LTC 302-2020 Parking Status Report - July 2020DocuSign Envelope ID: 86230172-854E-405E-80C6-F8B7C9D5ADAO MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC# 302-2020 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: FROM: DATE: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the Ct,gnppission ~ ,._.J,_, ,,-¡ . Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager 'yo E9ACO518F 2AA41A.. 9/4/2020 I 3:21 PM EDT September 3, 2020 SUBJECT: PARKING STATUS REPORT- July 2020 COVID-19 (Corona Virus) Pandemic The COVID-19 pandemic has had devastating impacts to our local economy. Since March 25, 2020, utilization of parking and its related revenues have been hit hardest with reduced revenues by as much as 95% compared to the prior year. In order to "rightsize" the Parking Department for a balanced budget, the following expense savings are in place: • Suspension or reduced service levels of contracts related to parking pay stations, sanitation services, pressure cleaning services, greenspace maintenance, valet parking concessions, security services, and parking attendants. • Furlough of over 60 employees within the department and/ or employees in other supporting departments funded by the parking system. Parking facilities, including garages, lots, and curbside parking have been impacted to varying degrees since the pandemic began. Currently, all facilities are open to the public except during curfew hours and in an abundance of caution certain locations have had limited access to assist in managing overcrowding and social distancing requirements, pursuant to Miami-Dade County Order and the City's State of Emergency Declaration and related Emergency Measures. The Department continues to monitor utilization and it makes adjustments based on recent trends and needs of businesses and residents. Parking Revenues The Parking Department received revenue from different sources outlined in the categories listed below. In addition, only selected recurring expenses associated with the parking garages are reported herein. July July Monthly July July YTD I. On/Off Metered Spaces 2019 2020 Variance 2019 YTD 2020 YTD Variance On/Off Metered Spaces $ 2,574,834 $ 932,892 $ (1,641,943) $ 23,790,441 $ 16,124,755 $ {7,665,687) Total Metered Spaces $2,574,834 $932,892 $(1,641,943) $23,790,441 $ 16,124,755 $(7,665,687) These amounts include revenue from ParkMobile Transactions. DocuSign Envelope ID: 86230172-854E-405E-80C6-F8B7C9D5ADA0 September 3, 2020 Letter to Commission - Parking Status Report - July 2020 Page 2 of 4 Meter Revenue: Meter revenue is composed of both single space and multi space meters on the streets and in lots as well as multi space meters located inside the City Hall and 42" Street Garages. Meter revenue variances are driven by many variables which include, but are not limited to, road and sidewalk construction, closed streets and site of events held in the City. Also, the proliferations of Transportation Network Entities (TNE) such as Uber and Lyft have impacted parking demand citywide. Unfortunately, TNE impact is difficult, if not impossible to quantify due to it being proprietary data. When compared to the prior year, the decrease in revenue was due to citywide response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Historical On-Street Meter Curbside Utilization: The meter hourly rate increase in Oct 2015 has adjusted parking habits by directing parking into off-street lot and garages. On-street curbside parking utilization has stabilized with every year following the new hourly rate implementation. Businesses and beaches were ordered to shutdown starting on 3/25/2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Historical Off-Street Meter Lot Utilization: The adjustments in parking habits, to off-street surface lots, have been a positive counter action from the