LTC 110-2020 BEACHWALK CLOSURE BEHIND DEAUVILLE HOTELMIAMIBEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach FL 33139 LTC# 110-2020 TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of TO COMMISSION ission FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager K /fs> DATE: February 26, 2020 \ SUBJECT : BEACHWALK CLOSURE BEHIND DEAUVILLE HOTEL The purpose of this Letter to Commission is to provide the Mayor and City Commission with an update on the closure of the Beachwalk behind the Deauville Hotel. On the morning of Wednesday, February 26, 2020, City staff confirmed that pieces of concrete were falling from the Deauville Hotel, located 6701 Collins Avenue. As a matter of public safety, City staff have closed a portion of the Beachwalk at 67" Street, including the perimeter directly behind the Deauville Hotel until further notice. The Property Management Department is working on securing the area and closing the beachwalk. The Building Department has issued a violation US2020-03373 to the Deauville Hotel requiring a remedy to provide pedestrian protection by Friday morning to safely secure the premises in order reopen the Beachwalk. Should the Deauville not comply, the Building Department will secure contractors to safeguard the area. The City Manager and City Attorneys have been in contact with ownership at the Deauville Hotel. €z \ L T C : Be a c hw a lk C lo su re B e hind D ea uville H o tel ..@e