LTC 334-2020 Youth Commission MotionsDocuSign Envelope ID: 2432CC5E-BEAA-4A51-B93A4-A4B4F9EC3294 MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC # 334-2020 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission ow. arr woes. ca»osa.[ „..i.a. ~28CA18194070496 ... DATE: September 22, 2020 SUBJECT: Youth Commission Motions The Youth Commission would like you to be aware of the following motions requesting support for a mask use campaign targeting youth and inclusion of local Miami Beach history in public school curriculum, approved at the September 22, 2020 youth commission meeting. C: Executive Staff Dr. Leslie Rosenfeld, Chief Learning Development Officer @[~ MT/LDR Attachment DocuSi gn En vel op e ID: 2432C C5E-BEAA -4 A51-B 934-A4B4F9EC 3294 City of M iam i Beach Youth C om m ission M eeting of Septem ber 22, 20 20 M em bers Present: Fra ncesca "Franny" G onzalez, John "Jake" Aleman, Leandra Hall, M ax G elber, and Jacqueline Schaffer M em bers A bsent: Jonathan T amen M o tion 1 M otion m ade by M ax G elber M otion seconded by Jake Alem an The Youth Com m ission requests the M ayor and City C om m ission support the development of a video (public serv ice announcement) encoura ging m ask use and effect ive m asks targeting M iam i Beach youth. The Youth C om m ission urges the M ayor and C om m ission to support the above request. M otion Passage: Votes 5-0 M o tio n 2 M otion m ade by Leandra H all M otion seconded by M ax G elber The Youth C om m ission requests the M ayor and City C om m ission im plement a comm unity outre ach program to share loca l M iam i Beach history em phasizing contributions m ade by Black, Jew ish, and LG BTQ + com m unity m em bers to educate youth of M iam i Beach and request the School Boar d of M iam i D ade C ounty Public Schools to teach local history emphasizing contributions m ade by Black, Jew ish, and LG BTQ + com m unity m em bers w ithin M iam i Beach public schools as part of the curriculum . The Youth C omm ission urges the M ayor and C om m ission to support the above request. M otion Passage: Votes 4-0