reduction of on-street utilization. The permanent closure of the P52 Lot for the construction of the Collins Park Garage have contributed to the reduction in utilization, year-to-date. Municipal surface lots were ordered closed to public starting on 3/25/2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Historical Attended Off-Street Lot Utilization: The increase of on-street meter hourly rates along with a strong enforcement presence contributed to the higher monthly utilization at the attended parking lots. The closure of the P-Lot in Dec of 2015 and the conversion of the P71 to 24-hour enforcement contributed to the reduction in attended lot utilization year-to-date. South Pointe Park is the remaining off-street surface lot that is attended on weekends and during special events. Municipal surface lots were ordered closed to public starting on 3/25/2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. July July Monthly July July YTD ll. Enforcement 2019 2020 Variance 2019 YTD 2020 YTD Variance MD Parkina Violation $ 211,253 $ 78,718 $ (132,535) $ 2,008,726 $ 2,378,618 $ 369,892 Towina 52,920 1,160 (51,760) 499,480 254,090 (245,390) Right-of-Way Violation 4,500 (4,500) 193,390 25,200 (168,190) Total Enforcment $ 268,673 $ 79,878 $ (188,795) $ 2,701,596 $ 2,657,908 $ (43,688) * *These amounts include revenue for the month that had not yet posted. Enforcement: The City receives its share of parking citation revenue that occur in Miami Beach from Miami-Dade County Parking Violations Bureau which processes, collects, and adjudicates parking violations for all jurisdictions in the county. On October 1, 2019, Miami-Dade County increased parking violations with the Ordinance No. 18-145 that amends Sections 30-388.32 and 30-450 of the Miami-Dade County codes. Revenue was on pace to increase largely related to the County's fine schedule increase; however, it is anticipated that this gain will continue to erode in the coming months due to the COVID-19 pandemic. DocuSign Envelope ID: 86230172-854E-405E-80C6-F887C9O5ADA0 September 3, 2020 Letter to Commission - Parking Status Report - July 2020 Page 3 of 4 July July Monthly July July YTD Ill. Off Street Facilities 2019 2020 Variance 2019 YTD 2020 YTD Variance A. Garages 17th Street Garage $ 360,859 $ 88,537 $ (272,322 $ 4,212,776 $ 2,578,378 $ (1,634,398) Pennsylvania Garage $ 86,502 $ 31,896 (54,606 748,259 745,978 (2,281) Sunset Harbour Garage $ 79,717 $ 32,619 (47,098 897,610 553,451 (344,158) City Hall Garage $ 85,885 $ 6,774 179,112 653,612 562,505 (91,106) 7th Street Garage $ 245,171 $ 79,007 (166, 164 2,365,447 1,342,701 (1,022,747\ 12th Street Garage $ 71,931 $ 20,398 (51,533 663,316 407,455 (255,861) 13th Street Garage $ 164,136 $ 61,418 (102,719 1,651,919 1,058,493 (593,427) 42nd Street Garaae $ 82,119 $ 28,626 (53,493) 732,517 536,190 (196,327) 16th Street Garage $ 286,565 $ 73,488 (213,077 2,775,504 1,558,721 (1,216,783) Convention Center Garage $ $ 276,192 276,192 Total Garages $1,462,886 $422,761 $(1,040,125) $14,700,960 $ 9,343,872 $ (5,357,088) July July Monthly July July YTD B. Joint Development 2019 2020 Variance 2019 YTD 2020 YTD Variance 5th and Alton Garaqe $ 58,128 $ 33,156 $ (24,972) $ 516,741 $ 421,474 $ (95,267) Total Joint Development $ 58,128 $ 33,156 $ (24,972) $ 516,741 $ 421,474 $ (95,267) 46% of total revenue which represents the City's pro-rata share pursuant fo the Development Agreement Garages: Revenues are composed of transient, monthly, and flat rate special event rates. Garage revenue variances are driven by many variables which include, but are not limited to, special events, weather, tourism, and maintenance. When compared to the prior year, the decrease in revenue was due to citywide response to the COVID-19 pandemic. 