LTC 267-2021 Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of July 5 - 9, 2021MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK L TC No. 267-2021 TO: FROM: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members~,.'. Commission Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk / (j DATE: June 29, 2021 LETTER TO COMM ISS ION SUBJECT: Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of July 5 -9, 2021 Attached please find meetings that were noticed in Sunday's Neighbors section of The Miami Herald for the week of July 5 -9, 2021 published on June 28, 2021. The weekly meeting notice is also available to the public via the City's website at http ://miamibeachfl .gov/cityclerk/default.aspx?id =1776 If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at 305.673.7411. REG/cd Attachment We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MEETING NOTICES July 5 -9, 2021 MONDAY, July 05 Independence Day - Holiday Observed TUESDAY, July 06 3:00 p.m. LGBTQ Advisory Commillee Subcommillee on Advocacy Microsoft T earn Meeting 5:30 p.m . Miami Beach Commission For Women 5:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m . Zoom Meeting WEDNESDAY, July 07 Resiliency Code Community Meeting Zoom Meeting THURSDAY, July 08 Special Master Hearings Zoom Meeting 5:30 p .m. Parks and Recreational Facilities Advisory Board Microsoft Team M eet ing FRIDAY, July 09 9:00 a.m. Board of Adjustment* Hybrid Meeting City Holl Clo se d 1.786.636.1480 Access ID 569283309# https://us02web.zoom .us/j/8 I 650885 614?pwd~VniPUTRnS 1 gvM2FKRVFVZXV yZVQzQT09 1. 929.436.2 866 or 1.888 .475 .4499 Access ID 81650885614# Passcode 526357# hilps · //zoom us/j/94812659309 1.312 .626.6799 or 1.888.475 .4499 Access ID 94812659309# ht1 ps : //miqm ib eoc hfl - 9ov .zoom .us/j/895092099 10 1.929.205 .6099 or 1.888 .475 .4499 Access ID 89509209910# 1.786.636.1480 Access ID 412571264# btt ps · //miomibeac hfl- 9ov zoom .us/j/828696 15309 1.3 01.715 .8592 or 1.877.853 .5257 Access ID 82869615309# City Hall Comm issio n Chamber 1700 Convention Center Drive, 3,d Fl oor Fm a ny and/ or all of lh e above mee tings, one or more members of lhe Miami Bench Cily Commission, and or Ci1y boorJ/ com miltee me mbe,s may be in attendance and pmlicipole in discussions. • A;rW li,eu1 MgT\I Alhfr B1mdlrnd t:60 AJ&[ l bMe 99 Hr'llil"' CrrnrrM 1rn •1cm 395 & R'"'li<IJ d~,iceq1 PFG N • • Coiwui~slai Comrn ill~ Aired li~e t,11 MSTV AD No. 0627202 t-0 IM A lisling of all fOfmo l compelitive solicitations issued by the City of Miami Beach, Flo,ida is available ol ht1ps· //www miomibegchfl goy/cibtho11/procuremen 1/cHy-coolracls/. To access any formal c.ompelilive sol icilolioo issued by 1he City, or to ,ecelve ony addendum issued loo lormo l competilive solicilolion, you may olso visit hUps · //puxl bids.ync mm/Mi□mi:Oeqrh-Public meeling nolices con be found 0,1 1he P1 ocu 1eme nl Calendo1 01 bt1ps · //www miomlbeochfl gpy/rity-boU/rnocwemeu 1/coleoder/. MIAMI BEACH We o,a rommilled lo p1ovidin9 axc8/lan/ public satvico and safely lo all w/io live, wo1k, am/ play in ou, vibmnl, tropical, historical rommunily. Mamba1s ol l/1a pob/ic moy prasan/ audio/visual (AVJ mato,ials 1afoli119 lo Ag1mdo /lems al City Comm inion Meetings by ulili~ing /he Cily'J AV equipment, provided lhu l molario/s ore submit/ad lo the Depa1'mant ol Morkalin9 and Communicolio111 by 8:30 o.m., 0118 (1/ business day ptior lo Ilia mealing. Advance submittal of o p1asanlalion will allow Iha Communicolions Daparlrmml to pion for Iha use of Ilia opp1opriala AV aquipman/. AV moterials mus/ ba submi/tfJ{I via email al commu11ica tions@m iomibaochll.gov. T/18 body c,f Ilia email mus/ i11dur/a o 11010 1/on listing 1/1a name or groop, con tac/ person, daytime talaplmna number, amai/ addraSJ, dascriplic,n/lilla of Ili a prenenlalion, and Agenda /tam Tit/a as wall as 1/m Agenda Item Numbe1 . Please rafare,>r:8 "Audio/Virnal M(J/aria/• in /lie am(li/ su bjocl line. Accaptnb/a formals for electronic submission are .pd(, .ppl, .pptx, .pps, .ppsx, .wmv, .avi, ond .mav. /Nola thal .pd( is Ilia prafarrad formol for PowerPoinl praiautalions ./ City Holl is loco tad ot 1700 Co1wan1ion Center D,iva; ond die Miomi Bauch Convenlion Cenler is loco lad ol 1901 Convention Cenler Drive . Any mee!ing moy be opened ond con1iriued, and under such circums1micas, oddilionol legol nolica will not be l>rovidad . To ra;r:ast this materiot in olter nale formot, sign longuoga inlerpre!ar {liva.day notic;a ,aquirad), in lormotion on occeu or persons wi 1 disabilities, ond/or ony occommodot1on to review any doc:.umant or porlicipota m any C1ty•sponsored proceedings coll 305.604.2489 and select I fOf English, 1hen oplion 6, TTY users moy coll via 711 (Flor ido Relay Service) A mealing nal noticed in tha We&kly i\.\eeting Notice od and dalermined la be on eme19enc;y meeting will be poslad on Iha bulle tin boo,ds lhmughoul City Holl and will be ovailobla Iha City's website ol: http·l/w~b mfqm/beachO eovtdtyrleck /Mfoult etpx11d.lZZ4 Pursuant lo Section 2860105, Flo . Stol ., tha City hereby advises d~ pvblic that ii a pa1$011 decides to appeal ony doc,sion mode by the boo,d, ogenc;y, 01 commiuion wilh ,especl lo any molter cons1da1ad at such meehng or hearing, he 01 sl~ will need o rocor<I of the proceedings, and thol, for such purpose, ha or she may naad lo enwre 1h01 o verbohm record of Iha proceedings is mode, which ,acord md udes the leslimony and evidence upon which lhe appeal i~ la be bosed.