LTC 286-2021 Mayor's Art Deco Cultural District Panel MotionMIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC # 286-2021 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: FROM: DATE: Honorable Mayor Dan Gelbe{Wmbers of the City Commission Alina T. Hudak, City ManagtN\ '\ \ July 8, 2021 SUBJECT: Mayor's Art Deco Cultural District Panel Motion This Letter to Commission ("L TC") provides an update regarding a motion approved at theJuly 2, 2021 meeting of the Mayor's Art Deco Cultural District Panel. Members Present: Jonathan Plutzik (Chair), Jonathan Freidin (Vice Chair), Nisi Berryman, Daniel Ciraldo, Tom Donall, Ricardo Dopico, Robin Jacobs, Jane Krupp, Marc Lawrence, Salem Mounayyer, JenniferRoberts, and Curtis Slipman. Motion: Recommendation that the City support the Panel's efforts by obtaining empirical data, such as conducting a statistical survey, of the community's perceptions about existing conditions on Ocean Drive and the various transportation andmobility options proposed, including specifically whether or not to includevehicular traffic. The Panel recommends that business owners, residents, andtourists should be included as survey respondents and any survey questioningshould be carefully structured to avoid the skewing of responses. Motion made by:Seconded by: Passed: Daniel Ciraldo Curtis Slipman11-1 Any questions about the foregoing may be directed to Justin Karr, Panel Liaison,justinkarr@miamibeachfl.gov, or Rickelle Williams, Economic Development Director,rickellewilliams@miamibeachfl.gov.