LTC 308-2021 2019 Community-Wide and Government Operations Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory308-2021 1\/\IA/v\l BEAC OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC# LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: M mbers of the City Commission FROM: Alina T. Hudak, City Mana DATE: July 22, 2021 SUBJECT: 2019 Community-Wide and Government Operations Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory I am pleased to announce the completion of the City's annual community-wide and government operations greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventory report for 2019. The GHG emissions inventory report provides a breakdown of the GHG emissions community-wide and from government operations on an annual basis to help the City track emissions over time and set policy goals. Reducing GHG emissions is a key part of the City's climate resilience goals. Sea level projections are primarily caused by emissions, and measurement through reporting is an important step to reduction and many other immediate benefits such as cost savings and air and environmental quality. On October 14, 2015, the City of Miami Beach joined the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy and pledged to reduce GHG emissions, track progress towards emissions reduction goals, and enhance the City's resilience to climate change, consistent with climate protection efforts at the national level. The City of Miami Beach completed its first GHG inventory in 2016, using 2014 as the baseline inventory. An overview of the total annual emissions is presented in figures 1 and 2. Community Wide -Total Emissions 1,400,000 -1,200,000 VI C: 0 1,000,000 .... ... ·;: 800,000 .... Cl.I E 600,000 Cl.I 400,000 N 0 200,000 u 0 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Government Operations -Total Emissions _ 50,000 ..,-------------.,, § 40,000 +------,=-----,=-------.... -~ 30,000 , _______________ _ ... i 20,000 '; 10,000 -l-___ -l __ -----l_-t_-t_--11_ N 0 0 -----,-,---,-,-......... -......... -......... ---. u 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Figures 1 and 2. Graphs of Miami Beach emissions community wide and from government operations between 2014 and 2019. Community-wide In 2019, the community wide GHG emissions increased 0.5% compared to 2018. Between the baseline year 2014 and 2019, the total GHG emissions community-wide has remained steady, with no large spike or dip in overall GHG emissions. In 2019, more than 65% of emissions community wide were from energy use; with 59% from electricity consumption and 7% from natural gas usage. Given that the majority of GHG emissions community-wide come from 1 2 this single source, the greatest impact for reducing GHG emissions would come from focusing on the built environment and improving energy efficiency. The next greatest sources of emissions community wide were from transportation, which accounted for 20% of emissions, followed by solid waste, which accounted for 13% of emissions. The breakdown of emissions by sector and by source are shown in figures 3 and 4. Figures 3 and 4. Graphs of the breakdown of emissions community-wide in 2019 by sector and by source. Government Operations The government operation’s emissions in 2019 accounted for 3.4% of community-wide emissions. There was a 28% increase in total GHG emissions from government operations between 2018 and 2019, as shown in figure 2. The significant increase in emissions was due to the reopening of the electricity accounts for the Miami Beach Convention Center, the City’s largest electricity accounts. In previous years, the decline in GHG emissions was due to the Miami Beach Convention Center accounts being closed for its renovation. In 2019, about 68% of emissions from government operations came from electricity consumption. The fleet accounted for about 23% of emissions. The government operation’s inventory does not include emissions from solid waste since the current routes of waste haulers includes several neighboring municipalities and solid waste generation data is not tracked at the city-level. The breakdown of emission by sector and by source are shown in figures 5 and 6. Residential Energy 22% Solid Waste 13% Water & Wastewater <1% Transportation & Mobile Sources 20% Commercial Energy 45% 2019 Community Inventory by Sector Electricity 59% Natural Gas 7% Solid Waste and Wastewater 14% Transportation 20% 2019 Community Inventory by Source 3 Figures 5 and 6. Graphs of the breakdown of emissions from government operations in 2019 by sector and by source. Net-zero emissions by 2050 On April 21, 2021, the City Commission unanimously adopted a resolution declaring climate change to be caused by “human activity” and