LTC 219-2020 City's Response on the Transit Alliance Audit of the City's Bike Master PlanMI A MI BE A CH O FFIC E O F TH E C ITY M A N A G ER 219-2020 NO. LTC # TIER TO COMMISSION TO : Mayor Dan Gelber and Members oft e City Co FRO M : Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager D A TE: June 22, 2020 SU BJEC T : CITY'S RESPONSE ON THE TRA SIT ALLIANCE AUDIT OF THE CITY'S BIKE MASTER PLAN On June 4, 2020, the Transit Alliance provided the City with an electronic copy of its audit of the City's bike master plan. The Transportation and Mobility Department has conducted a thorough review of Transit Alliance's audit. Below is staffs perspective and a current status of each bike lane project identified in the audit. Additionally, staff has included a list of bicycle and pedestrian projects completed or in-progress which were not included in the audit. General Comments and Considerations The City's Transportation Master Plan (TMP), Bicycle-Pedestrian Master Plan (BPMP), and Street Design Guide were adopted concurrently by the City Commission on April 13, 2016. Like most master plans, these documents are intended to guide mobility investments over time and serve as a strategic blueprint for long-range project implementation. Given its broader scope and scale, the TMP incorporated and prioritized all BPMP projects in three categories: Priority 1 (O to 5 years), Priority 2 (5 to 10 years), and Priority 3(10 to 25 years). This long-range planning approach is common for robust area-wide master plans which require a significant amount of funding for implementation of projects over time. Additionally, both the TMP and BPMP state that projects identified in Priorities 2 and 3 will require significant coordination with jurisdictional agencies, funding from those agencies, grant funds, policy changes, and/or inclusion in neighborhood improvement projects to maximize funding and minimize impact to the community. The City has made progress on various bicycle projects over the past few years. In fact, in 2018, Transit Alliance recognized Miami Beach as the City with the most on-street bike lanes in the County. We have implemented over 11 miles of green bicycle lanes, established long-term bike parking facilities in 6 city garages, and installed 15 bike repair stations in parking garages and locations throughout the City. We have also installed plastic delineators to protect bike lanes on West Avenue and along 42 Street. The bike lane projects highlighted in the Transit Alliance audit are currently in the following phases: • Planning- 5.58 miles • Design - 3.9 miles • Construction - 1.06 miles • Complete -1.35 miles • Not Feasible - 0.28 miles • Priority 2 Projects -0.33 miles The A dm inistration's goal is to continue to build a connected and pro tected cityw ide bike netw or k strategically over tim e ; how ever, im plem enting pro tected bike lanes on m any of our constrained ro a d w a y s o ft e n n e c e s s ita te s re m o v a l of on-street parking or travel lanes in order to create the s p a c e fo r the new bicycl e facility. The pro cess requires feasibility studies, traffic studies, C ounty or FO O T appro vals (as appro priate), com m unity engagem ent, parking m itigatio n (part icularly in N o rt h B e a c h ), a n d fi n a l d e s ig n p la n s p e r m itted by M iam i-D ade C ounty. This pro cess m ust be fo ll o w e d fo r e a c h p ro te c te d b ik e la n e p ro je c t to c o m e to fr u it io n , a n d it ta k e s tim e . In te r m s o f im p le m e n t a t io n s t r a te g y , it is im p o rt a n t to n o te th a t a d o p t io n o f th e T M P /B P M P p r e c e d e d th e C ity 's s to r m w a t e r m a n a g e m e n t p la n a n d th e G e n e r a l O b li g a t io n B ond (G O B) p ro g r a m . T h e s e p ro g ra m s p ro v id e d a n o p p o rt u n it y to le v e r a g e new funding sources, gain e c o n o m ie s o f s c a le d u r in g c o n s t ru c tio n , a n d a v o id im p a c tin g c o m m u n it ie s m u lt ip le tim e s w ith ro a d w a y c o n s t r u c tio n in a s p a n o f a fe w y e a r s . T o th is e n d , th e A d m in is t ra tio n h a s in c o r p o r a te d n u m e ro u s in d iv id u a l b ic y cl e fa ci lity c a p ita l