LTC 135-2020 PREPARATION AND RESPONSE TO CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19)MI A MI B E A CH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. L TC# LETT ER TO C O M M ISSIO N TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members o FRow: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager 1 )pis DATE: March 12, 2020 SUBJECT: PREPARATION AND RESPONSE O CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) In response to the World Health Organization classifying the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak as a pandemic along with emergency declarations from both Governor Ron Desantis and County Mayor Carlos Gimenez, I issued an Emergency Declaration - recognizing that it's important for everyone to do their part to prevent the spread of this virus. Miami Beach is a global tourism destination with large scale events and a high population density. These unique factors make it clear that robust actions are reasonable to keep our residents safe and healthy. The actions are consistent with the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) community mitigation guiding principles, which are designed to help slow the spread of virus infections. The State of Emergency emphasizes individual responsibility at the personal level, empowers business and community organizations to follow suit, and provides special attention and services to vulnerable populations that are at an increased risk of severe illness. Miami Beach is a resilient city, and our ability to bounce back as quickly as possible depends on our ability to prevent the spread of the virus. This requires a holistic set of actions that affect all of us, including residents, businesses, visitors and employees. Proactive Mitigation Measures Even before the first case in South Florida was identified, the city began implementing proactive mitigation measures ranging from preparedness to emergency activation. The city began daily calls with directors since Monday March 2° and the Mayor and Commission on Monday March 9. The summary of activities includes: 1. Developed and Implemented Public Safety Protocols • Emergency Management began monitoring COVID-19 once the World Health Organization announced of the occurrence of the novel coronavirus in December 2019. • Developed Emergency Medical Services (EMS) response protocols in January 2020, including coordinating with the Epidemiology and Infection Control Teams at Mount Sinai Medical Center. • Developed a situation-specific (COVID-19) emergency management response plan, as well as standard operating procedures for specific situations. • Issued seven Situation Reports to-date as a snapshot of the most recent updates. • Emerging Infectious Disease Surveillance (E.I.D.S) protocol implemented by 9-1- 1 call-takers and dispatchers. • Following Incident Command System (ICS) protocols, Emergency Management activated the Planning, Operations, Logistics and Finance sections. • In response to the outbreak, and in order to coordinate efforts of all City departments, EOC is activated at a Level II, for enhanced monitoring, extended hours (and because we are activated for both the COVID-19 activity and Spring Break). 1 135 - 2020 • D is p a t c h p re -s c re e n in g s a r e in p la c e w h e n c a ll s fo r s e rv ic e a r e re q u e s te d (fo r e x a m p le , w e ll n e s s c h e c k s ) to e n s u r e p ro p e r re s p o n s e to ill o r im p a ir e d in d iv id u a ls . In s o m e c a s e s , P o lic e re s p o n d in g to c a lls w ith a s u s p e c te d p a tie n t w ill te a m u p w it h F ir e p e r s o n n e l fo r a d d itio n a l p ro te c tio n . • W o r k in g w it h O ffi c e o f H o u s in g a n d C o m m u n ity S e rv ic e s (O H C S ) to id e n tify a t-ris k in d iv id u a ls . • F ir e D e p a rt m e n t is a s s is tin g w ith m e a l d e li v e ry to fil l in g a p s in s e rv ic e d u e to th e s u s p e n s io n o f c o m m u n a l m e a ls fo r s e n io r s a n d s p e c ia l n e e d s . 2. Working with Agency Partners • Attending meetings with county and city officials to closely coordinate efforts, participating in federal and state calls, and attending/watching all regional press conferences. 3. Special Attention to Vulnerable Population • • • • • • • Conducted proactive outreach to elder-serving, residential housing properties . Provided bilingual flyers containing steps people can take to stop the spread of COVID-19 as well as information on recognizing the symptoms and advice on actions people should take if they are not feeling well. Provided prevention information to all residents in city-owned residential properties. Notified non-profit agency providers asking that they stay abreast of city directives and plan to respond to emerging conditions so that critical community resources are impacted as minimally as possible. Verified that elder congregate meal providers are prepared to shift from a congregate delivery model to a home delivery model. Most meal providers serve clients residing at the same site as their congregate delivery; the city is working with UNIDAD to ensure that this site, which serves scattered site clients, will be able to ensure food delivery to its client roster of shelf-stable meals. Reached out to our homeless shelter providers to ensure that they have enacted steps on-site to safeguard clients and minimize exposure and spread. Transitioning our counseling clients from a home-based delivery model to a telephonic model to limit exposure for clients and providers. The city is exploring contractual and funding issues to enable this transition. Awaiting direction from The Children's Trust regarding the delivery of after-school programming in the event schools are closed as a precautionary measure. 4. Empowering Individuals and Families • • • • • • Sharing messaging from agency partners to keep residents safe. This includes daily e-blasts, sharing information about cancellations and reminders of the benefits of taking flu shots and other updated information. A topic-specific web page was created and included on the top link of the city website. Created a video with the Mayor and Manager in English and Spanish to encourage proper safe hygiene and social distancing. CDC videos are being aired on MBTV and all trolley monitors . Messages have been posted on social media and Nextdoor app . Media and social media monitoring of all COVID-19 related items . 5. Event Safety, Postponement and Cancellations, such as Spring Break and Special Events • As result of the emergency declaration, the city will not issue special event permits for gatherings of 250 or more people for the next 30 days. The city has carefully 2 co n sid e re d the sa fety of th o se att e n d in g eve nts a n d h a s w o rke d clo se ly w ith e ve n t fa cilitie s. P le a se visit www .m ia m ib e a ch .g o v/co ro n a viru s to se e a n up d a te d lis t o f ve n u e s a n d e ve n ts tha t ha ve be e n ca n ce lle d o r po stp o n e d . 6. Tourism Industry • Additionally, as tourism is a major part of the Miami Beach community, the city is working closely with local agencies and a COVID-19 response meeting was held on March 9, 2020 in conjunction with the Greater Miami and the Beaches Hotel Association and the Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau (GMCVB) at the Miami Beach Convention Center, inviting our hotel and restaurant facility managers, representatives from the Miami International Airport and Florida Department of Health (FDOH). The meeting consisted of CDC updates, facility protocols and best practices for ensuring optimal sanitary conditions as well as industry impacts. The Mayor and City Manager also presented information on behalf of the City. 7. Workplace Safety • • • • Issued a COVID-19 Employee Policy (3/10) to prevent virus spread and continuity of city services, including encouraging employees to stay home if sick, self- quarantine if exposed, suspending business travel, monitoring non-business- related travel, and providing guidelines for sick leave. As much as possible, employees will be using technology to facilitate meetings. Providing sanitation and personal protective equipment. Met with all Department Directors to review preparedness and workplace policies (3/1 O). The Miami Beach Police Department is modifying patrol tactics to maintain public safety while ensuring officer safety. 8. City Facilities and Operations • • • City facilities and public spaces are being thoroughly cleaned, including youth centers and beachfront restrooms. This includes the daily effort of wiping down every touch surface such as door handles, elevator push buttons, handrails and recreation equipment. Cleaning contractors are also providing additional training to staff to ensure proper cleaning techniques are utilized. Hand sanitizer stations are being installed throughout all city facilities. The city ordered 20,000 sanitizer bottles that will be arriving in two shipments - the first arriving on March 19th. Cultural facilities such as the Bass Museum, Wolfsonian-FIU and Botanical Gardens will remain open, but will not be holding events. Please visit www.miamibeach.gov/coronavirus to see an updated list of venues and events have been cancelled or postponed. In the spirit of implementing social distancing, the city has also encouraged all Miami Beach Homeowner Associations not to hold in-person meetings. City staff will be available telephonically or over email to answer any questions. Resident advisory committee meetings will either be postponed or held telephonically. 9. Parks and After School Services • The city suspended parks and recreation activities and gatherings for at risk residents like the elderly and special needs individuals. • Recreation staff is encouraging kids to wash their hands frequently. If a child presents him/herself sick, the child is removed from the group, and parents are contacted immediately to pick up the child. Hand sanitizers also continue to be at every point of entry at our youth centers. 3 • P le a s e v is it www .m ia m ib e a c h .g o v /c o ro n a v iru s fo r a n u p -to -d a te lis tin g o f c a n c e ll e d a n d p o s tp o n e d e v e n ts a n d a c tiv itie s . 10. Public Transportation City of Miami Beach trolleys are operated by Limousines of South Florida (LSF). In addition to standard daily cleaning practices, LSF is increasing the frequency of cleaning to help protect passengers from the spread of COVID-19. In particular, "high touch" areas, including buttons, handholds, pull cords, and rails are being cleaned more frequently. On Friday, March 13, LSF will deploy a dedicated sanitation van and personnel to sanitize all trolley vehicles during the mid-day shift change, seven days a week. Personnel is performing a "deep cleaning" of every Miami Beach trolley vehicle using industrial grade CDC-approved sanitizing products. Availability of hand sanitizing gels and wipes is limited, however trolleys are equipped with them when possible. The city is in the process of hiring temporary help for continuous cleaning, as procedures are in place for cleaning after each route circuit is completed. 