LTC 271-2020 City of South Miami Resolution No. 058-20-15498MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK No. 271-2020 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Mayor Dan Gelber and Member~e ~ommission Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk / <r" / July 31, 2020 CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI RESOLUTION NO. 058-20-15498 Attached for your information is Resolution No. 058-20-15498, adopted by the Mayor and City Commission of City of South Miami on June 16, 2020. A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI URGING MIAMI-DADE COUNTY MAYOR, CARLOS A. GIMENEZ AND THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MIAMI- DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA ("BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS") TO TRANSFER CORONAVIRUS AID, RELIEF, AND ECONOMIC SECURITY (CARES) ACT DIRECT FEDERAL FUNDS RECEIVED BY MIAMI-DADE COUNTY ("COUNTY") TO THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI ("CITY") AND TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS WITHIN THE COUNTY BASED ON POPULATION RATES OFCOVID-19 CASES. The City of South Miami Clerk has requested that a copy of this Resolution be provided to the Miami Beach Mayor and Commissioners. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at 305.673. 7 411. REG/le Attachment F:\CLER\$ALL\LILIA\L TC's - Transmittal's\South Miami\Re solution 058-20-15498 City of South Miami.docx RE SO LU TIO N NO . 058 -20-154 98 A R es o lu ti o n o f th e M a y o r a n d C ity C o m m is s io n e rs o f th e C ity o f S o u t h M ia m i u rg in g M ia m i-D a d e C o u n ty M a y o r , C a r lo s A . G im e n e z a n d th e B o a r d o f C o u n ty C o m m is s io n e rs o f M ia m i-D a d e C o u n ty , Fl o ri d a ("B o a r d o f C o u n ty C o m m iss io n e rs ") to tr a n s fe r C o r o n a v ir u s A id , R e lie f, a n d E c o n o m ic Security (CARES) Act direct federal funds received by Miami-Dade County ("County") to the City of South Miami ("City") and to local governments within the County based on population rates of COVID-19 cases. WHEREAS, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security ("CARES") Act was signed into law on March 27, 2020 and appropriated $150 billion of direct federal funding for state and local governments to address unforeseen financial needs and risks created by the Novel Coronavirus ("COVID-19") pandemic public health emergency; and WHEREAS, States and local governments with more than 500,000 residents received direct federal funding through the Coronavirus Relief Fund; and WHEREAS, twelve (12) localities in the State of Florida ("State") received direct federal funds and no city in Florida (except the combined city/county governments of Jacksonville /Duval County) received direct funding; and WHEREAS, the CARES Act appropriated nearly half a billion dollars ($474,085,078) to Miami-Dade County ("County"), making this the highest amount in direct federal funding to any eligible local governments in the State as indicated in the attached and incorporated list of Payments to States and Eligible Local Governments; and WHEREAS, the City has taken all necessary steps to reduce the impact of the COVID- 19 pandemic on our community; and WHEREAS, the City has experienced unforeseen financial needs and risks created by the COVID-19 pandemic public health emergency; and WHEREAS, in conversations with the Miami-Dade County League of Cities, the County committed to transferring CARES Act funds to local governments within the County. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section l. The foregoing recitals are hereby ratified and confirmed as being true and they are incorporated into this resolution by reference as if set forth in full herein. Section 2. The City of South Miami Mayor and Commission urge Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos A. Gimenez and the Board of County Commissioners to transfer CARES Act funds to the City and to local governments within the County based on population and rates of COVID-19 cases. Page 1 of 2 Res. No. 058-20-15498 Section 3. The City Clerk is directed to transmit a copy of this Resolution to The City Clerk shall forward a copy of this Resolution to all municipalities in Miami-Dade County, Miam i-Dade County Board of County Commissioners Miam i-Dade County Manager. Section 4. Corrections. Conforming language or technical scrivener-type corrections may be made by the City Attorney for any conforming amendments to be incorporated into the final resolution for signature. Section 5. Severability. If any section clause, sentence, or phrase of this resolution is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of com petent jurisdiction, the holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this resolution. Section 6. Effective Date. This resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND AD OPTED this I6 day of June, 2020. ATTEST: Lk li. cry @LERk APPROVED: $ di» MAYOR U READ AND APPROVED AS TO FORM, LANGUAGE, LEGALITY AND E.i·CUT _ON ß~F /sr Cl Y ATTORNEY COMMISSION VOTE: Mayor Philips: Vice Mayor Welsh: Commissioner Harris: Commissioner Liebman: Commissioner Gil: 5-0 Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Page 2 of2 Agenda Item No:1. City Commission Agenda Item Report Meeting Date: June 16, 2020 Submitted by: Maria Garcia Submitting Department: City Manager Item Type: Resolution Agenda Section: Subject: A Resolution of the Mayor and City Commissioners of the City of South Miami urging Miami-Dade County Mayor, Carlos A. Gimenez and the Board of County Commissioners of Miami-Dade County, Florida ("Board of County Commissioners") to transfer Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act direct federal funds received by Miami-Dade County ("County") to the City of South Miami ("City") and to local governments within the County based on population rates of COVID-19 cases. 3/5 (City Manager) Suggested Action: Attachments: CARES Act Memo.doc CARES_Act_R esoCArev.doc Payments-to-States-and-Units-of-Local-Government.pdf 1 THE CITY OF PLEAS ANT LIVI N G To: The Honorable Mayor & Members of the City Commission From: Shari Kamali, City Manager Date: June 16, 2020 Subject: A Resolution of the Mayor and City Commissioners of the City of South Miami urging Miami-Dade County Mayor, Carlos A. Gimenez and the Board of County Commissioners of Miami-Dade County, Florida ("Board of County Commissioners") to transfer Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act direct federal funds received by Miami-Dade County ("County'') to the City of South Miami ("City") and to local governments within the County based on population rates of COVID-19 cases; further directing the City Clerk to transmit a copy of the resolution to the Miami Dade County officials. Background: The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security ("CARES") Act was signed into law on March 27, 2020 and appropriated $150 billion of direct federal funding for state and local governments to address unforeseen financial needs and risks created by the Novel Coronavirus ("COVID-19") pandemic public health emergency. States and local governments with more than 500,000 residents received direct federal funding through the Coronavirus Relief Fund. Twelve (12) localities in the State of Florida received direct federal funds and no City in Florida (except the combined city/county government of Jacksonville /Duval County) received direct funding. The CARES Act appropriated nearly half a billion dollars ($474,085,078) to Miami-Dade County, making this the highest amount in direct federal funding to any eligible local governments in the State as indicated in the attached and incorporated list of Payments to States