p ro je c ts (s u c h a s p ro te c te d b ik e la n e s , s h a r e d -u s e p a t h s , g r e e n w a y s , a n d c o m p le te s tre e ts ) in t o fu t u r e s to r m w a t e r n e ig h b o r h o o d im p ro v e m e n t p ro je c ts , G O B p ro je c ts , a n d F O O T p ro je c ts . E x a m p le s in c lu d e W e s t A v e n u e P r o te c te d B ik e L a n e s , C e n t ra l B a y s h o re T ra ffi c C a lm in g , M e r id ia n A v e n u e /2 8 S t re e t S h a r e d -U s e P a t h , N o rt h B a y R o a d G r e e n w a y , N o r m a n d y Is le T ra ffi c C a lm in g , 2 2 /2 3 S tr e e t C o m p le te S t r e e ts , 1 7 S tre e t B ic y c le /T ra n s it L a n e , C ity C e n t e r T ra ff ic C a lm in g , A lt o n R o a d S h a r e d -U s e P a th , a n d 6 3 S tre e t C o m p le te S tr e e t. T h is p r o je c t in t e g r a t io n a p p ro a c h is f is c a ll y p r u d e n t a n d c o m m u n ity -s e n s it iv e ; h o w e v e r , it c a n p o te n t ia ll y e x te n d th e tim e lin e fo r c o m p le t io n o f p ro p o s e d b ic y c le im p ro v e m e n t s . W h ile th e A d m in is tra t io n 's g o a l is to c o m p le te th e b ik e n e tw o r k in th e s h o rt e s t tim e f ra m e fe a s ib le , v a r io u s c r it ic a l fa c to rs im p a c t th e tim in g a n d p h a s in g o f p ro je c t im p le m e n ta t io n . T hese factor s in cl u d e fu n d in g a v a ila b ility , p ro je c t feasibility, ro adw ay jurisdiction, regulatory agency perm itting p ro c e s s e s , C ity s ta ff in g re s o u r c e s , o t h e r a b o v e -g ro u n d im p ro v e m e n ts , c o m m u n ity in p u t , a n d p o lic y d e c is io n s (e .g . ro a d ra is in g ). G iv e n th e ir im p a c t, th e s e factors m ust be taken into c o n s id e r a t io n w h e n e v a lu a t in g th e s ta t u s o f m a s te r p la n p ro je c t im p le m entation. Transit Alliance Audit Project List Below is a current status of the bicycle projects identified in the Transit Alliance audit. • West Avenue Protected Bike Lanes (Design/Build) The Transportation and Mobility Department worked with other City departments and the West Avenue Neighborhood Association (WAvNA) to determine the cross section for the corridor. The proposed parking-protected bike lanes - the first in Miami-Dade County- will be implemented as part of the West Avenue project, currently in design/build phase. The parking-protected bike lanes will extend 1.06 miles in each direction. • Venetian Causeway Bike Lanes (BPMP Project Complete) In 2018, the City and County collaborated to paint the existing bike lanes green. It is worth noting that the TMP and BPMP do not include protected bicycle lanes along Venetian Causeway; however, pursuant to City Commission resolution sponsored by Commissioner Mark Samuelian and adopted on February 12, 2020, the Transportation and Mobility team is working with County officials to implement protected bike lanes. Staff developed a cross section which has been approved in concept by the County. Based on the approved concept, staff is developing design plans for County review and approval anticipated by September 2020. At this time, funding for implementation of the protected bike lanes has not been identified by the County or the City. The project will extend along the entire Venetian Causeway (1.35 miles each way within Miami Beach). Page 2 of6 • Dade Bo u lev ard S hared -U se Path (D esig n) The City constructed a new seawall and shared-use path on Dade Boulevard in 2012; however, certain components of the project, including bicycle facility enhancements, were not completed due to neighborhood concerns with impacts to landscape. In 2019, the Transportation and Mobility team began working with the Office of Capital Improvements to re-design the shared-use path and complete bicycle connections along the corridor. The design will be completed in 2020 and the project is anticipated to be completed in 2021 (5" year of the BPMP). The shared-use path will extend 0.80 miles. • Dade Boulevard Two-Way Bike Lane and Road Diet (Planning) This is a mid to long range project consisting of repurposing a vehicular travel lane along a section of Dade Boulevard to create a two-way bike path. The