11. Small Business Assistance • • • • Grants and Intergovernmental Affairs is identifying resources that will be forthcoming to assist small businesses affected by the pandemic. They will work with the Economic Development Department to engage in outreach to businesses. 12. Funding • Grants and Intergovernmental Affairs is monitoring state and federal funding for COVID-19. Letters have been prepared for Senator Marco Rubio, Senator Rick Scott and Congresswoman Donna Shalala requesting immediate funds to ensure an effective response to COVID-19 and the continued safety of our residents and tourists. Please note that we have all been through many trying times including hurricanes, Zika, building collapses and this is no different. This administration is fully prepared to pull the city through this and come out stronger for it. While staff are examining ways to limit exposure including reducing gathering areas and meetings, holding meetings via phone and other ideas, we will be ensuring that city services will be open for residents and businesses. JLM/AK 4 M IA M I BEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT, Tel: 305.673.7575 Tonya Daniels, E-mail: tonyadaniels@miamibeachfl.gov Melissa Berthier, E-mail: melissaberthier@miamibeachfl.gov PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 12, 2020 Miami Beach City Manager Signs State of Emergency Declaration --In Response to COV/D-19- Miami Beach, FL- In response to the World Health Organization classifying the coronavirus outbreak as a pandemic along with emergency declarations from both Governor Ron Desantis and County Mayor Carlos Gimenez, the Miami Beach City Manager has signed a State of Emergency - recognizing that it's important for everyone do their part to prevent the spread of this virus. "There is not a real playbook for addressing this challenge," said Mayor Dan Gelber. "And for our City - with so many visitors, venues and gatherings - it is particularly daunting. But panic is not part of our playbook. We will take actions that are grounded in the best information available. The Manager's emergency declaration makes sense so that we can have all the tools available to diminish the risk. We all appreciate the substantial economic impact this will have on our hospitality industry, but curtailing large gatherings and crowds is necessary at this time." As a result of the city declaration, the municipality will refrain from issuing special event permits for gatherings of 250 or more people for the next 30 days. The city is cancelling or postponing all public events, including the spring break beachfront activation, Culture Crawl, and the AOL No Place for Hate gathering. For a full list of impacted events, please visit www.MiamiBeachFl.gov/coronavirus. Additionally, the following public cultural facilities are closed starting tomorrow until further notice: Fillmore Miami Beach at Jackie Gleason, Colony Theatre, North Beach Bandshell and the Jewish Museum of Florida-FILI. The Bass, Wolfsonian-FIU and Botanical Gardens will remain open, but all of their events are canceled In the spirit of implementing social distancing, the city has also encouraged all Miami Beach Homeowner Associations not to hold in-person meetings. City staff will be available telephonically or over email to answer any questions. Resident advisory committee meetings will either be postponed or held telephonically. The above measures are consistent with the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) community mitigation guiding principles, which is a set of actions to help slow the spread of virus infections. The City Manager's State of Emergency emphasizes individual responsibility at the personal level, empowers business and community organizations to follow suit, and provides special attention and services to vulnerable populations that are at an increased risk of severe illness. We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropico/, historic community. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH D ECLARATION OF A STATE OF EMERGENCY WHEREAS, the Coronavirus Disease 2019 ("COVID-19") is a severe and acute respiratory illness that can spread amongst persons by respiratory transmission and presents with symptoms similar to those of influenza; and WHEREAS, in late 2019, a new and significant outbreak of COVID-19 emerged in China; and WHEREAS, shortly after the initial COVID-19 outbreak, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention ("CDC") deemed it necessary to prohibit or restrict any non- essential travel to or from various countries (including China, Iran, Italy and South Korea), and advised older travelers and those with chronic medical conditions to avoid nonessential travel to Japan. Moreover, the CDC issued an advisory that all travelers exercise enhanced precautions when travelling; and WHEREAS, equally important, the World Health Organization ("WHO") has declared COVID-19 to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern and, on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, the WHO declared the rapidly spreading COVID-19 disease a worldwide pandemic, which will likely spread to all countries around the World; and WHEREAS, Florida Governor Ron Desantis ("Governor DeSantis") issued an Executive Order on March 1, 2020 directing the Surgeon General of the State of Florida to issue a public health emergency and, in response to the pandemic outbreak of COVID-19, Governor Desantis declared a State of Emergency on March 9, 2020 based upon its impact to the State of Florida (See Florida's State of Emergency, attached and incorporated as Exhibit "A" hereto); and WHEREAS, Florida state health officials confirmed three (3) new cases of COVID-19 in Florida on March 11, 2020, including the first confirmed case in Miami- Dade County, a 56-year-old man who tested positive and had traveled recently; and WHEREAS, the total number of known COVID-19 cases in Florida cases currently stands at twenty-six (26), of which twenty-three (23) such persons are Florida residents; and D e c la ra tio n o f a S ta te o f E m e rg e n cy M ar ch 12 , 2 0 2 0 P a g e 2 o f 4 WHEREAS, in direct response to the first confirmed case of COVID-19 in Miami- Dade County on March 11, 2020, Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos Gimenez ("Mayor Gimenez") declared a State of Emergency for Miami-Dade County, and, subsequently suspended the operation of the Miami-Dade County Youth Fair, the Miami Open tennis tournament, the MIA 5K run, and all major events at the American Airlines Arena; and WHEREAS, COVID-19 has impacted one-hundred fourteen (114) countries around the globe, and these countries have reported that 118,000 individuals have contracted COVID-19, with nearly 4,300 people having died from this disease; and WHEREAS, in the United States alone, over one-thousand (1,000) cases of COVID-19 have been diagnosed, and twenty-nine (29) people have died from the disease and, President Donald J. Trump signed a Presidential Proclamation on March 11, 2020, suspending the entry of most foreign nationals who have been in certain European countries at any point during the fourteen (14) days prior to their scheduled arrival to the United States. These countries, known as the Sehengen Area, include: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland. 1. NOW, THEREFORE, I, JIMMY L. MORALES, as City Manager for the City of Miami Beach, Florida, pursuant to the authority vested in me under Section 26-31 of the City of Miami Beach Code of Laws and Ordinances (the City Code"), have determined that there is reason to believe that there exists a clear and present danger of a riot or other general public disorder, widespread disobedience of the law, and substantial injury to persons or to property, all of which constitute an imminent threat to public peace or order, and to the general welfare of the City of Miami Beach, based upon the COVID- 19 pandemic. Accordingly, it is necessary and appropriate to take action to ensure that COVID-19 remains controlled, and that residents and visitors in the City of Miami Beach remain safe and secure. The CDC has recommended mitigation measures in communities with COVID-19 cases, which include staying at home when sick, keeping away from others who are sick, and staying at home when a household member is sick with respiratory disease symptoms, or if instructed to do so by public health officials or a health care provider. Moving forward during this time, the City will continue to monitor what the World 1 However, such restriction does not apply certain groups of persons who are identified in the Proclamation. D e c la ra tio n o f a S ta te o f E m e rg e n c y M ar ch 12, 2 0 2 0 P a g e 3 o f 4 Health Organization has determined to be a global pandemic, and the City will constantly evaluate planned mass gatherings as the situation continues to develop and evolve. In order to ensure that COVID-19 remains controlled and to protect the public health, safety and welfare of the residents and visitors of the City of Miami Beach, this immediate action is NECESSARY. AS SUCH, I HEREBY declare a State of Emergency throughout the territorial jurisdiction of the City of Miami Beach, and will be ORDERING and PROMULGATING the following emergency measures, which will be reasonably and necessarily implemented in response to this State of Emergency: 1. The establishment of curfews, including but not limited to the prohibition of or restrictions on pedestrian and vehicular movement, standing and parking, except for the provision of designated essential services such as fire, police and hospital services, including the transportation of patients thereto, utility emergency repairs, and emergency calls by physicians. 2. The prohibition of the sale or distribution of any alcoholic beverage, with or without the payment or a consideration therefore. 3. The prohibition of the possession on any person in a public place of any portable container containing any alcoholic beverage. 4. The closing of places of public assemblage with designated exceptions. 5. The prohibition of the sale or other transfer of possession, with or without consideration, of gasoline or any other flammable or combustible liquid altogether or except by delivery into a tank properly affixed to an operable motor-driven vehicle, bike, scooter, boat or airplane and necessary for the propulsion thereof. 