LTC 124-2020 Miami Beach Trolley Passenger Survey MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC # 124-2020 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of he City Cif mission FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: March 4, 2020 SUBJECT: Miami Beach Trolley Passenger Su y I am pleased to share the results of the first Miami Beach Trolley Passenger Survey. The goal of this survey is to obtain a better understanding of the effectiveness of our citywide trolley service in terms of reducing personal vehicle trips, determining user profile, and receiving focused feedback on the quality of the trolley service. The statistically valid survey was conducted during the last quarter of calendar year 2019 and included all trolley routes. Over 1,240 individuals participated in the survey consisting of 28 questions. Attached, please find a "quick look" with the pertinent survey metrics, also available in Spanish. The full report is accessible on the Transportation and Mobility Department's webpage or by clicking the link below. The full report contains survey background, questions, key trends and opportunities, and other relevant survey information. http://www.miamibeachfl.qov/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/CMB-Survey-Final-Report.pdf The Transportation and Mobility Department staff will use the information gathered though the survey for purposes of updating the City's mode share,and will consider customer feedback as a tool to guide future service improvements. The Administration's goal is to conduct trolley passenger surveys on a bi-annual basis. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Attachment: Miami Beach Trolley Passenger Survey Quick Look JLM/ATH/J�/MM F:\TRAN\$ALL\LTC\LTCB Transit\LTC-Miami Beach Trolley Survey.docx TROLLEY PASSENGER SURVEY 1 , 240 73 507 TOTAL ivIER iv'-RONBOARD G ONLINE ilIk F.:21 1 , 094 & I146 SURVEY RESPONSES RIDERS NON-RIDERS WHO USES THE 1 9% Illk, TROLLEY? VISITORS CMV\ c M WHAT "The trolley provides `><('1 1 O/O ROUTES DO a convenient means VISITORS J of transportation to co local residents." RESIDENTS USE? 10'1 2,311 21411 13%1 IIIResidents RIDERSHIP • Visitors BY ROUTE SBL MBL NBL 84% 77% 79% 87% PRIMARY 42 % OVER • LEISURE/TOURISM / 9O�O • PURPOSE ? 1 (Restaurants, Beach, 8c `A Sightseeing) FOR WORKto . . 26% e,..,,,c,:i 0.„0- if) South Beach Loop (SBL) OVER (' Collins Express (CE) 90% OF PASSENGERS eoMiddle Beach Loop (MBL) Regularly use 2 Nr WALK TO/FROM TROLLEY or more routes NN North Beach Loop (NBL) • • • • • OVER 4O0/ RIDETHETROLLEY • • • • • Rau DAILY OF PASSENGERS A QUICK LOOK USE THE 00 71 % MIAMI BEACH APP o PASSENGERS for real-time tracking/planning of their route WHILE OF THOSE THAT USE THE APP 78% ARE SATISFIED THE TROLLEY APPROXIMATELY REDUCES 5 , 373VEHICLETRIPS TRAFFIC TAKEN OFF THE ROAD DAILY 14i* BEFORE THE Made the Trip using the TROLLEY, OVER MIAMI - DADE --7-10:0 30% TRANSIT BUS FOR OVER Their primary mode is a personal vehicle, yet they choose to 36% RIDE THE TROLLEY OF PASSENGERS .1. t Q t 85% 80% 68% SATISFIED WITH THE SATISFIED WITH THE SATISFIED WITH THE SERVICE RELIABILITY FREQUENCY of the Trolley of the Trolley of the Trolley II 0 10.0. (c,J DIVERSE DEMOGRAPHICS The respondents who participated range in age, language, employment, income and people/vehicles in each household.