final draft feasibility study is currently being reviewed by Miami-Dade County. Once approved, the City will engage a consultant to prepare final design plans. This project is currently not funded; however, staff is exploring grant opportunities and available County funding sources. The two-way bike lanes will extend 0.92 miles. • Meridian Avenue Buffered Bike Lanes from 16 Street to Dade Boulevard (Construction) This project is the first "road diet" approved in Miami-Dade County. Final design plans were approved by the County in May 2020. The project is construction-ready and Public Works will implement the buffered bike lanes as part of the Meridian Avenue repaving project to begin this year. The buffered bike lanes will extend 1.06 miles in each direction. • Convention Center Drive Conventional Bike Lanes (Not Feasible) This project was explored during the design phase of the Convention Center Renovation and Expansion project, and the City determined that Meridian Avenue (described above) would be a more suitable and safer corridor for bicycle traffic given its continuity and connectivity. • 21°'Street Protected Bicycle Lanes (Priority 2, Not Begun) This project was moved from Priority 1 to Priority 2, and the 23° Street Complete Streets project (GOB project # 43 - Tranche 1) was moved to Priority 1. This change will be reflected as part of the upcoming TMP update in 2021. • Meridian Avenue/28" Street Shared-Use Path (On-Hold Pending Jacobs Plan) Given its scope and impact on drainage and green space, this project will be implemented concurrently with the Central Bayshore South Neighborhood Improvement Project. Based on outstanding community concerns with road-raising, the neighborhood improvement project was placed on-hold pending completion of the City's Integrated Water Management Plan by Jacobs Engineering. The shared-use path will accommodate 2-way bicycle and pedestrian travel and will extend 0.67 miles. • Chase Avenue/34"" Street Shared-Use Path (Design) This project underwent an extensive feasibility analysis and numerous meetings with residents in order to minimize impacts to the Miami Beach Golf Club and adjacent homes. The recommended concept in the feasibility study was approved by the City Commission in October 2019. The Transportation and Mobility Department and the Office of Capital Improvements are finalizing negotiations with a consultant to commence final design this Page 3 of6 sum m e r. C onstruct io n is expected to com m ence in sum m e r 2021. T he shared-use path w ill accom m odate 2-w ay pede stria n and bicycl e travel and extends 0.3 5 m ile s. • Alton Road Bridge Over Surprise Waterway Bicycle Connection (Design by FOOT) The project proposes to add bicycle lanes to an existing FOOT bridge in order to provide a bicycle connection to the proposed North Bay Road Neighborhood Greenway. The Transportation and Mobility Department is working with FOOT to design and construct the bicycle lanes as part of the Alton Road Reconstruction Project in 2023. The bike lanes will extend 600 feet in each direction. • Pine Tree Drive/La Gorce Drive Protected Bike Lanes (Planning) Miami-Dade County has jurisdiction of Pine Tree/La Gorce Drive and recently repaved both roads. However, given the limited scope of the County's project, bike lanes could not be accommodated without significant loss of on-street parking and impact to swales. The Transportation and Mobility Department worked with the County to ensure that the proposed protected bicycle lanes could be easily implemented in the near future through re-striping with minimal impact. The design phase will commence in November 2020 and construction is anticipated to commence in 2023. The protected bike lanes will extend 4.3 miles in each direction. • 63' Street Complete Street Project (Design by FDOT) 63 Street is a state road under FOOT jurisdiction. This project proposes to repurpose a travel lane to accommodate new bicycle lanes. The City is working with FOOT to design and construct the proposed improvements as part of the Alton Road Reconstruction Project in 2023. The project will also include a shared-use path on Indian Creek Drive adjacent to Brittany Bay Park. The bike lanes will extend 0.9 