i Beach N autilus M iddle School allow s eligible students to enro ll in a college course and high school cl ass sim ultaneously. The credits the students earn are used tow ards both a high school diplom a and are acceptable tow ards a college Associate or Bachelor degree, or technical certificate. T he benefit s of offering dual enrollm ent courses to high school and m iddle school students incl ude: • Saves students and parents m oney, as dual enro llm ent students are exem pt fro m paying application, registration, tuition, laboratory , and special fees if the classes taken are being used tow ard high school gra duation • Enriches the course opportunities fo r outstanding high school/ m iddle school students • Shortens the tim e to attain a college degree • Pro vides students w ith college credit that is transferable to a college or university • Allow s grades earn ed to becom e part of the students' perm anent transcripts Dual enro llm ent course offerings include, but are not lim ited to, the fo llow ing fo r th e 2019-20 school years: . Criminology . French I . French II . Individual in Society . Introduction to Education . Introduction to Entrepreneurship . Introduction to Business . Introduction of Sociology . Psychology of Personal Effectiveness Social Problems . Strategies for Success . Writing in Rhetoric I . Writing in Rhetoric II . Teaching Diverse Population We will continue to support our vision of being a prosperous city with a special flavor of arts, culture, education, and business with management objectives of being known for (K-12) educational excellence. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Dr. Leslie Rosenfeld.