LTC 309-2020 Free Flu Vaccines Available for Miami Beach Public School YouthDocuSign Envelope ID: E5842630-C89E-4600-86EA-04274AE 86B91 MIAMI BEACH O F F IC E O F TH E C IT Y M A N A G E R N O . LT 309-2020 LETTER TO COMMISSION To: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission es ea er» [Rf Date: Subject: September 9, 2020 Free Flu Vaccines Available for Miami Beach Public School Youth The purpose of this Letter to Commission is to update you on the status of the City of Miami Beach's efforts to provide the flu vaccine to Miami Beach youth. The city has sustained its partnership with Borinquen Medical Centers, Miami-Dade County Public Schools, and The Children's Trust to provide free flu vaccines to youth from September 26-30, 2020 at the following locations on the weekend and afterschool hours: Miami Beach Senior High School, Miami Beach Fienberg Fisher K-8, Biscayne Beach Elementary and Borinquen Medical Center - Main (3601 Federal Highway, Miami, FL 33137). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), influenza rates among kids and young adults were higher than average this past flu season in comparison to recent years. Getting a flu vaccine will not protect against COVID-19, however, flu vaccination has many other important benefits. Flu vaccines have been shown to reduce the risk of flu illness, hospitalization, and death. Getting a flu vaccine this fall will be more important than ever, not only to reduce risk from flu but also to help conserve potentially scarce health care resources. To provide future protection from the flu, the City of Miami Beach has committed $15,000. The flu vaccines will be administered at the locations listed above on the weekend and afterschool with a $0 copay. All participating youth will be required to submit a completed parental consent form by the established deadline. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me or Dr. Leslie Rosenfeld, Chief Learning and Development Officer. Attachments ±. DocuSi gn Envelope ID: E5842630-C89E-4600 -86EA-04274AE8 6B9 1 THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH WILL BE O F F E R IN G 0w Shon 8 o s"N t» N "o $$ geptember 28-30 FLU SHOTS MADE EASY • The flu shot will be administered on the weekend and ofter-school hours • Your copay is $0 with o completed consent form • Return the form to your individual school by September 21 • Questions? Contact your school nurse FLU SHOTS SAVE LIVES! The CDC recommends o yearly flu vaccine as the most important step in preventing influenza infections. learn more: https://www.d.gov/flu/ DocuSign Envelope ID: E5842630-C89E-4600-86EA-04274A4E86B91 LA CIUDAD DE MIAMI BEACH OFRECERÁ GRATIS ata la ltive, o' '<a ° ta s eslas o, gê «e Ma»te,," s "@e} 26-$0 de Sep tie m bre ES FACIL REDUCIR EL RIESGO • Se administra rá lo vacuno contra el flu los fines de semana y después del día escolar • Su copogo es $0 al completar el fo rmulario • Devuelvo lo planilla o su escuelo antes del 2l de septiembre • Tiene preguntas? Contactar a su en ferm era escolar LAS VACUNAS CONTRA LA INFLUENZA SALVAN VIDAS lo CD C recom iendo recibir anualmente lo vacu no co ntro lo influenzo para ayudar o combatir el viru s. Mos Info rm ación: https://www.cdc.gov/llu/ w ww sA c or ra .EN. a±M± )