miles in each direction. • 727° Street Protected Bike Lanes (Design) The protected bike lanes will provide bicycle connectivity to North Shore Youth Center and will be implemented as part of the Public Works Department's repaving projects in North Beach in late 2020. The protected bike lanes will extend 0.35 miles in each direction. • 73° Street Protected Bike Lanes (Design) The protected bike lanes will provide bicycle connectivity to North Shore Youth Center and will be implemented as part of the Public Works Department's repaving projects in North Beach in late 2020. The protected bike lanes will extend 0.35 miles in each direction. • Dickens Avenue Seawall and Shoreline (Planning) This project consists of a new seawall and shared-use path west of the Public Works Department North Beach facility on 75 Street. Project feasibility was preliminarily reviewed in 2017 and staff identified the need for an environmental analysis due to anticipated impacts. An environmental study is scheduled to commence in October 2020 to determine the alignment and environmental impacts of the proposed shared-use path. The feasibility study is scheduled to be completed in spring 2021. If the project is found feasible, the City will identify funds for design and construction. The shared-use path will extend 0.36 miles. Page 4 of6 A d d it io n a l B ic y c le a n d P e d e s t r ia n P r o je c ts O m itt e d in T r a n s it A lli a n c e 's B P M P A u d it Bic ycl e P ro je cts • Meridian Avenue from 41' Street to 47" Street Green Bike Lanes (Complete) - As pa rt of the N a u tilus N e ig h bo rho od Traff ic C alm ing project, the T ransport ation and M obility te a m in sta lle d a gree n bike la ne along this corridor in early 2020. The bike lanes extend 0.75 m ile s in ea ch directio n. • West Avenue and 17 Street Bicycle Box (Construction) - Th is proj ect wi ll be com p le te d in O cto be r 2020 . O nce com p lete , it w ill be the first bicycl e box in the C ounty. • Meridian Avenue Green Sharrow Project (Complete)- Th e Transport ation and M obility tea m w o rke d w ith the P ublic W orks D e part m ent to incl ude green sharro w s in the repaving pro ject co m p le ted in A pril 202 0. The green sharro w s ext en d 1.01 m iles in each direction. • Euclid Avenue Green Buffered Bike Lanes (Permitting)- Th e City w orked w ith M iam i- D a d e C o u n ty to se cure app ro va l of a de sig n variance w hich w aived the sight-distance re q u ire m ent w hich w o uld ha ve req uired the rem oval of on-street parking spaces along the co rrid o r. T he pro je ct w ill be com pleted in Fall 2020. T he green buffered bike lanes w ill ex te n d 1.02 m ile s in each direction. {7 Street Complete Streets Project (Planning) - Th e proj ect incl udes th e im p lem entation of ne w bicycl e la ne s and ne w excl usive transit lanes. T he planning phase w a s gra nt fun d ed and is anticip ated to be com pleted in July 2020. T he City is pursuing gra nt fun d s for the de sig n and co nstructio n pha ses. T he bike and transit lanes w ill extend 0.85 m ile s in ea ch directio n. • North Beach Greenways (Planning) -- Th e pro ject includes greenw ays along various stree ts. T he fea sib ility study is ne a ring com p letion, and the C ity anticipates com m enci ng de sig n in fall 20 2 0 . P ha ses 1 an d 2 are antici pated to com m ence construction in 2021. T he gre e nw a ys w ill extend ap pro xim ately 1.8 m iles in each direction. • Bicycle Parking (On-Going) - Th e Transportation and M obility team has installed over 70 0 bicycl e ra cks in the pub lic rig hts-of-w ay thro ughout the City. In addition, long-term bicy cl e pa rking faci litie s have bee n establishe d in six City parking garages. • Bicycle Repair Stations (On-Going) - T he T ransport ation and M obility team has installed 15 bi cycl e re p a ir statio ns thro ug hout the C ity to help cycl ists perf orm m aintenance and m in or re p a irs to bike s. • Indian Creek Drive Bike Lane (Construction) - Th e T ransportation and M obility team w o rke d w ith the engine e r of reco rd and FO O T to incl ude pro tected bike lanes as part of the on-g oin g flo o d m itig atio n proje ct. The project is scheduled to be com