6. The prohibition of the possession in a public place of any portable container containing gasoline or any other flammable or combustible liquid. THE EMERGENCY MEASURES THAT WILL BE REASONABLY ORDERED AND PROMULGATED HEREIN WILL BE EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY, AND SHALL BE EFFECTIVE FOR A PERIOD OF 72 CONSECUTIVE HOURS OF THE DECLARED STATE OF EMERGENCY THROUGHOUT THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, UNLESS EXTENDED BY THE MIAMI BEACH CITY COMMISSION BY DUL Y ENACTED RESOLUTION IN REGULAR OR SPECIAL SESSION. D e claratio n of a S tate of E m e rge ncy M a rch 12 , 20 2 0 Pa g e 4 of 4 Any violation of these emergency measures shall subject the individual to arrest and criminal prosecution pursuant to Section 26-36 and Section 1-14 of the City Code. CITY OF MIAMI ACH, FLORIDA orales, City Manager ae' 3/1z[zozo Tim e: h·Hd1o. ler k S T A T E O F F L O R I D A OFFICE OF THE GOVERN OR EXECUTIVE ORD ER NUM BER 20-52 (Emergency Management - COVID-19 Public Health Emergency) WHEREAS, Novel Corona virus Disease 20 l 9 (COVID-I9) is a severe acute respiratory illness that can spread among humans through respiratory transmission and presents with symptoms similar to those of influenza; and WHEREAS, in late 2019, a new and significant outbreak ofCOVID-19 emerged in China; and WHEREAS, the World Health Organization previously declared COVID-19 a Public Health Emergency of International Concern; and WHEREAS, in response to the recent COVID-19 outbreak in China, Iran, Italy, Japan and South Korea, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC") has deemed it necessary to prohibit or restrict non-essential travel to or from those countries; and WHEREAS, on March I, 2020, I issued Executive Order number 20-51 directing the Florida Department of Health to issue a Public Health Emergency; and WHEREAS, on March 1, 2020, the State Surgeon General and State Health Officer declared a Public Health Emergency exists in the State of Florida as a result of COVID-19; and WHEREAS, on March 7, 2020, I directed the Director of the Division of Emergency Management to activate the State Emergency Operations Center to Level 2 to provide coordination and response to the COVID-19 emergency; and WHEREAS, as of March 9, 2020, eight counties in Florida have positive cases for COVID-19, and COVID-19 poses a risk to the entire state of Florida; and EXHIBIT "A" W H E R E A S , the CDC currently recommends community preparedness and everyday prevention measures be taken by all individuals and families in the United States, including voluntary home isolation when individuals are sick with respiratory symptoms, covering coughs and sneezes with a tissue and disposal of the tissue immediately thereafter, washing hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, using of alcohol-based hand sanitizers with 60%-95% alcohol if soap and water are not readily available and routinely cleaning frequently touched surfaces and objects to increase community resilience and readiness for responding to an outbreak; and WHEREAS, the CDC currently recommends mitigation measures for communities experiencing an outbreak including staying at home when sick, keeping away from others who are sick, limiting face-to-face contact with others as much as possible, consulting with your healthcare provider if individuals or members of a household are at high risk for COVID-19 complications, wearing a facemask if advised to do so by a healthcare provider or by a public health official, staying home when a household member is sick with respiratory disease symptoms if instructed to do so by public health officials or a health care provider; and WHEREAS, as Governor, I am responsible for meeting the dangers presented to this state and its people by this emergency. NOW, THEREFORE, I, RON DESANTIS, as Governor of Florida, by virtue of the authority vested in me by Article IV, Section (l)(a) of the Florida Constitution, Chapter 252, Florida Statutes, and all other applicable laws, promulgate the following Executive Order to take immediate effect: Section 1. Because of the foregoing conditions, I declare a state of emergency exists in the State of Florida. 2 S e c tio n 2 . I d e s ig n a t e th e D ir e c to r o f th e D iv is io n o f E m e r g e n c y M an a g e m e n t ("D ir e c to r") a s th e S t a t e C o o r d in a tin g O ffi c e r fo r th e d u ra tio n o f th is e m e r g e n c y a n d d ire c t h im to e x e c u te th e S t a t e 's C o m p r e h e n s iv e E m e r g e n c y M a n a g e m e n t P la n a n d o th e r r e s p o n s e , r e c o v e ry , a n d m itig a tio n p la n s n e c e s s a ry to c o p e w it h th e e m e r g e n c y . A d d iti o n a ll y , I d e s ig n a te th e S t a te H e a lt h O ffi c e r a n d S ur g e o n G e n e ra l a s a D ep u t y S t a te C o o r d i n a tin g O ffi c e r a n d S ta te In c id e n t C o m m a n d e r. P u r s u an t to s e c t io n 2 5 2.3 6(1 a ), F lor i d a S t a t u t e s , I d e le g a te to th e S t a te C o o r d in a tin g O ffi c e r th e a u t h o ri t y to e x e r c is e th o s e p o w e r s d e lin e a te d in s e c tio n s 2 5 2.3 6 (5 )-(1 0 ), Fl or i d a S t a tu te s , w h ic h h e s h a ll e x e r c is e a s n e e d e d to m e e t th is e m e r g e n c y , s u bj e c t to th e lim it a tio n s o f s e ct io n 2 5 2 .3 3 , Fl o ri d a S ta t u t e s . In e x e r c is in g th e p o w e r s d e le g a te d b y th is O r d e r , th e S ta te C o o r d in a t in g O ffi c e r s h a ll c o n fe r w it h th e G o v e rn o r to th e fu ll e s t e x t e n t p ra c tic a b le . Th e S ta te C o o r d in a tin g O ffi c e r s h a ll a ls o h a v e th e au th o ri t y to : A . S e e k d ir e c t a s s is t a n c e a n d e n te r in to a gr e e m e n ts w ith a n y a n d a ll a g e n c ie s o f th e U n it e d S t a te s G o v e rnm e n t a s m a y b e n e e d e d to m e e t th e e m e r g e n c y . B. Designate additional Deputy State Coordinating Officers, as necessary. C. Suspend the effect of any statute, rule, or order that would in any way prevent, hinder. or delay any mitigation, response, or recovery action necessary to cope with this emergency. D. Enter orders as may be needed to implement any of the foregoing powers; however, the requirements of sections 252.46 and 120.54( 4 ), Florida Statutes, do not apply to any such orders issued by the State Coordinating Officer; however, no such order shall remain in effect beyond the expiration of this Executive Order, to include any extension. Section 3. I order the Adjutant General to activate the Florida National Guard, as needed, to deal with this emergency. 3 Section 4. I fi nd that th e special duties and responsib ilities resting upon som e State, regional, and local agencies and other govem m ental bodies in re sponding to th e em ergency m ay require them to suspend the application of the statu tes, ru les, ordin ances, and orders they adm inister. T herefo re, r issue the following authorizations: A. Pursuant to section 252.36(1)a), Florida Statutes, the Executive Office of the Governor may suspend all statutes and rules affecting budgeting to the extent necessary to provide budget authority for state agencies to cope with this emergency. The requirements of sections 252.46 and 120.54( 4 ), Florida Statutes, do not apply to any such suspension issued by the Executive Office of the Governor; however, no such suspension shall remain in effect beyond the expiration of this Executive Order, to include any extension. B. Each State agency may suspend the provisions of any regulatory statute prescribing the procedures for conduct of state business or the orders or rules of that agency, if strict compliance with the provisions of any such statute, order, or rule would in any way prevent, hinder, or delay necessary action in coping with the emergency. This includes, but is not limited to, the authority to suspend any and all statutes, rules, ordinances, or orders which affect leasing, printing, purchasing, travel, and the condition of employment and the compensation of employees. For the purposes of this Executive Order, "necessary action in coping with the emergency" means any emergency mitigation, response, or recovery action: (1) prescribed in the State Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan ("CEMP"); or (2) ordered by the State Coordinating Officer. The requirements of sections 252.46 and 120.54, Florida Statutes, shall not apply to any such suspension issued by a State agency; however, no such suspension shall remain in effect beyond the expiration of this Executive Order, to include any extensions. 4 C. ln accordance with section 465.0275, Florida Statutes, pharmacists may dispense up to a 30-day emergency prescription refill of maintenance medication to persons who reside in an area or county covered under this Executive Order and to emergency personnel who have been activated by their state and local agency but who do not reside in an area or county covered by this Executive Order. D. In accordance with section 252.38, Florida Statutes, each political subdivision within the State of Florida may waive the procedures and formalities otherwise required of the political subdivision by law pertaining to: I) Performance of public work and taking whatever prudent action ts necessary to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of the community; 2) Entering into contracts; however, political subdivisions are cautioned against entering into time and materials contracts without ceiling as defined by 2 CFR 200.3 l 8(j) or cost plus percentage contracts as defined by 2 CFR 200.323(d); 3) Incurring obligations; 4) Employment of permanent and temporary workers; 5) Utilization of volunteer workers; 6) Rental of equipment; 7) Acquisition and distribution, with or without compensation, of supplies, materials, and facilities; and, 8) Appropriation and expenditure of public funds. E. All State agencies responsible for the use of State buildings and facilities may close such buildings and facilities in those portions of the State affected by this emergency, to the extent necessary to meet this emergency. I direct each State agency to report the closure of any State 5 b u ild i n g o r fa c il ity to th e S e c r e ta ry o f th e D e p a rt m e n t o f M a n a g e m e n t S e rv ic e s . U n d e r th e a u t h o ri t y c o n t a in e d in s e c t io n 2 5 2 .3 6 , F lo ri d a S ta tu te s , I d ir e c t e a c h C o u n ty to r e p o rt th e cl o s u r e o f a n y b u ild in g o r fo c i lit y o p e ra t e d o r m a in ta in e d b y th e C o u n ty o r a n y p o litic a l s u b d iv is io n th e r e in to th e S e c r e t a ry o f th e D e p a rt m e n t o f M a n a g em e n t S e rv ic e s . F u rth e rm o r e , I d ir e c t th e S e c r e ta ry o f th e D ep a rtm en t o f M a n a g em en t S er v ic e s to : 1) M ai nt ai n a n a c c u ra t e a n d u p -t o -d a te li s t o f a ll s u c h c lo s u r e s ; a n d , 2 ) P r o vi d e th a t li s t d a ily to th e S t a te C o o r d in a tin g O ffi c e r. S e c t io n 5 . I fi n d th a t th e d e m a n d s p la c e d u p o n th e fu n d s a p p ro p ri a te d to th e a g e n c ie s o f th e S ta te o f F lo ri d a an d to lo c a l a g e n c ie s a r e u nr e a s o n a b ly gr e a t a n d th e fu n d s c u rr e n tl y a v a ila b le m a y b e in a d e q u a te to p a y th e c o s t s o f c o p in g w it h th is em e r g e n c y . In a c c o r d a n c e w ith s e c tio n 2 5 2 .3 7 (2 ), Fl o ri d a S t a tu t e s , I d ir e c t th a t s u ffi c ie n t fu n d s b e m a d e a v a ila b le , a s n e e d e d , b y tr an s fe rri n g a n d e x p e n d in g m o n e y s a p p ro p ri a te d fo r o th e r p u rp o s e s , m o n e y s fr o m u n a p p ro p ri a te d s u rp lu s fu n d s , o r fr o m th e B u d g e t S t a b ili z a tio n F u n d . S e c t io n 6 . A ll S t a t e a g e n c ie s e n te ri n g e m e r g e n c y fi n a l o r d e r s o r o th e r fi n a l a c ti o n s in r e s p o n s e to th is e m e r g e n c y s h a ll a d v is e th e S ta te C o o r d in a tin g O ffi c e r c o n te m p o ra n e o u s ly o r a s s o o n a s p ra c tic a b le . S e c t io n 7 . M e d ic a l p r o fe s s io n a ls a n d w o r k e r s , s o c ia l w o r k e r s , a n d c o u n s e lo r s w ith g o o d a n d v a lí d p ro fe s s io n a l lic e n s e s is s u e d b y s ta te s o th e r th a n th e S t a te o f Fl o ri d a m a y r e n d e r s u c h s e rv ic e s in Fl o ri d a d u ri n g th i s e m e r g e n c y fo r p e r s o n s a ffe c te d b y th is e m e r g e n c y w ith th e c o n d i t io n th a t s u c h s e rv ic e s b e r e n d e r e d to s u c h p e r s o n s fr e e o f c h a r g e , a n d w ith th e fu rt h e r c o n d it io n th a t s u c h s e r v ic e s b e r e n d e r e d u n d e r th e a u s p ice s o f th e A m e ri c a n R e d C ro s s o r th e Fl o r id a D e p a rt m e n t o f H e a lt h . 