and Eligible Local Governments. The City of South Miami has experienced unforeseen financial needs and risks created by the COVID-19 pandemic public health emergency. Request: The City of South Miami Mayor and Commission urge Miami-Dade County mayor Carlos A. Gimenez and the Board of County Commissioners to transfer CARES Act funds to the City and local governments within the County based on population and rates of COVID- 19 cases. Documents Attached: • Proposed resolution • List of Payments to States and Eligible Local Governments 2 Payments to States and Eligible Units of Local Government Alabama Alaska Arizo na Arkansas California Total allocation Eligible local governments that certified: Jefferson County Payment to the state Total allocation and payment to the state Total allocation Eligible local governments that certified: Maricopa County Mesa city Phoenix city Pima County Tucson city Payment to the state Total allocation and payment to the state Total allocation Eligible local governments that certified: Alameda County Contra Costa County Fresno County Fresno city Kem County Los Angeles County Los Angeles city Orange County Riverside County Sacramento County Sacramento city San Bernardino County San Diego County San Diego city San Francisco city San Joaquin County San Jose city San Mateo County Santa Clara County Stanislaus County Ventura County Payment to the state $1,901,262,159.90 $114,915,910.00 $1,786,346,249.90 $1,250,000,000.00 $2,822,399,971.50 $398,960,913.50 $90,389,099.40 $293,320,141.1 O $87,107,597.40 $95,634,512.1 O $1,856,987,708.00 $1,250,000,000.00 $15,321,284,928.40 $291,634,022.20 $201,281,391.70 $81,579,507.20 $92,755,912.80 $157,078,307.20 $1,057,341,431.90 $694,405,323.80 $554,133,764.90 $431,091,225.60 $181,198,725.20 $89,623,427.20 $380,408,020.90 $334,061,822.10 $248,451,019.60 $153,823,502.50 $132,988,948.70 $178,295,348.00 $133,761,077.10 $158,099,959.50 $96,085,923.60 $147,621,523.10 $9,525,564,743.60 5 Payments to States. and Eligible Units of Local Government Colorado Total allocation $2,233,011,164.20 Eligible local governments that certified: Adam s County $90,285,974.40 Arapahoe County $114,569,891.70 Denver city $126,892,711.70 El Paso County $125,704,768.20 Jefferson County $101,708,239.70 Paym ent to the state $1,673,849,578.50 Con necticut Total allocation and paym ent to the state $1,382,477,973.40 Delaware Total allocation $1,250,000,000.00 Eligible local governments that certified: New Castle County $322,766,668.80 Paym ent to the state $927,233,331.20 Florida Total allocation $8,328,221,072.1 O Eligible local governments that certified: Brevard County $105,034,237.20 Broward County $340,744,702.30 Hillsborough County $256,847,065.00 Jacksonville city/D uval County $167,120,861.80 Le e County $134,459,744.20 Miam i-Dade County $474,085,078.50 Orange County $243,146,628.50 Palm Beach County $261,174,822.80 Pasco County $96,659,479.80 Pinellas County $170,129,283.40 Polk County $126,467,997.40 Volusia County $96,543,791.40 Paym ent to the state $5,855,807,379.80 Geo rgia Total allocation $4,117,018,751.10 Eligible local governments that certified: Atlanta city $88,434,611.30 Cobb County $13 2,638,742.70 DeKalb Coun ty $125,341,475.20 Fulton County $104,364,186.80 Gwinnett County $163,368,405.20 Paym ent to the state $3,502,871,329.90 Harw aii Total allocation $1,250,000,000.00 Eligible local governments that certified: Honolulu County $387,176,021.20 6 2 Payments to States and Eligible Units of Local Government Payment to the state $862,823,978.80 Idaho Total allocation and payment to the state $1,250,000,000.00 Illinois Total allocation $4,913,633,437.00 Eligible local governments that certified: Chicago city $470,078,037.60 Cook County $428,597,905.20 DuPage County $161,042,597.50 Kane County $92,900,217.90 Lake County $121,539,986.20 Will County $120,529,326.90 Payment to the