5th and Alton Garage: The 5th and Alton Garage is a joint development (parking garage) with the "Developer" (Edens) containing 1,080 parking spaces. The Developer and City own 54% and 46% of the parking spaces, respectively, and profit/loss is also shared in the same manner. The City's revenue portion (46%) for the month of May is $31,244.08 resulting in total net loss of $15,870.90. Pursuant to the Development Agreement, the City receives its proportionate share of profit or must subsidize any loss. The City and Developer continue to jointly pursue initiatives to promote the use of the garage. These initiatives include but are not limited to "after hours" flat rate parking; valet parking storage; monthly parking; and strategically placed electronic signage directing users to the facility. Future considerations include promotional rates for "after hours and park and ride options to the entertainment districts. Historical Attended/Metered Garage Utilization: Transportation Network Entities (TNE), such as Uber and Lyft, have impacted parking demand citywide resulting in the decrease in the monthly attended garage utilization. However due to the increase of the on-street meter hourly rate in October of 2015 parking; habits have adjusted to direct parking to off-street parking facilities and attended garage. Additionally, municipal garages at City Hall and 42nd Street provide metered parking within the facility. The integration of ParkMobile within municipal garages began during FYl 7 which has contributed to the increase in parking utilization year-to-date. Businesses and beaches were ordered to shutdown starting on 3/25/2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. DocuSign Envelope ID: 86230172-854E-405E-80C6-F8B7C9D5ADAO September 3, 2020 Letter to Commission - Parking Status Report - July 2020 Page 4 of 4 July July Monthly July July YTD IV. Permit Sales 2019 2020 Variance 2019 YTD 2020YTD Variance Municipal Monthly Permits $ 8,924 $ 2,900 $ (6,024) $ 179,562 $ 241,500 $ 61,938 Valet & Sopee Rentals $ 252,009 $ 102,820 (149,189) 2,924,682 2,218,438 (706,244) Residential & Visitor Permits $ 70,177 $ 52,196 (17,980) 685,600 576,285 (109,314) Hotel Hang Tags $ 2,000 $ (2,000) 18,000 8,600 (9,400) Total Permit Sales $ 333,109 $157,916 $ (175,193) $ 3,807,843 $ 3,044,823 $ (763,020) Permit Sales: The sale of residential and visitor's virtual permits was introduced in fiscal year 2015, allowing residents to purchase residential permits and visitor permits for their guests online. As part of this program, in 2015,the Administration transitioned from set annual or semi-annual periods for residential permit renewal by zone to renewal periods according to birth month (similar to vehicle registration renewals). This spread the purchase permit sales over all months versus a set month. Additionally, before the transition to the new system, residents pre-purchased visitor hangtags from our customer service center to be used at a later date. The new virtual permit system allows residents to purchase a virtual visitor permit real time when needed. This eliminated the need to purchase multiple (paper) permits and it too spread the purchase of the virtual visitor permits over all months versus a set month. The virtual visitor permits are enforced using LPR technology. When compared to the prior year, the decrease in revenue was due to citywide response to the COVID-19 pandemic. July July Monthly July July YTD V. Miscellaneous 2019 2020 Variance 2019 YTD 2020YTD Variance Miscellanous $ 67,057 $ 203,064 $ 136,007 $ 1,288,498 $ 1,200,197 $ (88,301) Total Miscellaneous $ 67,057 $ 203,064 $ 136,007 $ 1,288,498 $ 1,200,197 $ (88,301) Miscellaneous: This category consists of other accounts including a revenue share from Citibike, advertising revenue, interest, etc. The increase this month is due to the quarterly payment for interest which posted in July 2020. In 2019 this payment was