LTC 175-2020 Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of May 18 - 22, 2020M IA M I BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LTC No. 175-2020 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission FROM: Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk DATE: May 11, 2020 SUBJECT : Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of May 18 - 22, 2020 Attached please find meetings noticed in Sunday's Neighbors section of The Miami Herald for the week of May 18- 22, 2020 published on May 10, 2020. See Insertions on page (2) marked in blue for changes, cancellations or additions. The weekly meeting notice is also available to the public via the City's website at http://miamibeachfl.gov/cityclerk/default.aspx?id=1776 If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at 305.673. 7 411. REG/cd Attachment We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community M EETIN G NO TIC ES May 18 - 22, 2020 MONDAY, May 18 No Meetings Scheduled TUESDAY, May 19 9:00 a.m. Planning Board Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us /5/3722063965 1.929.205.6099 r 1.888.475.4499 Access ID 87290663965# 9:30 a.m. Art in Public Places Committee Telephonic Conference 1.888.278.0296 Access ID 3362352 2:00 p.m. Ad Hoc Anti-Bullying Task Force 1.312.626.6799 r 1.929.436.2866 Meeting ID: 751184625 Password 825422 3:30 p.m. Disability Access Committee Zoom Meeting httpos://us02web.zoom.us 5/2836511632 1.312.626.6799 1.888.475.4499 Meeting ID 2836511632# Password 2TVnCP 5:00 p.m. Animal Welfare Committee Telephonic Conference (Pets Allowed) 1.866.865.3693 6:00 p.m. Police/Citizen Relations Microsoft T earn Meeting Committee 1.786.636.1480 Access 1ID 982869222# 6:00 p.m. 72° Street Community Complex Zoom Meeting Public Meeting Webinar https://us02web.zoom.us /L/87017021573 l .312.626.6799 or 1.888.475.4499 Access ID 87017021573# WEDNESDAY, May 20 8:30 a.m. Neighborhood and Quality of Zoom Meeting Life Committee https://us02web.zoom.us /L/86384420078 1.312.626.6799 1.888.475.4499 Access ID 86384420078# ADDED 6:00 .m. West Avenue Phase 2 Zoom Meeting Harmonization Public Webinor https://u3web02.zoom_us 5/88585470035 1.312.626.6799 1.888.475.4499 Access ID 88585470035# THURSDAY, May 21 8:30 a.m. City Pension Fund lor Zoom Meeting Firelighters & Police in the htps://us02web.zoom.us City of Miami Beach ÉL/88534712217 1.312.626.6799 1.301.715.8592 Access ID 88534712217# 9:30 a.m. Lincoln Road BID/Executive Telephonic Conference Committee https://wwwuberconference com/lbid 1.305.707.6529 4:30 p.m. General Obligation (G.O.) Zoom Meeting Bond Oversight Committee httpos://us02web.zoom.us /¡/93956424128 1.929.205.6099 r 1.888.475.4499 Access ID 93956424128# FRIDAY, May 22 9:00 a.m. City Cammission/COVID-19* Zoom Meeting hto://us02web.zoom.us (5/83502049503 1.301.715.8592 or 1.888.475.4499 Access ID 83502049503# 10:00 a.m. Finance and Economic Zoom Meeting Resiliency Committee https://us02web.zoom.us (5/83502049503 1.301.715.8592 1.888.475.4499 Access ID 83502049503# For any and/or all of the above meetings, one or more members of the Miami Beach C ity Com missi on , and or CiNy boa rd/committee members may be in atten danc e and participate in discussions. · ucle +T: Ajcc. dtL±±[Lile.2-gage±na g¿g¿,2_drug ·· Cmrssin Cmrtee Aude nBT A listing of all form al com pet itive sol icitat ions issu ed by the City of Mi am i Bea ch , Flor ido is available at httpos.//sweww. mugmibecchi.go( city hall/ pouremen±/ciNonlac±st. To access any formal com pet itive sol icitation issu ed by the City, o lo rec eive any addend um iss ued lo a formal comp et itive sol icita tion, you may also visit yw._bidSy..om[Miami Bea ch. Public meeting notices can be foun d on the Procurement Calendar at hos.//wwwsww_miamibea chfl. gov /city hall / arcure men! /calender, No. 000 4494947-01 MIAMI'BEACH .No o e.g.hie otft r o ad o leo oe ho soy dp y eola'es,rey.h.he aneo .loo.be «toe.olio.teto ob Lot #r o te oe 3@ah. t.po to oetoo heoil.ldo lid"oet .a o io i. e.i k tis bah gole.bili2do lo. Mo l Moo.goose. toe hoe Elie ewe hem2pg# , le ii tho.lib mega roe po,pot ho oh al aie, to lto elei o."de .d o l io o e .loie ol e o pie.e.pie o doe.ooh no hot two oboi.1ha «o i i, h. o a.o i.g "pro.oh. kg. od ped o.t -:27:27752272E:227-522727727775777 --;2.Zr·g --,"Z.Ga.GGG,"-----nu-+-r-«-+-----or r:::.7.::52E277=2:E=72E75-- oie wel ooiooi e na shed