6 Section 8. All activities taken by the Director of the Division of Emergency Management and the State Health Officer and Surgeon General with respect to this emergency before the issuance of this Executive Order are ratified. This Executive Order shall expire sixty days from this date unless extended. ATTEST: IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State of Florida to be affixed, at Tallahassee, this 9th day of March, 29 U n n2 7 Granado, Rafael From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Granado, Rafael Thursday, March 12, 2020 1:18 PM Mayor's Office City Manager's Office; City Manager's Office; City Attorney's Office; Centorino, Joseph; Department Directors; Assistant Department Directors; Division Directors; Assistant Division Directors; Executive Staff; Executive Staff Assistants Request to hold a Special Meeting of the City Commission - March 13 at 1:00 p.m. Scan_Granado, Rafael_13_06_08-12_03_2020 (1).pdf Good afternoon Mayor and Commissioners, Pursuant to Section 2.04 of the City Charter, City Manager Jimmy L. Morales has requested to hold a Special Meeting of the City Commission for tomorrow, Friday, M arch 13, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. to discuss the COVID-19 virus and the potential impact on our City. Attached please see the Manager's Memorandum. SUMMARY Date: Time: Location: Subject: March 13, 2020 1:00 p.m. City Hall, 3" Floor Commission Chamber COVID-19 Virus and Potential Impact to the City of Miami Beach Regards, MIAMI BEACH Rafael E. Granado, Esq., City Clerk OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139 Tel: 305.673.7411 rafaelgranado@miamibeachfl.gov We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. 1 C it y o f M ia m i B e a c h , 17 0 0 C o n v e n t io n C e n t e r D r iv e , M ia m i B e a c h , F lo r id a 3 3 1 3 9 , www .mi am i be a ch fl.g o v MEMORANDUM TO: All City of Miami Beach Employees FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: March 10, 2020 RE: Coronavirus-COVID-19 Employee Advisory The purpose of this memorandum is to communicate information to City employees related to COVID-19. More importantly, we want to minimize the threat of COVID-19 exposure while at work. It is crucial that the entire workforce take precautionary measures and remain aware of any and all developments related to the virus, its current transmission, and the effect to our work environment. Additional advisories will be provided as the situation changes. H ig h lig hts o f this A dv is ory If you have flu-like symptoms - coughing, have a fever or shortness of breath - STAY HOME. All travel for City business is hereby cancelled until further notice. Exceptions must be approved by the City Manager. If you are planning personal travel outside the State of Florida, especially to high risk areas, carefully consider that decision. While the City cannot restrict your personal travel, we are requiring advance notification of your travel to Human Resources. We may restrict your return to work if you display symptoms or have traveled to a high-risk location to protect our workplace and customers. You will be required to use your own sick leave while in self- or imposed quarantine. However, if you have followed the directives of the CDC, FDOH, and the City, including not traveling as of the date of this memo to areas designated as "Level 3" and "Level 2" areas, we will provide special administrative leave (not charged to your personal leave) if you test positive for COVID-19 until you are released by your physician. R e p o rt su sp e cte d o r co n firm e d e xp o su re to C O V ID -19 to H u m a n R e so u rce s-R isk M a n a g e m e n t before you report to work at 305-673-7524 during the workday or at 305- 389-7132 afterhours and weekends. You may also email HRER@miamibeachfl.gov. Furthermore, you should immediately call the Florida Department of Health at 305-324- 2400. Any work from home arrangements, if applicable, must be discussed with Human Resources and approved by the City Manager. What is Coronavirus? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ("CDC"), Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are common in people and many different species of animals, including camels, cattle, cats, and bats. The disease it causes is called COVID-19. The complete clinical picture about COVID-19 is not fully understood. Reported illnesses have ranged from mild to severe, including illness resulting in death. While information so far suggests that most COVID-19 illness is mild, a report out of China suggests serious illness occurs in 16% of cases. Older people and people with certain underlying health conditions like heart disease, lung disease and diabetes, for example, seem to be at greater risk of serious illness. For additional information please visit one of the websites at the bottom of this advisory. Disclose Exposure Report suspected or confirmed exposure to COVID-19 to Human Resources-Risk Management before you report to work at 305-673-7524 during the workday or at 305- 389-7132 afterhours and weekends. You may also email HRER@miamibeachfl.gov. Furthermore, you should immediately call the Florida Department of Health at 305-324- 2400. City Business Travel Advisory All travel for City business is hereby cancelled until further notice. Exceptions must be approved by the City Manager. 2 Personal Travel Advisory Employees who plan to travel must check the CDC website under Travelers' Health (https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/) for guidance and to identify which countries or regions are classified as "Level 3" or "Level 2" areas. The CDC recommends that all nonessential travel to these countries or regions be avoided. This warning indicates that the outbreak is of high risk to travelers and no precautions are available to protect against the identified increased risk. City employees who have traveled to China, Italy, Iran and South Korea, or to any additional "Level 3" designated area within the last 14 days (or since February 20, 2020) must contact Human Resources-Risk Management immediately at 305-673-7524 or email HRER@miamibeachfl.gov. Additionally, employees who have traveled to a "Level 2" designated area such as Japan, or on a cruise ship, or to Port Everglades in Fort Lauderdale, must also notify Human Resources-Risk Management. Per CDC and the Florida Department of Health ("FDOH") guidelines, individuals returning from these areas who have no flu-like symptoms must stay home and monitor their health for fourteen (14) days after returning. During their self-quarantine period, employees will use their sick or other earned personal leave for their regular schedule and will not be penalized for so doing. An employee under self- or imposed quarantine may request through their Department Director to work from home. A determination will be made after recommendation from Human Resources AND only if approved at the sole discretion of the City Manager. All leave requests for personal domestic travel out of the State of Florida shall be provided to the Human Resources Department via email at HRER@miamibeachfl.gov for tracking purposes. At this time, the City will not deny leave based on location of travel, but could restrict your return to the workplace to protect the health and safety of the City's workforce if an area to which you have traveled becomes classified as a "Level 3" or "Level 2" area, or if you are exhibiting any symptoms of the COVID-19. Should a significant outbreak occur in a location in which you have traveled, then you may be subject to additional restrictions guided by this policy, by health officials, and by health advisories. Please review the CDC's Frequently Asked Questions and Answers at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/travelers/faqs. html. Symptoms and Use of Sick Leave If an employee has flu-like symptoms (fever, cough, difficulty breathing and/or severe illness}, the employee must seek medical care as soon as possible and follow medical instructions. Employees who believe they may have been exposed to COVID-19, should call the FDOH at 305-324-2400 prior to traveling to any medical office or facility. 3 D u r in g t h e t im e t h a t a n e m p lo y e e f e e ls s ic k , is o b t a in in g a te s t , a n d is w a it in g fo r te s t r e s u lt s , e m p lo y e e s w ill u s e t h e ir o w n s ic k o r o t h e r p e r s o n a l le a v e . E m p lo y e e s s h o u ld a ls o fo ll o w t h e C it y 's F M L p ro c e d u r e s b y c e rt if y in g th e a b s e n c e th ro u g h U N U M b y c al lin g 8 7 7 -2 1 7 -5 4 9 5 . Em pl o y e e s s h a ll c o n t in u e to fo ll o w d e p a rt m e n t a l c a ll -o u t p ro c e d u r e s . If a n e m p lo y e e is in s tr u c te d b y th e ir d o c to r to s ta y h o m e to m o n ito r th e ir h e a lth , th e e m p lo y e e m u s t c o n t a c t H u m a n R e s o u r c e s -R is k M a n a g e m e n t im m e d ia te ly a t 3 0 5 -6 7 3 - 7 5 2 4 o r e m a il H R E R @m i a mi be a ch fl .g o v. D ur i n g th e ir s e lf - o r im p o s e d q u a r a n tin e p e r io d , e m p lo y e e s w ill u s e th e ir s ic k o r o t h e r e a rn e d p e r s o n a l le a v e fo r th e ir re g u la r s c h e d u le a n d w ill n o t b e p e n a liz e d fo r s o d o in g . A n e m p lo y e e u n d e r s e lf - o r im p o s e d q u a r a n t in e m a y r e q u e s t th r o u g h th e ir D e p a rt m e n t D ir e c t o r to w o r k fr o m h o m e . A d e t e r m in a t io n w ill b e m a d e a ft e r re c o m m e n d a tio n fr o m H u m a n R e s o u r c e s AND only if approved at the sole discretion of the City Manager. Upon a confirmed diagnosis with a positive test for COVID-19, and if you have followed the directives of the CDC, FDOH, and the City, including not traveling as of the date of this memo to areas designated as "Level 3" and "Level 2" areas, an employee