pledging to achieve net-zero GHG emissions by 2050. Compiling a regular GHG emissions inventory is crucial to track the City’s progress towards its net-zero goal and helps to benchmark progress as we implement mitigation policies and programs. AECOM has been retained to develop a Climate Action Plan (CAP) which will recommend actions to be implemented focusing on the areas which produce the most GHG emissions: energy consumption, transportation, and solid waste. The CAP will be instrumental in providing the roadmap to implement high-impact policies and programs to reduce GHG emissions and move towards net-zero emissions. Overall, most emissions in 2019, community-wide and from government operations, were from energy consumption and transportation. To ensure that Miami Beach achieves net-zero emissions by 2050, there will be a need for investments to reduce GHG emissions in the energy and transportation sectors. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Elizabeth Wheaton, Environment & Sustainability Director at elizabethwheaton@miamibeachfl.gov. Attachment A: 2019 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory ATH/AK/ESW/FCT/AMB Buildings, Facilities & Operations 67% Public Street & Highway Lighting 10% Transit Fleet 3% Vehicle Fleet 20% 2019 Government Inventory by Sector Electricity 76% Natural Gas 1% Transportation 23% 2019 Government Inventory by Source 2019 MIAMI BEACH GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS INVENTORY Community-wide and government operations ~✓--....... -ef MIAMI BEACH RISING ABOVE INTRODUCTION In 2015, Miami Beach joined Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy (formerly the Compact of Mayors). The first GHG inventory was compiled to comply with the Global Covenant of Mayors requirements. The 2014 GHG inventory is the baseline inventory. Each year, a GHG inventory is compiled for community wide emissions and emissions from government operations. A greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) inventory is a method of tracking the amount and source of GHG emissions released during a certain time period. MIAMI BEACH RISING ABOVE CLIMATE COMMITMENTS 2013 Affirm support for the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact. 2015 Join Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy (formerly the Compact of Mayors). 2017 Support the Sierra Club’s “Ready for 100%” campaign. 2019 Declare a climate emergency. 2021 Sign the Race to Zero, Under2 Coalition, and Climate Neutral Now pledges. Adopt goal of net-zero emissions by 2050. MIAMI BEACH RISING ABOVE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A greenhouse gas emissions (GHG)inventory is a compilation of the total GHG emissions released by an entity.The City of Miami Beach compiles an annual GHG emissions inventory at the community wide level and at the government operations level . Community-wide lnven ory _/,! ....,. Energy consumption, inc uding electricity and natural gas accounted for 66% of em·ss·ons community-w ide. SoUd waste accounted for 13% of emissions. This is based on estimates of solid waste generation in Miami Beacll based on Miami-Dade County data. Industrial energY. and wastewater tre""'atment accounted for less than 1% of emissions . Government Opera ons lnven ory -A-== A-fl_fi El ectricity consumption in buil dings and street Light ing accounted for 76% of emissions. Natural gas use acco ntea for 1% of emiss·ons. The GHG Inventory for government operations does not Include solid waste or wastewater treatment. This Is due to a lack of available data. Data requests will be Included In the next contract cycle for waste haulers. HOW EMISSIONS ARE CATEGORIZED Emissions are categorized into three scopes: Scope 1: GHG emissions from sources, such as natural gas combustion, occurring within the city boundary Scope 2: GHG emissions from grid-supplied electricity usage within the city but not created with the city boundary Scope 3: all other GHG emissions that occur outside the city boundary due to a t hird -party service being provided to the city such as wastewater treatment MIAMI BEACH RISING ABOVE METHODOLOGY The ClearPath platform is used to compile the GHG emissions inventory. Data is collected from various City Departments and external agencies and organizations. Factor sets* are created in ClearPath for Transportation, Waste Characterization and Grid Electricity using data from reports and research. The gathered data is entered into ClearPath. There may be some initial calculations or estimates needed before entering data in ClearPath. The factor sets convert the input data into the output of GHG emissions through various calculations performed by ClearPath. Final results are obtained through ClearPath