LTC 372-2020 Little Kids Rock Partnership UpdateDocuSign Envelope ID: AE 5A79E C-9F69-4325-822C-F8CDCB CEE275 MIAMI BE A C H OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC # To: From: Date: Subject: 372-2020 LETTER TO COMMISSION Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission er-woo. as ., [s.Ca. ' ~28CA1i194070496 ... October 20, 2020 Little Kids Rock Partnership Update The purpose of this Letter to Commission is to update you on the status of the City of Miami Beach's partnership with Little Kids Rock to bring culturally relevant music education to Miami Beach students. A component of the partnership provides modern band professional development, curricular resources, and musical instruments to music teachers supporting music access and education to our youth. As such, music teachers across Miami Beach are invited to participate in a new Composing through Songwriting professional learning course for instrumental, vocal and/or general music professionals. The course will provide each participant with the following: • Learn to teach students to collaboratively compose and produce songs • Access to an online digital audio workstation (DAW) such as Soundtrap • Project-Based Learning (PBL} unit that incorporates Social Emotional Learning • New virtual strategies focusing on composing and songwriting using music production • Curricular projects and activities for music students (band, choir, orchestra, modern band, and others) • Unlimited access to new curricular materials and online resources • Participation in a community of more than 3,000 music teachers from across the country Miami Beach music teachers may sign up now for the workshop that will be held on November 7, 2020, from 9:00 am -- 3:30 pm by visiting bit.ly/LKRsignup and selecting Miami Composing through Songwriting 101. There is no cost to participate. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me or Dr. Leslie Rosenfeld, Chief Learning and Development Officer. Attaaent 7 « writ DocuSign Envelope ID: AE5A79EC-9F69-4325-822C-F8CDCBCEE275 Composing through Songwriting 101 NEW Virtu al Professional Learning Course for instrumental, vocal and/or general music teachers at elementary. middle and high schools M iam i Beach M usic Teachers - Sig n Up Today! (Lumlted Seating) BE ACH Date and Times Saturday, November 7 9 0 0-3 30 P M EST Participate and learn: To teach your students to collaboratively com pose and produce songs 2 Touse an online dgital audio workstation (DAW) such as Soundtr ap 3 Toincorporate a Project Based Learning (BL) unit th at incorp ora tes Social Em otional Learning Regi ster Now! bit.lLK Rsignu (case sensitive] Select Miami Composing through Songwriting 101 No cost to participants! Q uesti ons? Emal us at ur.±le±..:2= What You11 Get New viru ai strategies focusing on com posing and songwriting using music production Curricular projects & acties for your music students (band, choir, orchestra, modern band, and oth ers ) Unlimited access to new curricular m aterials and onhine res ources Participation in a community of more than 3,000 m usic teachers from across th e country Fn d out more about Little Kids Rock a:Jl&±¿;:2::2.=