posted in the month of June. July July Monthly July July YTD VI. Pay by Phone 2019 2020 Variance 2019 YTD 2020YTD Variance Transaction Fees (Collected on behalf of Parkmobile] $ 78,659 $ 63,617 $ (15,042 $ 732,083 $ 635,255 $ (96,828) Total Pay by Phone $ 78,659 $ 63,617 $ (15,042) $ 732,083 $ 635,255 $ (96,828) ParkMobile: The City Commission awarded ParkMobile to provide mobile payment application service. Mobile payment application services provide enhanced functionality over the in-vehicle parking meter. Miami Beach residents will continue to enjoy the resident discounted rate of $1.00 per hour in the South Beach and Middle East Beach areas; from $4.00 for on-street parking and $2.00 for off-street parking in South Beach, and $3.00 for on-street parking and $2.00 for off-street parking in East Middle Beach. Moreover, ParkMobile will assess no transaction fees to Miami Beach residents for pay by phone service. ParkMobile began services on May 12, 2014. The revenue shown above represents the transaction fees collected by the City for non-resident transactions and remitted to ParkMobile in the following month. When compared to the prior year, the decrease in revenueœd~~lywde response to the COVID-19 pandemic. wrens 'A? DocuSign Envelope ID: 86230172-854E-405E-80C6-F8B7C9D5ADAO City of Miami Beach Parking Utilization Trend ATTENDED GARAGE HOURS Zone Name Jul-19 Jul-20 Monthly Variance% July FY July FY YTD YTD # Variance 2019 YTD 2020YTD Variance Variance% South GI 74h Street 159,399 51,318 (l 08,080) 68% 1,520,038 1,026,679 (493,359) -32% South G2 12th Street 50,245 9,296 (40,949) 81% 469,530 279,704 (189,825) 40% South G3 13th Street 148,61l 56,853 (91,758) 62% 1,421,338 984,570 (436,768) -31% South G4 16th Street (Anchor) 247,364 35,604 (211,760) -86% 2,112,090 1,200,222 [911,868) 43% South G5 174h Street 267,449 41,158 (226,291) 85% 2,744,535 1,746,989 (997,546) -36% Middle G6 42nd Street 108,965 19,382 (89,582) 82% 929,312 589,054 (340,257) -37% South G7 City Holl 33,474 5,168 (28,306) -85% 205,956 223,318 17,363 8% South G8 5th & Alton 15,081 71,567 56,486 375% 2,266,242 1,660,048 (606,194) -27% South G9 Pennsylvania Avenue 33,528 4,749 (28,779) -86% 295,126 282,524 (12,602) 4% South GlO Sunset Harbor 37,088 10,029 (27,058) 73% 466,072 279,829 (186,243) -40% TOTAL GARAGES HOURS"" 1,101,203 305,125 (796,078) -72% 12,430,239 8,272,939 (4,157,300) -33% The 5th & Alton Garage provides free porking for the first 2 hours of occupancy **Parking garage rate increase went into effect in Moy 2018 Garage utilization hours include discounted validation usage ATTENDED LOT HOURS Zone Name Jul-19 Jul-20 Monthly Variance % July FY July FY YTD YTD # Variance 2019 YTD 2020YTD Variance Variance % South Pl South Pointe 41,295 (41,295) -100% 287,278 201,717 (85,561) -30% South P32 P.Lot 35 (35) 0% 1,701 62 (1,638) 0% Middle P71 46th & Collins 10,448 2,636 7,812) -75% 234,289 53,436 (180,854) 77% TOTAL LOT HOURS 51,778 2,636 (49,142) -95% 523,268 255,215 (268,053) -51% 'The P-lot opened briefly during FYl 9 prior lo the construction of Freedom Park TOTAL ATTENDED PARKING HOURS 1,152,981 307,761 (845,220) -73% 12,953,507 8,528,154 (4,425,353) -34% METERED LOT HOURS (OFF-STREET) Zone Jul-19 Jul-20 Monthly Variance% July FY July FY YTD YTD Variance 2019 YTD 2020YTD Variance Variance % South 196,543 54,003 (142,540) -73% 1,907,045 1,320,180 (586,865) -31% Middle 73,348 24,203 (49,145) 67% 664,093 418,693 (245,400) -37% North 74,526 27,955 (46,570) 62% 710,758 405,738 (305,020) 43% TOTAL OFF-STREET HOURS 344,417 106,162 (238,255) -69% 3,281,897 2,144,611 (1,137,286) -35% METERED CURBSIDE HOURS (ON-STREET) Zone Jul-19 Jul-20 Monthly Variance % July FY July FY YTD YTD Variance 2019 YTD 2020YTD Variance Variance% South 360,939 141,836 (219,103) 61% 3,346,126 2,376,839 (969,287) .29% Middle 63,843 20,224 (43,620) 