pleted in 2022. • 22'an d 23' Street Bicycle Lanes (Planning) - Th e recom m en ded con c ept s (pro tected gre e n bike la n e s, ra ised inte rsections, ne w traff ic signal, and beachw alk access paths) w ere a p p ro ve d by the C ity C o m m issio n on A pril 22, 2020 and the w ork w ill be incl uded in the desig n /b u ild co ntract fo r the C ollins Park G arage. T he bike lanes w ill extend 0.33 m ile s in ea ch direction . P e d e strian P ro jects • Washington Avenue between Street and Dade Boulevard (Complete) - Im p le m entation of auto m atic pede stria n pha ses and reduction of cycl es to im pro ve pe d estria n sa fety an d level of se rv ice . T he project extends 1.57 m iles. • Collins Avenue between 6th Street and 23"° Street (Complete) - Im pl em ent ation of au to m a tic pe d e stria n pha se s and red uctio n of cycl es to im pro ve pedestrian safety and le ve l of se rv ice . T he proje ct extend s 1.8 5 m ile s. • West Avenue Lead Pedestrian Interval (Complete) - Imp l em en ta tion of lead pedestrian inte rv a ls at in te rse ctions to im p ro ve pede strian safety along the corridor. The pro ject exten d s 1 mi le . Page 5 of6 • C o llins A venue and 79 Street Pedestri an Si g nal (C om pl ete) - Installation of a new traffic signal to improve pedestrian safety crossing Collins Avenue and accessing North Shore Open Space Park. The Transportation and Mobility team worked with FOOT to fund, design, and implement this project. • Normandy Drive Pedestrian Signs at Rue Granville and Rue Versailles (Construction) Th e Transportation and Mobility team worked with FOOT to advance the installation of a new overhead pedestrian flashing beacon and a new traffic signal. The project was initially scheduled for 2023; however, through close coordination with FOOT, the project was advanced and is scheduled to be finalized in July 2020. • Exclusive Pedestrian Phases at Collins Avenue/5"" Street and Washington Avenue/5" Street (Complete) - The City worked with FDOT to implement exclusive pedestrian phases at these intersections to improve pedestrian safety and convenience. • Prairie Avenue and 23" Street Pedestrian Flashing Beacon (Complete) - Installation of a new pedestrian flashing beacon to improve pedestrian safety for Miami Beach Senior High School. • West Avenue and 6"" Street Pedestrian Flashing Beacon (Construction) - Instal lation of a new pedestrian flashing beacon to improve pedestrian safety at this intersection in proximity to a future park. • Jefferson Avenue and 15" Street Pedestrian Flashing Beacon (Permitting) - Installation of a new pedestrian flashing beacon to improve safety at this intersection in proximity to Flamingo Park. • Alton Road Exclusive Pedestrian Phases (Design) - Implementation of exclusive pedestrian ph ases at signa lized intersection s between 10" Street an d 17 Street to address pedestrian safety concerns on Alton Road. • Citywide 25 MPH Speed Limit Reduction (In Progress) - Reduction of speed limit on local streets from 30 MPH to 25 MPH to calm traffic and improve safety for pedestrians and bicyclists. The following neighborhoods have been completed or are in progress: o South of Fifth o Flamingo Park o Biscayne Point o Stillwater o Biscayne Beach o Nautilus • Pine Tree Drive and 45 Street Pedestrian Flashing Beacons (Construction) - This project will install a pedestrian crosswalk and flashing beacons to access Pine Tree Park. Construction will commence in July 2020 and be completed in October 2020. • Meridian Avenue Mid-Block Signal (Construction) - Following an extended County permitting phase, the City has secured County approval for construction and is engaging a contractor to implement the mid-block signal which is scheduled for completion in December 2020. • Harding Avenue and 87" Street Pedestrian Flashing Beacon (Design) - Th e City worked with FOOT to approve the implementation of a pedestrian flashing beacon to improve pedestrian safety at this intersection in proximity to the Stella Maris House senior living facility. FOOT is currently in the design phase of the project, and installation is scheduled to be completed in 2022. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. JLM/ATH/JRG/JFD Page 6 of 6