and input in a tailored excel workbook. DATA FACTOR SETS GHG EMISSIONS *A factor set is a conversion factor used to translate collected data into GHG emissions. DATA GATHERED RESIDENTIAL ENERGY •Grid Electricity for Residential Use (kWh, FPL) •Stationary Fuel Combustion for Residential Use (Therms, TECO) COMMERCIAL ENERGY •Grid Electricity for Commercial Use (kWh, FPL) •Stationary Fuel Combustion for Commercial Use (Therms, TECO) •Grid Electricity for Public Street & Highway Lighting (kWh, FPL) •Grid Electricity from Other Sales (kWh, FPL) INDUSTRIAL ENERGY* •Grid Electricity for Industrial Use (kWh, FPL) r ft r MIAMI BEACH RISING ABOVE DATA GATHERED TRANSPORTATION •Total Miles Travelled Within City Boundary (VMT, FDOT) WATER AND WASTEWATER •Emissions from the Combustion of Digester Gas (MT CO2e, population-based ICLEI calculator) •Emissions for Process N2O from Effluent Discharge (kg N/day, MDC WASD) SOLID WASTE* •Waste generation (tons, FDEP ) MIAMI BEACH RISING ABOVE DATA SOURCES FPL: aggregate annual electricity consumption categorized by sector FDOT: annual report of Vehicle Miles Travelled (VMT) inside city limits TECO: aggregate annual natural gas consumption categorized by sector FDEP: annual report of Miami -Dade County solid waste and recycling Miami-Dade County WASD: annual report of wastewater treated City of Miami Beach Fleet Department: annual report of fuel consumption, active equipment list City of Miami Beach Transportation Department: annual report of trolley Vehicle Miles Travelled (VMT) Factor sets are created from data from national and regional reports and studies.MIAMI BEACH RISING ABOVE COMMUNITY WIDE INVENTORY I I I I COMMUNITY WIDE EMISSIONS OVERVIEW 0.00 200,000.00 400,000.00 600,000.00 800,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,200,000.00 1,400,000.00 0 200,000 400,000 600,000 800,000 1,000,000 1,200,000 1,400,000 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 CO 2 e ( m e t r i c t o n s ) Total Emissions Baseline Total community wide emissions in 2019 remained comparable to previous years and close to the baseline emissions. Between 2014 and 2019, the average community wide emissions have totaled around 1,217,048 MT CO2e each year. - - - - - - I - - - - - I MIAMI BEACH RISING ABOVE •There has been a slight decrease in emissions from Commercial and Residential Energy use over the past few years, mainly due to the lower emissions from the fuel mix. •The City of Miami Beach does not have data available regarding solid waste generation inside its city limits. The emissions from solid waste are estimated using data from Miami-Dade County and population ratio. The total solid waste generation county-wide has increased in the past few years. 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 350,000 400,000 450,000 500,000 550,000 600,000 650,000 Commercial Energy Residential Energy Transportation & Mobile Sources Solid Waste Water & Wastewater CO 2 e ( m e t r i c t o n s ) COMMUNITY WIDE GHG EMISSIONS 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 )> ? C J s c o ( / ) ~ O z ~ < , \ ~ r n \ J / I 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 D MMM M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M I ll l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l D ll l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l i l l ll l l l l l l l l l l l l Il l ! Il l ! Il l ! Il l ! Il l ! Il l ! Il l ! Il l ! Il l ! Il l ! lll l !M M M M M M M I ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Residential Energy Usage Units CO2e (MT)% of Emissions Residential Natural Gas 2,412,206 Therms 12,830.00 1.07% Residential Public Authority Electricity 223,175 kWh 94.76 0.01% Residential Electricity 600,070,154 kWh 254,788.00 21.19% Commercial Energy Commercial Natural Gas 12,536,029 Therms 66,675.00 5.54% Commercial Public Authority Electricity 89,451,290 kWh 37,981.00 3.16% Commercial Electricity 1,013,914,703 kWh 430,505.00 35.80% Public Streets & Highway Lighting 11,379,495 kWh 4,831.70 0.40% Other Sales Electricity 233,902 kWh 99.31 0.01% GO Natural Gas 72,785 Therms 387.12 0.03% Industrial Rate Electricity 2,002,796 kWh 850.38 0.07% Transportation & Mobile Sources Diesel Vehicles 493,209,068 VMT 48,481.00 4.03% Gasoline Vehicles 493,209,068 VMT 188,506.00 15.67% Water & Wastewater Combustion of Digester Gas 88,885 People 5.57 0.00% Process N2O from Effluent Discharge 88,885 People 1,583.60 0.13% Solid Waste Community Waste Landfilled 99,794 Tons 155,046.00 12.89% *Waste to Energy 15,767 Tons 5,465.00 2019 Community Wide Total Emissions 1,202,664.44 100.00%CO M M U N I T Y WI D E IN V E N T O R Y *Information item only -not included in GHG inventory accounting 2019 Community GHG EMISIONS Total emissions