may be provided with special administrative leave through the date the treating physician certifies that the employee has tested negative for COVID-19 and is able to return to work. H e lpfu l P re c a utions The helpful precautions outlined below apply in these current conditions as well as during any cold or flu season. Taking steps toward prevention is key. This includes: • Stay home if you have flu-like symtoms in order not to cause the spread of any virus to your coworkers or to the greater community. A manager has the right to send an employee home if they are exhibiting symptoms and may be contagious. Departmental call-out procedures apply. • Do not hesitate to seek guidance from your healthcare provider if you are feeling ill. Employees enrolled in the City's health insurance plans through Cigna have access to telemedicine services. Take steps today to connect through myCigna.com; information about how to register is found in the enclosed flyer. • Prepare in advance with supplies such as tissues, hand soap, hand sanitizer containing more than 60% alcohol, and relief medication. Your FSA funds, if 4 yo u pa rt icip a te , are a g re a t re so u rce to he lp yo u in p re p a rin g fo r th e co ld a n d flu se a so n . • M a ke pla n s no w to ad d re ss ho w yo u a n d yo u r fa m ily w ill d e a l w ith th e po te n tia l th a t sch o o l(s) o r d a yca re fa cilitie s co u ld cl o se . T h e O ccu p a tio n a l H e a lth a n d S a fe ty A d m in istra tio n (O S H A ) g e n e ra l g u id a n c e fo r a ll U .S . w o rke rs a n d e m p lo ye e s fo r co n tro l a n d p re ve n tio n o f illn e ss in cl u d e : • Fre q u e n tly w a sh yo u r ha n d s w ith so a p a n d w a te r fo r a t le a st 2 0 se co n d s . W h e n so a p a n d ru n n in g w a te r a re un a va ila b le , use an a lco h o l-b a se d ha n d sa n itize r w ith at le a st 6 0 % a lco h o l. A lw a ys w a sh ha n d s th a t a re visib ly so ile d . • A vo id to u ch in g yo u r e ye s, no se , o r m o u th w ith un w a sh e d ha n d s . • A vo id cl o se co n ta ct w ith pe o p le w h o a re sic k. Useful Websites for More Information CDC's Coronavirus Website: www.coronavirus.gov World Health Organization Coronavirus Website: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019 Florida Dept. of Health: http://www.floridahealth.gov/diseases-and-conditions/COVID-19/ CDC Travel Advisories: https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/ CDC's Frequently Asked Questions and Answers: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019- no/travelers/fags. html Health Insurance Information and telehealth registration - myCigna_com cc: City Commission 5 M IA M I BEACH EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COVID-19 - SITUATION REPORT #1 2/28/2020 1100 HOURS City of Miami Beach Miami-Dade County State of Florida EOC Activation Level EOC Activation Level EOC Activation Level Level Ill (3) Monitoring Level Ill (3) Monitoring Level Ill (3) Monitoring CURRENT SITUATION SUMMARY Miami Beach Emergency Management is actively monitoring the development of the current respiratory virus known as COVID-19, a form of Coronavirus. There are no known or reported cases of the virus in the City of Miami Beach, Miami Dade County, or the State of Florida. All measures up to this point are precautionary and educational in nature as there is no threat to Miami Beach residents, businesses or visitors. Emergency Management has been working in conjunction with Fire EMS, MBPD, Mount Sinai Medical Center Epidemiology and Infectious Disease Working Group and the Miami-Dade County Office of Emergency Management, as well as with other local fire departments. The City Manager's Office, Department of Marketing and Communications, Fire EMS, and DEM are in continuous communication and have established both internal and external messaging parameters. Pandemic planning and an SOP specific to COVID-19 response are in place. All protective actions, educational material, and guidelines must be in strict compliance with CDC guidelines. WORLD HEAL TH ORGANIZATION {WHO) UPDATES On December 31, 2019, China alerted WHO to several cases of an unusual respiratory illness in the port city of Wuhan. By January 5, 2020, it was determined that this illness was not a recurrence of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), but was a novel (new) virus. On January 7, officials identified novel virus 2019-nCoV, which was later named COVID-19. WHO releases regular updates on their website. UNITED STATES Imported cases of COVID-19 in travelers were detected in the United States. Person-to- person spread of COVID-19 also has been seen among close contacts of returned travelers from China, but at this time, NO confirmed community spreading has been identified in the United States. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is closely monitoring the COVID- 19 outbreak in the United States and is the source of accurate information on the situation in this country. Page 1 of 4 MIAMI BEACH EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COVID-19 - SITUATION REPORT #1 2/28/2020 1100 HOURS STATE OF FLORIDA No cases have been reported in Florida to date. Florida Department of Health (FDOH) will post information on their website if any suspected cases are investigated, confirmed, contained and reported. MIAMI DADE COUNTY Miami-Dade County released a COVID-19 briefing with information about actions being taken by municipalities, large institutions such as hospitals and universities, and County departments. The Miami-Dade Office of Emergency Management and the Miami-Dade County Office of the Florida Department of Health have established lines of communication with these entities, in order to assure accurate dissemination of information. There are NO reported cases of COVID-19 in Miami-Dade County. MIAMI BEACH No cases have been reported in the City of Miami Beach. The Public Safety Communications Division (PSCD) (911) HAS NOT received any calls related to confirmed cases of COVID-19. Information that is disseminated through the City of Miami Beach, whether internally or to the public, will only be through the Marketing and Communications Department, with guidance and approval of ACM Alina Hudak and DEM. • ACM Alina Tejeda Hudak is the point person for all issues and activities related to COVID-19 in Miami Beach. • DEM, EMS and Public Safety Communications developed a Response and Communications Plan. • Fire EMS has an SOP in place for patient interaction. • EMS and DEM continue to meet with Mount Sinai Medical Center Epidemiology Working Group to coordinate procedures for patient hand-off. • Human Resources Risk Management disseminated flyers with CDC information to all department heads. • Miami Beach Police are purchasing masks and hand sanitizer for all patrol units and are being briefed on the EMS SOPs. • Communications and Marketing continue to provide messaging for the public. • Human Resources/Risk Management provided information from our health insurance carrier to City employees, distributed via email. • Recommendations were made to increase janitorial environmental cleaning at Miami Beach Convention Center, utilizing common sense protocols to avoid spread of contagious diseases. Page 2 of 4 MIAMI BEACH EM ERG EN C Y M A NAGEMENT COVID-19 - SITUATION REPORT #1 2/28/2020 1100 HOURS SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS For confirmed Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases, reported illnesses have ranged from mild symptoms to severe illness. The symptoms are similar to the cold and flu. A person exhibiting these signs and symptoms does not mean they are suspect for Coronayirus, but they should seek medical assistance. • Fever • Cough • Shortness of breath When signs and symptoms are presented, it is important to gather pertinent information, specifically: 1) Has recent travel involved visits to high risk countries (example China, North Korea, Iran); 2) Has patient had exposure to a confirmed or suspected patient; Confirmation can only be obtained through LABORA TORY testing The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) believes at this time that symptoms of COVID-19 may appear in as few as 2 days or as many as 14 days after exposure. This is based on what has been seen previously as the incubation period. PREVENTION There is currently no vaccine to prevent Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The best way to prevent illness is to take the same recommended measures to avoid exposure to the flu or common cold. CDC always recommends everyday preventive actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases, including: • Avoid close contact with people who are sick. • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. • Stay home when you are sick. • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash. • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe. • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. • If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty. Page 3 of 4 MIAMI BEACH EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COVID-19 - SITUATION REPOR T #1 2/28/2020 1100 HOURS RECOMMENDATIONS FOR DEPARTMENT DIRECTORS Openly communicate with department employees. The ability to discuss and help educate is our first line of defense. Standard Practice for Prevention of Flu and Common Cold • Employees who have symptoms of acute respiratory illness must notify their supervisor if they are sick and are recommended to remain home and not report to work until: o They are free of fever (100.4º F [37.8º C]). o They are free of signs of any other symptoms for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing or other symptom-altering medicines (e.g. cough suppressants). • Ensure flu-prevention supplies are available in your department. Have supplies on hand for workers, such as soap, hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol, tissues, trash baskets. • Perform routine environmental cleaning: Routinely clean all frequently touched surfaces in the workplace, such as workstations, countertops, and doorknobs. Use the cleaning agents that are usually used in these areas and follow the directions on the label. • Prevent the dissemination of information that has not been vetted by Emergency Management. • Ensure employee access to education and prevention documents. Posters are available and can be obtained by contacting the Marketing and Communications Officer at 305-673-7575. Misinformation leads to unwarranted concern and fear. Avoid the rumor mill. It is important to stress that there is no known threat to our residents or Miami Dade County. The need for concise validated information is paramount. All information regarding this issue will be coordinated through Marketing and Communications to ensure the information is consistent with CDC data. The situation continues to develop. DEM will continue to monitor and provide information as warranted. Approved: SIL Date: 2.28.2020 Page 4 of 4 M IA M I B E A C H EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COVID-19 - SITUATION REPORT #2 3/02/2020 1200 HOURS City of Miami Beach Miami-Dade County State of Florida EOC Activation Level EOC Activation Level EOC Activation Level Level Ill (3) Monitoring Level Ill (3) Monitoring Level Ill (3) Monitoring CURRENT SITUATION SUMMARY M ia m i B e ac h E m e rg e n cy Management continues to monitor the development of the respiratory virus known as COVID-19, a form of coronavirus. T w o "pre su m p tiv e p os itiv e " ca ses o f th e viru s h ave been reported in the Florida counties o f M a n a te e and Hillsborough. This means that local public health laboratories showed p os itiv e re s u lts a n d th ose re s u lts hav e b ee n se n t to C D C fo r confirmation. Governor Ron D es a n tis a s ke d th e S ta te S urg eon G e n e ra l to d e c la re a p ub lic hea lth sta te o f e m e rg e n c y . T h e G o v e rn o r w ill h o ld a p re ss co n fe re n c e o n th e m a tt e r th is a ft ern oo n a t 14 0 0 hours . A s o f this S itR ep, th er e is no cu rre n t d irect th re a t to M ia m i B eac h re side n ts , b u s in esses o r vis itors. WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO) UPDATES W H O releases re g ula r u p d ate s o n th eir w e bs ite . UNITED STATES T w o d e a th s ha v e resulte d fro m C O V ID -19 . B o th ca ses w e re in th e sta te o f W a s h in g to n. N e w case s h av e e m e rg e d in se v e ra l sta tes a n d th e re is no w con c e rn th a t th e viru s is spre adin g in th e com m unity a n d no t ju st con fi n ed to p a tien ts w ho have traveled to affected a re as . T h e C en te rs fo r D isease Control and Prevention (CDC) is closely monitoring the COVID- 19 outbreak in the United States and is the source of accurate information on the situation in this country. Page l of 3 M IA M I B E A C H EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COVID-19 - SITUATION REPO RT #2 3/02/2020 1200 HOURS STATE OF FLORIDA I 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Florida Test Results I 11 I i I Confirmed Presumptive Total Confirmed 8 Positive* Presumptive Positive I Total Cases II o II 2 I 2 As of 3/1/2020 I Number of Pending Testing Results I 8 I Number of Negative Testing Results I 15 A presumptive positive case has tested positive by a public health laboratory and is pending confirmatory testing at CDC The number of people under public health monitoring includes those at risk of having been exposed to novel coronavi rus who are monitoring their health under the supervision of public health officials. This number includes close contacts of laboratory confirmed cases, as well as people who have returned from China in the past 14 days. I Number of People Under Public Health Monitoring 184 Florida Department of Health (FDOH) posts information on their website for cases that are investigated, confirmed, contained and reported. MIAMI DADE COUNTY There are NO reported cases of COVID-19 in Miami-Dade County. MIAMI BEACH No cases have been reported in the City of Miami Beach. City Departments are working together and coordinating with agencies including Miami- Dade County, Mount Sinai Medical Center, GMCVB and GMBHA. Emphasis is on consistency of message and strategy with FDOH and Miami-Dade County. Human Resources is developing messaging for employees with information about preventative and pre-emptive actions. A project string has been created in order to track City expenditures related to prevention and response to possible community spread of virus. Page 2 of 3 M IA M I B E A C H EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COVID-19 - SITUATION REPORT #2 3/02/2020 1200 HOURS Parks and Recreation and other City facilities are posting signage to increase awareness and prevention methods (Handwashing) Marketing and Communications continue messaging to the community via social media and other outlets. Property Management has increased environmental cleaning, using bleach-based products. ("Green" cleaning stipulation in janitorial contracts has been suspended). The City is monitoring actual, perceived and potential economic impacts in connection with travel and conventions. The situation continues to develop. DEM will continue to monitor and provide information as warranted. Approved: Date: 03.02.2020 Page 3 of 3 MIAMI BEACH EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COVID-19 - SITUATION REPOR T #3 3/03/2020 1200 HOURS City of Miami Beach Miami-Dade County State of Florida EOC Activation Level EOC Activation Level EOC Activation Level Level Ill (3) Monitoring Level Ill (3) Monitoring Level Ill (3) Monitoring CURRENT SITUATION SUMMA RY Miami Beach Emergency Management continues to monitor the development of the respiratory virus known as COVID-19, a form of coronavirus. As of this SitRep, there is no current direct threat to Miami Beach residents, businesses or visitors. WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO) UPDATES WHO releases regular updates on their website. UNITED STATES 106 cases of COVID-19 have been reported countrywide. Six deaths have resulted from the virus. All six cases were in the state of Washington. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is closely monitoring the COVID- 19 outbreak in the United States and is the source of accurate information on the situation in this country. Page l of 2 MIAMI BEACH EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COVID-19 - SITUATION REPORT #3 3/03/2020 1200 HOURS STATE OF FLORIDA I 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Florida Test Results I I I Confirmed Presumptive Total Confirmed 8 Positive Presumptive Positive I Total Cases 2 II o I 2 I Number of Pending Testing Results I 8 I Number of Negative Testing Results I 15 I Number of People Under Public Health Monitoring I 184 Florida Department of Health (FDOH) posts information on their website for cases that are investigated, confirmed, contained and reported. MIAMI DADE COUNTY There are NO reported cases of COVI D-19 in Miami-Dade County. MIAMI BEACH No cases have been reported in the City of Miami Beach. City Departments are working together and coordinating with agencies including Miami- Dade County, Mount Sinai Medical Center, GMCVB and GMBHA. The City is monitoring actual, perceived and potential economic impacts in connection with travel and conventions. Human Resources will send out information about preventative and pre-emptive actions for employees. A project string has been created in order to track City expenditures related to prevention and response to possible community spread of virus. The situation continues to develop. DEM will continue to monitor and provide information as warranted. Approved: SHL Date: 03.03.2020 Page 2of2 MIAMI BEACH EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COVID-19 - SITUATION REPORT #4 3/06/2020 1400 HOURS City of Miami Beach Miami-Dade County State of Florida EOC Activation Level EOC Activation Level EOC Activation Level Level Ill (3) Monitoring Level Ill (3) Monitoring Level Ill (3) Monitoring CURRENT SITUATION SUMMARY Miami Beach Emergency Management continues to monitor the development of the respiratory virus known as COVID-19, a form of coronavirus. As of this SitRep, there is no current direct threat to Miami Beach residents, businesses or visitors. The City of Miami Beach has asked residents and businesses north of Lincoln Road, including the Town of Surfside and Bal Harbour Village, to head voluntary water reduction for the next 24 hours in order to reduce the amount of water that enters the wastewater system due to a wastewater force main breakage. Proper hand washing is still top priority. All-Hazard Preparedness is still recommended. This includes 1) Having a Plan; 2) Building a Kit; and, 3) Staying Informed (utilizing trusted sources of information including the CDC and WHO). Hospitals, Fire Departments and other agencies are reporting delays in delivery of personal protective equipment (PPE) and hand sanitizer due to shortages. WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO) UPDATES WHO releases regular updates on their website. Poge l of 3 MIAMI BEACH EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COVID-19 - SITUATION REPORT #4 3/06/2020 1400 HOURS UNITED STATES 245 confirmed cases of COVID-19 have been reported countrywide. Fourteen deaths have resulted from the virus. 13 cases were in the state of Washington and 1 case in California. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is closely monitoring the COVID-19 outbreak in the United States and is the source of accurate information on the situation in this country. The CDC and WHO have shifted their interim guidelines more towards a mitigation role of dealing with the Coronavirus. STATE OF FLORIDA I 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Florida Test Results I I Total Positive Cases of COVID-19 in Florida= 9 I Florida Florida Florida Non-Florida Resident Resident Cases Resident Confirmed Presumptive Repatriated Positive* I Total Cases II 3 II o II 5 II 1 I I Number of Pending Testing Results II 51 I Number of Negative Testing Results II 55 I I Number of People Under Public Health Monitoring I I Currently being monitored II 264 I I People monitored to date II 981 I Florida Department of Health (FDOH) posts information on their website for cases that are investigated, confirmed, contained and reported. A presumptive positive case has tested positive by a public health laboratory and is pending confirmatory testing at CDC Florida Department of Health (FDOH) COVID-19 Call Center number is 866.779.6121 and is available Monday through Friday, 0800 to 2400. Page 2 of 3 M IA M I BEACH EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COVID-19 - SITUATION REPORT #4 3/06/2020 1400 HOURS MIAMI DADE COUNTY There are NO confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Miami-Dade County. Ultra Music Festival is postponed until 2021. Calle Ocho is also postponed. Events that are still planned to take place include Carnaval on the Mile, Miami Youth Fair, and the Miami Open. MIAMI BEACH No cases have been reported in the City of Miami Beach. City Departments are working together and coordinating with agencies including Miami- Dade County, Mount Sinai Medical Center, GMCVB and GMBHA. The City is monitoring actual, perceived and potential economic impacts in connection with travel and conventions. Human Resources will send out information about preventative and pre-emptive actions for employees. 