68% 610,492 409,207 (201,285) -33% North 51,836 19,014 (32,822) -63% 511,172 319,646 (191,526) -37% TOTAL ON-STREET HOURS 476,618 181,074 (295,544) -62% 4,467,790 3,105,692 (1,362,098) -30% METERED GARAGE HOURS Zone Name Jul-19 Jul-20 Monthly Variance % July FY July FY YTD YTD # Variance 2019 YID 2020YTD Variance Variance% Middle G6 42nd Street 97 (97) -100% 1,248 593 (655) -52% South G7 CNy Hall 2,255 145 (2,110) 94% 23,362 18,220 (5,142) -22% TOTAL GARAGE HOURS 2,352 145 (2,207) -94% 24,611 18,814 (5,797 -24% TOTAL METERED PARKING HOURS 823,386 287,381 (536,006) -65% 7,774,297 5,269,117 (2,505,180) -32% TOTAL ATTENDED & METERED HOURS 1,976,368 595,142 (1,381,226) -70% 20,727,804 13,797,271 (6,930,533) -33% F:\PING\$PERS\StotusReport\2020\ l O-July 2020\July-20 Monthly Porking Utilization Trend.xlsx DocuSign Envelope ID: 86230172-854E-405E-80C6-F8B7C9D5ADA0 Historical Comparison City of Miami Beach Parking Utilization Trend ATTENDED GARAGE HOURS Zone Name Jul-15 Jul-20 Monthly Variance July FY July FY YTD YTD # Variance % 2015 YTD 2020 YTD Variance Variance% South Gl 74h Street 206,218 51,318 (154,899) 75% 1,904,866 1,026,679 (878,187) -46% South G2 12th Street 47,760 9,296 (38,464) 81% 479,971 279,704 (200,266) 42% South G3 13th Street 94,421 56,853 (37,568) 40% 1,107,554 984,570 (122,984) -11% South G4 l6th Street (Anchor) 258,906 35,604 (223,302) -86% 2,147,467 1,200,222 (947,245) -44% South G5 17th Street 250,436 41,158 (209,278) -84% 3,050,230 1,746,989 (1,303,241) 43% Middle G6 42nd Street 62,508 19,382 (43,125) 69% 551,044 589,054 38,010 7% South G7 City Hall 18,484 5,168 (13,317) 72% 293,800 223,318 (70,482) -24% South G9 Pennsylvania Avenue 31,296 4,749 (26,547) -85% 586,158 282,524 (303,633) 52% South GlO Sunset Harbor 47,911 10,029 (37,882) 79% 482,541 279,829 (202,712) 42% TOTAL GARAGES HOURS 1,017,940 233,558 (784,382) -77% 10,603,631 6,612,891 (3,990,740) -38% ATTENDED LOT HOURS Zone Name Jul-15 Jul-20 Monthly Variance July FY July FY YTD YTD # Variance % 2015 YTD 2020 YTD Variance Variance % South Pl South Pointe 29,366 (29,366) -100% 263,000 201,717 (61,283) -23% South P32 P-Lot 1,573 (1,573) -100% 44,726 62 (44,664) -100% Middle P71 46th & Collins 59,875 2,636 (57,239) 96% 501,374 53,436 (447,938) -89% TOTAL LOT HOURS 90,814 2,636 (88,178) -97% 809,100 255,215 (553,885) -68% TOTAL ATTENDED PARKING HOURS 1,108,754 236,194 (872,560) -79% 11,412,731 6,868,106 (4,544,625) -40% METERED LOT HOURS (OFF-STREET) Zone Jul-15 Jul-20 Monthly Variance July FY July FY YTD YTD Variance % 2015 YTD 2020 YTD Variance Variance% South 250,752 54,003 (196,749) -78% 2,459,197 1,320,180 (1,139,018) -46% Middle 73,597 24,203 (49,394) 67% 688,506 418,693 (269,813) 39% North 87,848 27,955 (59,893) -68% 813,692 405,738 (407,954) 50% TOTAL OFF-STREET HOURS 412,197 106,162 (306,035) -74% 3,961,396 2,144,611 (1,816,785) -46% METERED CURBSIDE HOURS (ON-STREET) Zone Jul-15 Jul-20 Monthly Variance July FY July FY YTD YTD Variance % 2015 YTD 2020 YTD Variance Variance % South 597,438 141,836 (455,602) -76% 5,695,927 2,376,839 (3,319,088) 58% Middle 82,244 20,224 (62,020) -75% 799,019 409,207 (389,812) 49% North 70,483 19,014 (51,469) 73% 700,642 319,646 (380,996) -54% TOTAL ON-STREET HOURS 750,165 181,074 (569,091) -76% 7,195,589 3,105,692 (4,089,897) -57% METERED GARAGE HOURS Zone Name Jul-15 Jul-20 Monthly Variance July FY July FY YTD YTD # Variance % 2015 YTD 2020 YTD Variance Variance% Middle G6 42nd Street 217 (217) -100% 2,293 593 (1,700) -74% South G7 City Hall 1,954 145 (1,809) 93% 13,384 18,220 4,836 36% TOTAL GARAGE HOURS 2,171 145 (2,026) -93% 15,677 18,814 3,137 20% TOTAL METERED PARKING HOURS 1,164,533 287,381 (877,152) -75% 11,172,661 5,269,117 (5,903,544) -53% TOTAL ATTENDED & METERED HOURS 2,273,287 523,575 (1,749,712) -77% 22,585,392 12,137,223 (10,448,169) -46% Historical Comparison