LTC 140-2020 Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of March 30 - April 3, 2020MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LTC No. 140-2020 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: FROM: DATE: M a yo r D a n G elb er and M em be rs of the C ity C om m ission 74 R a fael E. G ra n a d o, C ity C lerk M a rch 2 3 , 20 2 0 SU BJECT : Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of March 30 - April 3, 2020 A tta c h e d ple a se fin d m e e ti n g s no ticed in S unda y's N e ighbors section of The Miami Herald fo r the w eek o f M arch 30 - April 3, 20 2 0 pu b lishe d on M arch 22 , 2020. T h e w e ekly m e e tin g no tice is also availa b le to the public via the City's w ebsite at http ://m ia m ib e a chfl.go v/ci tycl e rk/defau lt.aspx?id=1776 If yo u ha v e a ny q u e stio n s reg a rding this m a tte r, please contact the Offi ce of the City Clerk at 30 5 .6 7 3. 7 4 11. R E G /cd A tt a c h m ent We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community M EET IN G N O TIC ES M arch 30 - April 3, 2020 MONDAY, March 30 No Meetings Scheduled TUESDAY, March 31 No Meetings Scheduled WEDNESDAY, April 1 No Meetings Scheduled THURSDAY, April 2 No Meetings Scheduled FRIDAY, April 3 No Meetings Scheduled For any and/ or all of the abo ve meetings, one or more members of the Miomi Bea ch Ci ty Commission, and or Ci Ny board/committee members may be in attendance and participate in discussions. · A ed le v T c a::scdi.±Jg .le g te ;i.&¿&g!c a :a fi. •• cmrssir Corree Aiedve or +BTV No. 000A49488/01 A listing of all formal comp et itive solicitat ion s issued by the City of Mi am i Beach, Flori do is available at hts. //swewcw._ miamibcochfl. go/ ciNy hall/procurement/itycoots. To access any form al comp et itive sol ici tat ion issu ed by the City, or lo rec eive any adden dum iss ued lo a form al com pet itive soli ci tat ion , you may also visit ygw_bidsync.com'Miami Bcach. Public meet ing notice s can be foun d on the Procurement Calendar at hps.//www._miamibcachfi_go/city hall/procurement/calender/. MIAMI BEACH We are committed to providing eeelent publie ervice and safe ty to all who live, wort and play in our vibrant, tropic al, historical omoni!y. Members of the public may present audio/ visual {A materials relating to Agenda hems at Meleveed meetings hldi in the Commission Chember by ulazing the iNy' AV eq uipment, provided that mater ial s are submitted to the Deparent ot Marietng and Communications by 830AM,one{l}business day pri or to the meeting. Advan c e submittal ot a prese ntation will allow the Communications Dep o rtme nt to plan for the use of the appropriate AV equipment. AV maerials may be submitted vis email o amt..a.gnus@rigmribeegchi.gg . or hand delivered in a jump drive, CDO or DVD o Amention: Deportment of Marl»ting asd Commonication,, 1701 Meridian Avoe, Ehl Floor , Miami Beach F 33139. Preentatons, videos r links mest includ e a label noting the name or group, contct person, daytime telephone number, email addres, de n oti on/title sf the presentation and Agenda le [tie as wel as the Agenda hem number. Aeptabbe formats ior electronic submission aepdt, pp8,ppo, pops, ppo, wm w, av and mov. ]Note that .pd is the preferred format lee Powe «P oint presen ta tion s CiNy Helie looted at 170 Convention Cen ter Drve, esd he M ia mi each Come ton Center is loo ted er 1901 Coventon Center Drive. Ary meeting may be opened and continued, and order sch circumstances, additional legal notice will not be provided. To request this material in alternate format, sign languoge interpreter [five-dory notice neaired}, information on occess for persons with disabilities, zz±7±:zzr:7¢r4%:12 and determi ned to be en emergency meeting will be posted on the bulletin boards throug hout Ci Ny Hall and will be available on the City's web s or htto://w eb.miam.ibseoch f.gov sits.erk./defaul t.assx?ids 1ZZé =;%222%252E%55=:75.2 proceedings, and that, for och purpose,hor she may need io ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is mode, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appal is to be based