LTC 320-2020 Launch of New Website Portal for Project Updates and InformationMIAM E O FFIC E O F TH E CI TY M A N A G ER LTC# 320-2020 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO : Mayor Dan Gelber and Members o the City Co FRO M : Jimmy L. Morales, City Managt:!l.r--ii.--7 D A TE: S ep t em b er 15, 2020 SUBJECT: L a u n c h o f N ew W eb site P Irt al for P roject Upd ates and Info rm atio n The purpose of this L TC is to announce the creation of the new Neighborhood Affairs Division (NAD) web portal with newly refreshed project pages. Since the creation of the Neighborhood Affairs Division (NAD) this spring, the team has been working with all city departments to collaborate on ways to increase consistency of communications within our community and ensuring that our residents are fully informed on everything they need and may want to know. Through this collaboration with city departments, we have created a new streamlined web portal to better assist resident needs. From information on citywide projects to details on new initiatives and resources for residents and stakeholders, the new portal provides residents with yet another avenue to stay up to date with city projects. While refreshing the city's website to ensure that all project information was clear and accurate, the newly created web portal is a one-stop-shop where all community projects will now be housed cultivating a seamless experience for residents looking for information. Based on the structure of the NAD, the new webpages have a portal for each city area (North, South and Mid-Beach) and list contact information for each area's Neighborhood Affairs Coordinator. A new interactive project map was also created to provide residents with a visual reference when looking for projects in their area. In addition to the new area portals, each of the city project pages have been refreshed to better serve all interested parties. Throughout the new web portal and the refreshed project pages, there are multiple opportunities to contact city personnel responsible for the area or project. These improvements streamline engagement with residents and reinforce our commitment to maintaining transparency. The NAD has been integrated across all city departments, each Neighborhood Affairs Coordinator is responsible for a geographic area of the city and are ensuring extensive public outreach is met for each of the projects within their area. The list of the Neighborhood Affairs Coordinators is below, along with the area that they are responsible for and contact information. N e ig hb o rh o o d A ffai rs D ivi sion ] 305 .673 .795 8 [ NAD @m i am ibe achfl .gov ] M ia mi B each FL.g o y/N A D Li z B el lo -M atth ew s [ N o rt h B e ach N e igh b o rhoo d A ff ai rs Coor d ina tor Letter to C om m ission (L TC)- City of Mía m i Beach and Miami-Dade County Transit Partnership Page 2 of 2 M A RKET IN G & CO M M U N IC ATIO N S DEPA RTM ENT 1700 Convention Center Drive, M iam i Beach, FL 33139 Em ail: Li2 B ello-M atth ew s@m iam ib each fl.g ov Vanessa Vázquez [ M iddle Beach Neighborhood Affairs Coordinator M A RKETIN G & CO M M U N IC ATION S DEPA RTM ENT 1700 Conv enti on Center Drive, M iami Beach, FL 33139 Tel: 305.673.7000 x26135 I Mobile: 786.599.6543 Em ail: VanessaV azquez@ m iamibeachfl.gov Lauren Firt el I South Beach Neighborhood Affairs Coordinator M A R KE T IN G & CO M M U N IC ATION S DEPARTMENT 1700 Convention Center Drive, M iam i Beach, FL 33139 Tel: 305.673.7000 x22705 I Mobile: 305.986.6403 Em ail: Laur e nFi rtel@m i am ibe ach fl.gov Kevin Pul ido ] Citywide Neighb or h ood A ffairs M ana ger M A R KE TIN G & CO M M U N IC ATIO N S DEPA RTMENT 1700 Convention Center Drive, M iam i Beach, FL 33139 Tel: 305.673.7575x2112 I Cell: 786.568.6051 Em ail: K evìnPulido@ m iam ibeachfl.gov If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Kevin Pulido, Neighborhood Affairs Division M anager at kevinpu lid o@m i ami be achfl .gov. JLM /ATH/T D/M B/KP