22,000 bottles of hand sanitizer are on order for CMB for distribution to employees, placement in public spaces and on trolleys. Trolley drivers were given CDC information flyers to hand out to riders. Hand sanitizer dispensers have been installed on the trolleys. A project string has been created in order to track City expenditures related to prevention and response to possible community spread of virus. The situation continues to develop. EMS, DEM and Risk Management will continue to monitor and provide information as warranted. OHCS, Fire Prevention, Communications and DEM are working together to distribute information to the vulnerable popul ation. Approved: SHL Date: 03.06.2020 Page 3 of 3 M IA M I BEACH EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COVID-19 - SITUATION REPORT #5 3/09/2020 1800 HOURS City of Miami Beach Miami-Dade County State of Florida EOC Activation Level EOC Activation Level EOC Activation Level Level II (2) Partial Level Ill (3) Monitoring Level II (2) Partial CURRENT SITUATION SUMMA RY • Miami Beach Emergency Management continues to monitor the development of the respiratory virus known as COVID-19, a form of coronavirus. • As of this SitRep, there is no current direct threat to Miami Beach residents, businesses or visitors. • Citywide Conference Calls are being held daily for COVID-19 updates. • The City has created a dedicated page for COVID-19 information. Daily E-Blasts will begin March 9. • All-Hazard Preparedness is still recommended. This includes 1) Haying a Plan; 2) Building a Kit; and, 3) Staying Informed (utilizing trusted sources of information including the CDC and WHO). WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO) UPDATES WHO releases regular updates on their website. Dtsmibonon ot covi-19 ases as o+ 09 Mar+ 2020 é?}}%,%;%%?%% • 1-2 3.10 11- 10o @ 101-500 @ so1-1,000 1,o01-s,00o soo1- 10.00o • > 10,000 Coun try, area or territory with cases Confirmed' cases reported between 13 and19 February 2020 include bot h laboratory-confirmed and dinically diagnosed (only applicable to ub e i province); for all other dates, only labo ratory- confirmed cases are shown. 496 cases are identified on a cruise hip currently in Japanese territorial waters, Domo« o « a,-" ·ère 47". " 'w-- $to ¢ ►~--- u« o.g g" " gt» od g ± h he alb»roe..- ..st Gbr e + f woo Data Source: World Health Organization o Prodvn. wHo Heu» tors·nies Prosrems Nor appel«able dh.peed et.d the f tho eo herd o.po donod g y p d ey pc ht po or ptd th id H r.roe too er owgthigalptgd gy tot herhy,ohyeo±@geht t eo.he il t oh «hoteeh.dar er Dod of dohl lr. rergt pope tr he i hoe heh thrmay met ythhgrwe t UNITED STATES The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is closely monitoring the COVID-19 outbreak in the United States and is the source of accurate information on the situation in this country. • Confirmed Cases of COVID-19 Nationwide= 607 • Total Deaths= 22 (19 in the state of Washington, 1 in California, and 2 in Florida) Page 1 of 4 M IA M I BEACH EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COVID-19 - SITUATION REPORT #5 3/09/2020 1800 HOURS CDC has issued new travel guidelines: Those who traveled to a country with a Level 3 advisory must self-isolate for 14 days. If travel was to a country with a Level 2 advisory or cruise, limit interactions for 14 days & notify your local health department if you become ill. STATE OF FLORIDA I Total Positive Cases of COVID-19 in Florida= 18 I Florida Florida Number of Florida Non-Florida Resident Resident Florida Cases Resident Confirmed Presumptive Resident Repatriated (isolated in Positive* Deaths (isolated in Florida) another state) I Total Cases II 12 II o II 2 II 5 II 1 I I Number of Pending Testing Results II 115 I Number of Negative Testing Results II 140 I I Number of People Under Public Health Monitoring I I Currently being monitored II 302 I I People monitored to date II 1104 I Flo rid a R esid en ts D ia gn o se d in Flo rid a C o u n ty A g e S e x K n o w n H isto ry o f In te rn a tio n a l Travel 1 Manatee 63 Male No 2 Hillsborough 29 Female Yes 3 Santa Rosa 71 Male Yes 4 Broward 75 Male No 5 Broward 65 Male No 6 Lee 77 Female Yes 7 Lee 77 Male Yes 8 Charlotte 54 Female Yes 9 Okaloosa 61 Female Yes 10 Volusia 66 Female Yes 11 Manatee 81 Female Yes 12 Broward 67 Male No See Florida Department of Health (FDOH) website for further information. • FDOH COVID-19 Call Center number is 866.779.6121 and is available 24/7. Page 2 of 4 M IA M I BEACH EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COVID-19 - SITUATION REPORT #5 3/09/2020 1800 HOURS • FDOH is advising all individuals who have traveled internationally to self- isolate for 14 days following their date of return to the United States. • FDOH is advising all individuals who traveled on a river cruise on the Nile River in Egypt in February 2020 to self-isolate for 14 days following their date of return to the United States. MIAMI DADE COUNTY There are NO confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Miami-Dade County. • MD-OEM is participating in weekly conference calls with FDOH leadership, emergency management officials, partner agencies, and the CDC. • An incident Coronavirus 2019" has been created in WebEOC for partner agencies for situational awareness. • Miami Dade Police advised that any quarantines issued will be a self-quarantine, unless an enforcement plan is developed by FDOH. • Miami-Dade DTPW have placed functional wall-mounted/free standing hand sanitizing units throughout Metrorail and Metromover Stations. • Miami-Dade Libraries continues to monitor and follow recommendations to help prevent the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). Additional cleaning efforts are being made and hand sanitizing stations added at entrances and high-traffic locations within library branches. • American Red Cross is able to assist with feeding ( drop-off food at the door) of quarantined individuals, as needed. MIAM I BEACH No cases have been reported in the City of Miami Beach. • Daily conference calls are being held for City's Management Team and Elected Officials. • Finance has issued codes to track all finances related to COVID-19. • EMDs receiving calls for patients suspected of having the Coronavirus, are being directed to process calls using MPDS protocol first then using the Emerging Infectious Disease Surveillance (E.I.D.S) Tool, if indicated. • The Answer Center is documenting calls specific to COVID-19 questions. An Excel form for the daily calls will be uploaded to WebEOC. • Office of Housing and Community Services (OHCS), Fire Prevention, Communications and DEM supported teams that distributed information to the vulnerable elderly population. A few buildings refused door-to-door distribution and instead noted that they would post and distribute information if residents requested it. Full report on WebEOC. • OHCS is looking at alternatives to congregate meal programs. (Note that meal deliveries are not cost effective to switch to. Possibility of offering Publix gift cards) Page 3 of 4 M IA M I BEACH EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COVID-19 - SITUATION REPORT #5 3/09/2020 1800 HOURS • The City is continuing to ensure its youth centers, beachfront restrooms and City facilities are being thoroughly cleaned daily. Hand sanitizers have been placed at every point of entry at the youth centers. • The City has ordered 20,000 sanitizer bottles that will be arriving in two shipments, the first arriving on March 19. • HR and Executive Staff will be analyzing options for employees if needed (i.e. working from home, sick days, etc.). • While the City has not yet cancelled any events, the City is investigating alternatives and options for public meetings, including Commission Meetings. Events for Seniors and children are being considered for postponement. Outreach being done to all special event planners. PRIDE is still set to continue but has installed sanitizer and hand-washing stations. • Miami Beach Convention Center - three events have been postponed or rescheduled. • The City participated in a meeting for the hospitality industry at the Convention Center. City Manager and Assistant City Manager addressed the participants to brief on City actions. • City Departments are coordinating with partner agencies including Miami-Dade County, Mount Sinai Medical Center, GMCVB and GMBHA. • The City is monitoring actual, perceived and potential economic impacts in connection with travel and conventions. Approved: SHL Date: 03.09.2020 Page 4 of 4 M IA M I BEACH EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COVID-19 - SITUATION REPORT #6 3/10/2020 1245 HOURS City of Miami Beach Miami-Dade County State of Florida EOC Activation Level EOC Activation Level EOC Activation Level Level II (2) Partial Level Ill (3) Monitoring Level II (2) Partial CURRENT SITUATION SUMMARY • Miami Beach Emergency Management continues to monitor the development of the respiratory virus known as COVID-19, a form of coronavirus. • As of this SitRep, there is no current direct threat to Miami Beach residents, businesses or visitors. • All City-related travel has been cancelled until further notice or approved by the City Manager. • City-sponsored Senior and at-risk population events have been cancelled. WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO) UPDATES WHO releases regular updates on their website. yd» Dist@bunion or covp-19 cases as of 09 March 2020 «f }l%,%„?} a- 1-2 • 3- 10 e 11- 100 @ 101-500 so1-1,000 1,001 -5,000 s,001-10.00o @.» Country, area or territory with cases Ne lood "Confirmed' coses reported between 13 and19 February 2020 include both laboratory -confirmed and dinically diagnosed (only applicable to Hubei province); for all other dates, only laboratory- confirmed cases are shown. 696 cases are identified on a cruise ship currently in Japanese territorial waters. 3 e -· r; a«« sot tui ... ,....,_., ....... 4dile. ~--f9 ~- Gtoo«e [ weo Data Source. World Health Organization Map Produdioa- WHO HealtM E~rgenc,cs Programme - Not applico ble db.hi fifth. h t .d m ty ,r o e , o o hato± #ieid#earo hotos re hh ia ho go tt r her nor rhyr e e re touhh ht tee.heed „thoet beet otd did.et.ht err he htype at UNITED STATES The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is closely monitoring the COVID-19 outbreak in the United States and is the source of accurate information on the situation in this country. • Confirmed Cases of COVID-19 Nationwide= 761 • Total Deaths= 27 (23 in the state of Washington, 2 in California, and 2 in Florida) Page l of 3 M IA M I BEACH EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COVID-19 - SITUATION REPORT #6 3/10/2020 1245 HOURS STATE OF FLORIDA I Total Positive Cases of COVID-19 in Florida= 18 I Florida Florida Number of Florida Non-Florida Resident Resident Florida Cases Resident Confirmed Presumptive Resident Repatriated (isolated in Florida) Positive* Deaths (isolated in another state) I Total Cases II 14 II o II 2 II 5 II 1 I I Number of Pending Testing Results II 155 I I Number of Negative Testing Results II 222 I I Number of People Under Public Health Monitoring I I Currently being monitored II 319 I I People monitored to date II 1161 I Florida Residents Diagnosed in Florida County Age Sex Known History of International Travel 1 Manatee 63 Male No 2 Hillsborough 29 Female Yes 3 Santa Rosa 71 Male Yes 4 Broward 75 Male No 5 Broward 65 Male No 6 Lee 77 Female Yes 7 Lee 77 Male Yes 8 Charlotte 54 Female Yes 9 Okaloosa 61 Female Yes 10 Volusia 66 Female Yes 11 Manatee 81 Female Yes 12 Broward 67 Male No 13 Volusia 60 Female Yes 14 Broward 69 Female No See Florida Department of Health (FDOH) website for further information. Page 2 of 3 . 