LTC 337-2020 Sustainability Committee MotionDocuSign Envelope ID: CEDA 1681-9831-4AD7-8D9E-78252926C303 M IAMI BEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager Tel: 305-673-7010, Fax: 305-673-7782 NO. LTC # 337-2020 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission FROM: DATE: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager September 23, 2020 SUBJECT: Sustainability Committee Motion The purpose of this Letter to Commission is to provide you with correspondence received from the Sustainability Committee regarding the motions made at the meeting held September 22, 2020. Attachment: Sustainability Committee Motion WI BE A C H RISING ABOVE City of Miami Beach Sustainability Com mittee David Doebler, Chair TO: Members: FROM: Jeremy Woks Mohammed Islam DATE: Luiz Rodrigues Max Litt SUBJECT: Jason Koslowe Sara Kott Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission David Doebler, Sustainability Committee Chair September 23,2020 Sustainability Committee Motion Dear Mayor and Honorable City Commission, The Sustainability Committee met on September 22, 2020 and passed the motion below: • Motion supporting the adoption of the fertilizer ordinance on second reading with the recommendation to incorporate reas onable restrictions on fertilizer application within golf courses. Sincerely, r airperson, Sustainability Committee