LTC 199-2021 Nurse Enhancement Initiative Behavioral Mental Health Services Summary ReportD ocuSi g n En vel op e ID: 44C B C 6C 6-3812-4004 -31C -0C 047FO9EE C7 MIA.MAIB EA CH OF FIC E OF TH E CITY MA N A G ER N O . LTC # 199-2021 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: M ayor D an G elber and M em bers of the City C om m ission FROM, Alina T. Hudak, City Mana~ DATE: M a y 5, 2021 SUBJECT: N u rse Enhancem ent Initiative Behavioral/M e ntal Health S erv ices Sum m ary R eport K ey M etric s: • N u m b e r of stud ent m ental health serv ices in 2020-21 (th rough A pril 2021): 2,061 • Perc e nt inc rease serv ices fr om prior scho o l year: 9.3% The purp o se of this Letter to C om m ission is to update the M ayor and C ity C om m ission on the status of our N urse En hancem ent Initiative fo r Behavioral Health/M ental Health youth support serv ices from A ugu st 2020 thro ugh A pril 2021 fo r N orth Beach Elem entary , M iam i Beach South Pointe Ele m e nta ry , M iam i Beach Fienberg Fish er K -8, Bis ca yn e Beach Elem entary , Treasure Island Elem e nta ry , R uth K . Bro ad Bay H arbo r K-8 C enter, M iam i Beach Nautilus M iddle School, and M ia m i Be a ch Senior H igh School. For th e 2016-17 sch ool year, the initiative w as enhanced to incl ud e beha vio ral health se rv ices (m ental health serv ices) to three (3) schools in the fe eder pattern and w as furt he r expanded in th e 2017 -18 sch o ol year to an additional five (5) M iam i Beach public sch o ol s. O verall, 34 5 yo uth received 2,061 m enta l health suppo rt serv ice s in the 2020-2021 school year throug h A p ril 2021 fr om the Li censed C linical Social W orker (S ocial W orker) in all M iam i Beach fe ed e r public schools bo th on-site and via telehealth. The below provides the num ber of serv ices provided to yo uth per the updated report ing procedure at each M iam i Beach feeder school during the 20 20-21 school year (through A pril 2021): Pub lic School • M iam i Beach Senior H igh School • M ia m i Beach N autilus M iddle School • M ia m i Beach Fienberg Fisher K-8 • M ia m i Beach South Pointe Ele m entary • N ort h Be ach Elem enta ry • Bisca yne Beach Elem entary • T rea sure Island Elem entary • R uth K . Broad K -8 C enter # of youth m ental health serv ices 926 261 182 114 112 17 8 68 220 The enhan ce d behavioral serv ices include on-site and virt ual access to a licensed clinical social w orker to pro vide serv ices incl uding, but not lim ited to, the fo llow ing: o A cadem ic Issues o A tt ention Issues o A nger M a nagem ent o A nxiety o Disruptive Behavior o Depression o Stress M anagem ent o Fam ily Issues DocuSign Envelop e ID: 44CBC 6C6-3812-400A4-B31C-0CO47FO9EE C7 Each school received support through this initiative for the indicated number of days per week during the 2020-21 school year: Treasure Island Elementary one (1) day per week, North Beach Elementary two (2) days per week, Biscayne Beach Elementary one (1) day per week, Ruth K. Broad K-8 Center two (2) days per week, Miami Beach South Pointe Elementary one (1) day per week, Miami Beach Fienberg Fisher K-8 one (1) day per week, Miami Beach Nautilus Middle School two (2) days per week, and Miami Beach Senior High School five (5) days per week. The Miami Beach public school community may reach the mental health professional directly using the information provided below during the school year: • Treasure Island Elementary Ashley Silverio Monday 8am-4pm • North Beach Elementary Ashley Silverio Tuesday and Thursday, 8am-4pm • Biscayne Beach Elementary Jennifer Broche Monday 8am-4pm • Ruth K. Broad Bay Harbor K-8 