1 MIAMI BEACH EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COVID-19 - SITUATION REPORT #6 3/10/2020 1245 HOURS • Governor Ron Desantis signed Executive Order Number 20-52 on March 9, 2020 designating the Director of the Division of Emergency Management as the State Coordinating Officer and the State Health Officer and Surgeon General as a Deputy State Coordinating Officer and State Incident Commander. • FDOH COVID-19 Call Center number is 866.779.6121 and is available 24/7. MIAMI DADE COUNTY There are NO confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Miami-Dade County. • MD-OEM is participating in weekly conference calls with FDOH leadership, emergency management officials, partner agencies, and the CDC. • An incident "Coronavirus 2019" has been created in WebEOC for partner agencies for situational awareness. • Archdiocese of Miami has cancelled all afterschool activities. • The Board of County Commissioners held a public meeting in County Commission Chambers today, to include reports by public health officials and key County departments. Information from this meeting will be disseminated from the County and will be shared under separate cover. MIAMI BEACH No cases have been reported in the City of Miami Beach. See City website for further COVID- 19 information. • Daily conference calls are being held for City's Management Team and Elected Officials. • Finance has issued codes to track all finances related to COVID-19. They are encouraging customers utilizing City Customer Service Center to utilize online services. • Enhanced dispatch protocols for screening to now include a question of visit to Port Everglades (per FDOH guidelines). • Special administrative leave for diagnosed employees has been implemented. City employees can only return after physician release. • City healthcare provider (Cigna) will provide 100% coverage on COVID-19 tests. • Miami Beach Convention Center - three events have been postponed or rescheduled. • The City to help pay for Colony Theatre prevention measures. • Congregate meal providers are employing safety protocols including offering home deliveries for participants with symptoms in lieu of communal dining. • All programming for seniors and special needs clients at Parks facilities have been cancelled or suspended. UNIDAD continues programming. • City Departments are coordinating with partner agencies including Miami-Dade County, Mount Sinai Medical Center, GMCVB and GMBHA. • The City continues to monitor actual, perceived and potential economic impacts in connection with travel and conventions. Approved: SHL Date: 03.10.2020 Page 3 of 3 MIAMI BEACH EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COVID-19 - SITUATION REPORT #7 3/11/2020 1200 HOURS City of Miami Beach Miami-Dade County State of Florida EOC Activation Level EOC Activation Level EOC Activation Level Level II (2) Partial Level Ill (3) Monitoring Level II (2) Partial CURRENT SITUATION SUMMARY • Miami Beach Emergency Management continues to monitor the development of the respiratory virus known as COVID-19, a form of coronavirus. • As of this SitRep, there is no current direct threat to Miami Beach residents, businesses or visitors. • EMS reports three calls to date of suspected COVID-19. Two were confirmed negative, one is still pending test results. • All COVID-19 events to be tracked on WebEOC • Wipes are available to riders in all trolleys, enough for 1 to 2 day. High touch areas are being wiped down during mid-day shift change in addition to a thorough cleaning each night. W ORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (W HO) UPDATES The World Health Organization has made the assessment that COVID-19 can be characterized as a pandemic. WHO releases regular updates on their website. tsmtonion or cov-19 coses ss st 11 Mor+ a0o %$)%;%%.% soon .1uooo @.a» Contre d aes reported bet«en 13 ong 1? Febroory 2020 inc lode both laber ateory -nhsrmed and ionic.ally diagreed {only applcobe to tote t province}; for id other dates, only ioboratory- on he md opes one hon, Countr y, areo or terrory with 0es or·-«or .- 7.7...77777...7. Map Productfoa \NJofO ~r-~-p,,,.~-Nol opphcot>w - - -- ........ ,. .. -.,.~-...--·-·-,.-- .. - ... ,_ .. __ ·- le- 96 ces are iderntied on a rue ship currently an Jooroo terr tor al water Page 1 of 4 M IA M I BEACH EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COVID-19 - SITUATION REPORT #7 3/11/2020 1200 HOURS UNITED STATES The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is closely monitoring the COVID-19 outbreak in the United States and is the source of accurate information on the situation in this country. • Confirmed Cases of COVID-19 Nationwide= 938 • Total Deaths = 29 (23 in the state of Washington, 2 in California, 2 in Florida, 1 New Jersey and 1 South Dakota) • NCAA has announced all Division I men's and women's basketball tournaments will be limited to staff and family attendance only. STATE OF FLORIDA I Total Positive Cases of COVID-19 in Florida= 18 I Florida Florida Number of Florida Non-Florida Resident Resident Florida Cases Resident Confirmed Presumptive Resident Repatriated (isolated in Florida) Positive* Deaths (isolated in another state) I Total Cases II 21 II o II 2 II 5 II 2 I I Number of Pending Testing Results II 147 I I Number of Negative Testing Results II 301 I I Number of People Under Public Health Monitoring I I Currently being monitored II 353 I I People monitored to date II 1230 I Florida Residents Diagnosed in Florida County Age Sex Travel Related* 1 Manatee 63 Male No 2 Hillsborough 29 Female Yes 3 Santa Rosa 71 Male Yes 4 Broward 75 Male No 5 Broward 65 Male No 6 Lee 77 Female Yes 7 Lee 77 Male Yes 8 Charlotte 54 Female Yes Page 2 of 4 M IA M I BEACH EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COVID-19 - SITUATION REPORT #7 3/11/2020 1200 HOURS 9 Okaloosa 61 Female Yes 10 Volusia 66 Female Yes 11 Manatee 81 Female Yes 12 Broward 67 Male No 13 Volusia 60 Female Yes 14 Broward 69 Female No 15 Nassau 68 Male Yes 16 Collier 73 Male Yes 17 Collier 68 Female Yes 18 Collier 64 Female Yes 19 Pinellas 67 Male Yes 20 Pinellas 64 Male Yes 21 Pasco 46 Male Yes See Florida Department of Health (FDOH) website for further information. • The State of Florida is making Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) available to municipal public safety departments. This supply is for immediate needs, not strategic needs or maintenance of immediate needs. All requests for these supplies must be made through the Miami-Dade County WebEOC. Contact Miami Beach DEM for more information. • Governor Ron Desantis signed Executive Order Number 20-52 on March 9, 2020. • Gov. Ron Desantis announced that the state is no longer allowing any visitation into any nursing homes or assisted living facility in the state from visitors who have had the virus or any respiratory infection. • FDOH COVID-19 Call Center number is 866.779.6121 and is available 24/7. • State University System of Florida is directing state universities to take the steps of immediately moving to online coursework and directing to avoid campus for at least 2 weeks. MIAMI DADE COUNTY There are NO confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Miami-Dade County. • MD-OEM is participating in weekly conference calls with FDOH leadership, emergency management officials, partner agencies, and the CDC. • An incident Coronavirus 2019" has been created in WebEOC for partner agencies for situational awareness. • Miami Dade County Public Schools has set up a dedicated webpage regarding COVID-19 and a hotline number (303.995.3000) to address inquiries from parents, Page 3 of 4 i i MIAMI BEACH EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COVID-19 - SITUATION REPOR T #7 3/11/2020 1200 HOURS students and employees. They are at a partial activation at their EOC. Field trips involving air travel have been cancelled for students. MIAMI BEACH No cases have been reported in the City of Miami Beach. See City website for further COVID-19 information. • Daily conference calls are being held for City's Management Team and Elected Officials. • Finance has issued codes to track all finances related to COVID-19. Finance forms are on WebEOC. • The Answer Center received four calls today regarding COVID-19. • Special administrative leave for diagnosed employees has been implemented. City employees can only return after physician release. (See Employee Advisory) If employee travels after March 10 memorandum, they will not receive special administrative leave. • Miami Beach Convention Center - Several events are postponing or rescheduling. • Parks and Recreation is seeing a decrease in attendance at Parks events. • The City continues to monitor actual, perceived and potential economic impacts in connection with travel and conventions. • Procurement is working with all departments on procuring supplies need for a couple of weeks. • City-sponsored Senior and at-risk population events have been cancelled. • Cultural institutions have reported decreased attendance. Bass Museum has canceled or postponed upcoming programs. Approved: SHL Date: 03.11.2020 Page 4 of 4 « 19 ISEASE STOP THE SPREAD OF GERMS Help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases like C0VID-19. Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash. lean and disinfet frequently touched objects and faces. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. Stay home when you are sick, except to get m edical care. For more information call 866-779-6121 O n Monda · from 8 a.m. - Mid ni ht VID DETENGA LA PROPAGAION :± 19 DELOS MICROBIOS Ayude a prevenir la propagación de virus respiratorios como el nuevo COVID-19. Cúbrase la nariz y la boca con un pañuelo desechable al toser o estornudar y luego bótelo a la basura. Limpie y desinfecte los objetos y las superficies que se tocan frecuentemente. Evite tocarse los ojos, la nariz y la boca. [TEICTTTETTI:TETlTTLO» I[ggggr La FT liliiii!#y DAE.EE.EEL.IE..EE.ECT.CE O R O N A V IR U S 19 I SE A S E •SEHAg SYMPTOMS OF CORONAVIRUS DISEASE 2019 o », s i >; s«si gag$.3 $ Patients with COVID-19 have experienced mild to severe respiratory illness. Symptoms* can include S ee k m edic al ad vice if you develo p sym ptom s, an d have been in cl o se co ntact w ith a pe rson know n to have C0 VI D-19 or if you live in or have recently be e n in an area w ith ongoin g sp rea d of C0 VI D -19. C O U GH S ym ptom s m ay app ear 2-14 days after exposure. For more information call 866-779-6121 Open Monday - Friday from 8 a.m . - Midnight NFERM E DAD DEL 19 0R0NAVIRUS SINTOMAS DE LA ENFERMEDAD DEL· ·- CORONAVIRUS 2019 ¿..,Uggigi Los pacientes con COVID-19 han presentado enfermedad respiratoria de leve a grave. Los síntomas* pueden incluir Los síntomas pueden aparecer de 2 a 14 días después de la exposición. Consulte a un médico si presenta síntomas y ha estado en contacto cercano con una persona que se sepa que tiene el COVID-19, o si usted vive o ha estado recientemente en un área en la que haya propagación en curso del C0VID-19. Paro más información llame al 866.779.6121 Abierto de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a medianoche.