state $3,518,945,365.70 Indiana Total allocation $2,610,489,556.60 Eligible local governments that certified: Indianapolis city/Marion County $168,312,120.70 Payment to the state $2,442,177,435.90 Iowa Total allocation and payment to the state $1,250,000,000.00 Ka nsas Total allocation $1,250,000,000.00 Eligible local governments that certified: Johnson County $116,311,033.60 Sedgw ick County $99,636,916.90 Payment to the state $1,034,052,049.50 K en tu cky T otal allocation $1,732,387,747.50 Eligible local governments that certified: Louisville/Jefferson County metro government $133,793,183.70 Payment to the state $1,598,594,563.80 Louisiana Total allocation and payment to the state $1,802,619,342.60 M ain e Total allocation and payment to the state $1,250,000,000.00 Maryland Total allocation $2,344,276,753.70 Eligible local governments that certified: Anne Aru ndel County $101,071,866.30 Baltimore County $144,369,684.80 Baltim ore city $1 03,559,428.30 M ontgom ery County $183,336,953.70 Prince George's C ounty $158,670,549.30 Paym ent to th e state $1,653,268,271.30 7 3 Payments to States and Eligible Units of Local Government M as sa ch u sett s Total allocation $2,672,641,383.20 E ligible local g overn m ents tha t certifi ed: Boston city $120,853,359.10 Plym outh County $90,945,729.80 Paym ent to the state $2,460,842,294.30 Mi ch igan Total allocation $3,872,510,074.60 Elig ible loca l govern m ents that cert ified: Detroit city $116,915,242.60 Kent County $114,633,581.40 Macomb County $152,501,374.40 Oakl and County $219,438,710.20 Wayne County $188,331,621.00 Paym ent to the state $3,080,689,545.00 Min n es ota Total allocation $2,186,827,320.80 Eligible lo cal govern m ents that certified: Hennepin County $220,879,842.00 Ram sey County $96,026,770.70 Paym ent to the state $1,869,920,708.10 M is si ssip pi Total allocation and paym ent to the state $1,250,000,000.00 M iss ou ri Total allocation $2,379,853,017.00 E ligible lo cal govern m ents that certified: Jacks on County $122,669,998.30 St. Lo uis County $173,481,105.80 Paym ent to th e sta te $2,083,701,912.90 M o n tan a Total allocation and paym ent to the state $1,250,000,000.00 N eb ras ka Total allocation $1,250,000,000.00 Elig ible loca l govern m ents tha t certified: Douglas Coun ty $166,134,257.90 Paym ent to the state $1,083,865,742.10 N ev ad a Total allocation $1,250,000,000.00 Elig ible lo cal govern m ents that certified: Clark County $295,004,619.90 Las Vegas city $118,944,279.90 Paym ent to the state $836,051,1 00.20 N ew H am p sh ire Total allocation and paym ent to the state $1,250,000,000.00 8 4 P ay m en ts to States and Eligible Units of Local Government N ew Jers ey N ew M exico N ew Y o rk N ort h C a roli n a N o rt h D a k ota O h io Tota l all ocatio n Eligible local g overn m ents that certifi ed: B ergen C o unty C am den C o unty E ssex C ounty H udson C o unty M idd lesex C ounty M onm outh C ounty O cean C ounty P as saic C ounty U nion C o unty P aym ent to th e state T ota l allo catio n Elig ible local governm ents that certified: A lbuquerque city B ern alill o C o unty Paym ent to the sta te Tota l all o cation E ligible loca l govern m ent s tha t cert ifi ed: E ri e C o unty H em pstead town M onro e C o unty N as sau C o unty N ew Y ork city Suffolk C ounty W estchester C ounty P aym ent to the state T ota l all ocatio n Eligible local governm ents that certified: C harlott e city G uil fo rd C ounty M ecklenburg C ounty W ak e C ounty P aym ent to th e state T ota l all ocation and paym ent to the state T ota l all ocatio n El igib le local governm ents that certified: C olum b us city $3,444, 163,690.30 $162,662,060.40 $88,375,283.90 $139,414,976.30 $117,327,044.40 $143,966,956.60 $107,974,955.70 $105,949,274.70 $87,564,767.20 $97,077,214.30 $2,393,851,156.80 $1,250,000,000.00 $150,364,461.10 $31,818,045.20 $1,067,817,493.70 $7,543,325,288.30 $160,306,414.50 $133,832,095.50 $129,433,144.90 $102,940,678.70 $1,454,710,277.70 $257,655,487.80 $168,822,336.10 $5,135,624,853.1 O $4,066,866,177.50 $154,549,215.90 $93,732,720.60 $39,199,343.60 $193,993,721.20 $3,585,391,176.20 $1,250,000,000.00 $4,532,572,911.90 $156,790,569.40 9 5 Payments to States and Eligible Units of Local Government Cuyahoga County $215,510,539.80 Franklin County $76,336,362.90 Hamilton County $142,642,734.60 Montgomery County $92,775,281.40 Summit County $94,402,596.50 Payment to the state $3,754,114,827.30 O kl ah o m a O reg on P en n syl v an ia Rh ode Isla n d So uth C a rolin a Sou th D ak ota T en n essee Total allocation E lig ible local g overnm ents thai certifi ed: Oklahoma City city Oklahoma County Tulsa County Payment to the state Total allocation E lig ible local g overn m ents that certifi ed: Multnomah County Portland city Washington County Payment to the state Total allocation E lig ible local g overn m ents that certifi ed : Allegheny County Bucks County Chester County Delaware County Lancaster County Montgomery County Philadelphia city Payment to the state Total allocation and payment to the state Total allocation E lig ible lo ca l g overnm ents that certifi ed: Greenville County Payment to the state Total allocation and payment to the state Total allocation E lig ible local g overn m ents that certifi ed: Memphis city $1,534,357,612.40 $114,302,395.10 $47,291,598.00 $113,690,799.60 $1,259,072,819.70 $1,635,472,403.80 $28,057,836.50 $114,247,255.50 $104,660,474.70 $1,388,506,837.1 O $4,964, I 07,464. l O $212,190,475.1 O $109,628,270.10 $91,606,532.1 O $98,892,981.1 O $95,224,629.70 $144,988,260.00 $276,406,952.60 $3,935,169,363.40 $1,250,000,000.00 $ l ,996,468,642.30 $91,354,041.70 $ I ,905, 114,600.60 $1,250,000,000.00 $2,648,084,889.60 $113,607,217.80 10 6 Paym ents to Sta tes and Eligib le U nits of L ocal G overnm ent Nas hvill e-Davidson m etropolit an govern m ent $121,122,77 5.20 Shelby County $49,921,022.30 Paym ent to the state $2,363,433,874.30 T exas Tota l allocation $11,243,461,410.70 E ligible lo cal governm ents that certified: Austin city $170,811,897.20 Bexar County $79,626,415.00 Colli n County $171,453,156.40 Dallas County $239,952,372.70 D allas city $234,443,127.60 De nton C ounty $147,733,72 1.60 El Pas o County $27,484,280.40 El Pas o city $118,956,278.90 Fo rt Bend County $134,262,393.50 Fort W orth city $158,715,568.30 Harr is County $425,942,656.10 Hi dalgo County $151,582,672 .50 H ouston city $404,868,873.40 M ontgom ery County $104,983,285.40 San An tonio city $269,983,717.00 Tarran t County $209,816,856.50 Travis County $61,147,507.20 W illi am son County $93,382,340.1 O Paym ent to the sta te $8,038,314,290.90 U ta h Total allocation $1,250,000,000.00 E lig ible local govern m ents that certified: Salt Lak e County $203,603,981.20 U tah County $111,630,341.90 Paym ent to th e sta te $934,765,676.90 V erm o nt Total allocation and paym ent to the state $1,250,000,000.00 V irgi nia Total allocation $3,309,738,321.00 E ligible local governm ents that certified: Fairfax County $200,235,484.90 Paym ent to th e state $3,109,502,836.10 W ash ingt on Total allocation $2,952,755,792.90 Eligible local govern m ents that certifi ed: King County $261,582,611.20 Pierce County $157,912,031.30 Seattle city $131,510,475.60 11 7 Payments to States and Eligible Units of Local Government Snohomish County $143,447,144.10 Spokane County $91,224,219.50 Payment to the state $2,167,079,31 1.20 West Vi rgi nia Wisc onsin Wyoming Total allocation and payment to the state Total allocation Eligible local governments that certified: Dane County Milwaukee County Milwaukee city Payment to the state Total allocation and payment to the state $1,250,000,000.00 $2,257,710,741.60 $95,394,061.70 $62,044,048.60 $102,977,845.50 $1,997,294,785.80 $1,250,000,000.00 12 8