Ashley Silverio Wednesday and Friday 8am-4pm • Miami Beach South Pointe Elementary Jennifer Broche Tuesday 8am-4pm • Miami Beach Fienberg Fisher K-8 Jennifer Broche Friday 8am-4pm • Miami Beach Nautilus Middle Jennifer Broche Wednesday and Thursday 8am-4pm • Miami Beach Senior High James Moore Monday through Friday 7am-3pm Phone: (305) 865-3141 (Clinic) Email: Asilverio@borinquenhealth.org Phone: (305) 531-7666 Ext 2166 Email: Asilverio@borinq uenhealth .org Phone: (305) 868-7727 (Clinic) Ext. 2113 Email: Jbroche@borinquenhealth.org Phone: (305) 865-7912 Ext. 2123 Email: Asilverio@borinquenhealth.org Phone: (305) 531-5437 (Clinic) Email: Jbroche@borinquenhealth.org Phone: (305) 531-0419 (Clinic) Email: Jbroche@borinquen health .org Phone: (305) 305-532-3481 Ext 2243 Email: Jbroche@borinquenhealth.org School Phone: (305) 535-6417 Email: Jmoore@borinquenhealth.org This initiative supports our strategic priority to be known for educational (K-12) excellence. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me or Dr. Leslie Rosenfeld, Chief Learning and Development Officer. C: Executive Staff Dr. Leslie Rosenfeld, Chief Learning Development Officer D o c u Si gn En v el o p e ID: 4 4 C B C 6 C 6 -3 8 1 2 -4 0 0 A4 -8 3 1 C -0 C 0 4 7 F 0 9E F C 7 M ENTAL HEALTH SERVICE S FINDING PEACE OF MIND The Ci ty of Miami Beach, through our Education Compact with Miami-Dade County Public Schools, continues to provide mental health support services for all Miami Beach public school children through The Children's Trust and Borinquen Medical Center. SERVICES A mental health professional is now available to provide individual telephonic support for any child or family in need with services included but not limited to: • Anxiety • Depression • Stress Management • Family Issues 1 Children suffer developmental or behavioral disabilities that limit their health and school performance. %e Behavioral health issues can affect a student's performance, increase truancy, school dropout rates, and difficulties in learning. If you are in need of this service, please contact your child's behavioral health counselor. Ashley Silerio: Asilverio@bor inquenhealth.og Jennifer Broche: Jbroche@borinquenhealth.org Jom e s M oor e: Jmoore@boringquenheolhh.org 1 est ¡h E plrmhon r VI t «I fin h l t+ 1 t l ¡ I ' ly tu A r) with li' I ., M IAM I BEACH ,I· " I I fl• » ] 489 I ' I li n 1' i ' D ocu Si gn Envel op e ID: 44C B C 6C 6-3812 -4004 -B 31C -0C 047F 09E F C 7 SERVICIOS DE SALUD MENTAL ENCONTRANDO TRANQUILIDAD La Ciudad de Miami Beach, a través de nuestro Pacto de Educación con las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Miami-Dade, continua prestando servicios de apoyo para la salud mental de todos los niños de las escuelas públicas de Miami Beach a través de "The Children's Trust" y el Centro Médico Borinquen. SERVICIOS Un profesional de la salud mental está ahora disponible para proporcionar apoyo teletónico individual a cualquier niño o familia que lo necesite con servicios incluidos pero no limitados a: - Ansiedad - Depresión - Manejo del estrés - Asuntos familiares 1de 3 los niños sufren discapacidades de desarrollo o de comportamiento mentales que limitan su salud y su rendimiento escolar. @%e Problemas de salud mental pueden afectar el rendimiento del estudiante, aumentar ausentismo, porcentaje de abandono escolar, y dificultades en aprendizaje. g Si necesita este servicio, par favor llame o mande un correo al profesional de salud de comportamiento de su hijo Ashley Silverio: asilver io@borinquenheolh.og Jennifer Broche. ibroch e@b or inquenheahh.org James Moore: imoore@borinquenhealth .org MIAMI BEACH