in the community:1,202,664 MT CO2e* Emissions by Source 45% Commercial Energy 541,330 MT CO2e* 22% Residential Energy 267,713 MT CO2e* 20% Transportation & Mobile Sources 236,987 MT CO2e* 13% Solid Waste 155,046 MT CO2e* 59% Electricity 691,074 MT CO2e* 20% Gasoline and Diesel 236,987 MT CO2e* 7% Natural Gas 79,892 MT CO2e* 13% Wastewater & Solid Waste 156,635 MT CO2e* 0.13% Water & Wastewater 1,589 MT CO2e* *MT CO2e = metric tons of CO2 equivalent GHG Emissions = greenhouse gas emissions Based on the most current data available. Emissions by Sector I M IAMI BEACH RISING ABOVE 2019 COMMUNITY INVENTORY On Road Transportation Gasoline Vehicles 188,506 MT CO2e* Scope 1 Total: 316,879 MT CO2e* Scope 2 Total: 691,074 MT CO2e* On Road Transportation Diesel Vehicles 48,481 MT CO2e* Public Streets & Highway Lighting 4,831 MT CO2e* Other Sales (Electricity) 99 MT CO2e* *MT CO2 e = metric tons of CO2 equivalent Commercial Natural Gas 67,062 MT CO2e* Residential Natural Gas 12,830 MT CO2e* Commercial Electricity 473,417 MT CO2e* Residential Electricity 254,883 MT CO2e* Scope 3 Total: 156,635 MT CO2e* Combustion of Digester Gas from Wastewater Treatment 6 MT CO2e* Process N2O from Effluent Discharge 1,583 MT CO2e* Community Waste Landfilled 155,046 MT CO2e* MIAMI BEACH RISING ABOVE 2019 COMMUNITY EQUIVALENCIES 1,202,664 METRIC TONS OF CARBON DIOXIDE 2,984,277,916 Miles driven by an average passenger vehicle 135,328,457 Gallons of gasoline consumed 1,325,170,734 Pounds of coal burned 65.6% of the Everglades in one year Greenhouse gas emissions from CO2 emissions from CO2 emissions absorbed by M IAMI BEACH RISING ABOVE GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS INVENTORY - -=-=-•• MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS EMISSIONS OVERVIEW 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 45,000 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 CO 2 e ( m e t r i c t o n s ) Total Emissions Baseline Emissions from government operations were higher than baseline year and significantly increased compared to the previous years. Between 2014 to 2019, the total emissions increased by 11.5%. This was caused by an increase in emissions from electricity use. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 Buildings, Facilities & Operations Vehicle Fleet Public Street & Highway Lighting Transit Fleet CO 2 e ( m e t r i c t o n s ) GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS GHG EMISSIONS 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 •The emissions from energy use in buildings declined between 2015 and 2018 due to the Convention Center closing for renovation. The Convention Center reopened at the end of 2018, so there was a sharp increase in emission in 2019. •There were changes in the rate structure of our lighting accounts and some upgraded light fixtures which have caused a decrease in emissions from Public Street & Highway Lighting in 2019. •There has been a 25,551% increase in emissions, between 2014 and 2019, from the Transit Fleet as the trolley program has expanded each year since its inception in 2014. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ MIAMI BEACH RISING ABOVE GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS INVENTORY The government operations inventory only includes scope 1 and scope 2 emissions.The city does not have solid waste data available. Staff is working to add data requirements for future contracts. Buildings and Facilities Usage Units CO2e (MT)% of Emissions Residential Public Authority 42,628.00 kWh 18.10 0.04% Commercial Public Authority 63,680,343.00 kWh 27,038.00 65.82% Other Sales to Public Authority 233,902.00 kWh 99.31 0.24% Buildings Natural Gas 72,785.00 Therms 387.12 0.94% Public Street & Highway Lighting Street Lighting Electricity 9,413,859.00 kWh 3,997.10 9.73% Vehicle Fleet Diesel Vehicles 154,306.00 Gallons 1,576.20 3.84% Gasoline Vehicles 766,872.00 Gallons 6,839.60 16.65% Transit Fleet City Trolley 126,233.41 Gallons 1,125.90 2.74% 2019 Government Operations Total Emissions 41,081.33 100.00% 2019 Government GHG EMISIONS Total emissions:41,081 MT CO2e* Emissions by Sector Emissions by Source 67.0% Buildings & Facilities 27,543 MT CO2e* 20.5% Vehicle Fleet 8,416 MT CO2e* *MT CO2e = metric tons of CO2 equivalent GHG Emissions = greenhouse gas emissions Based on the most current data available. 9.7% Public Street & Highway Lightning 3,997 MT CO2e* 2.7% Transit Fleet 1,126 MT CO2e* 76% Electricity 31,153 MT CO2e* 23% Transportation 9,542 MT CO2e* 1% Natural Gas 387 MT CO2e* ~ ,, ,, ,o • •• -~-,.,. r ~ . ... ... .,. J ~ ...... .,. ~ MIAMI BEACH RISING ABOVE 2019 GOVERNMENT INVENTORY Scope 1 City Operations Gasoline Vehicle Fleet Emissions 6,840 MT CO2e* Total: 9,929 MT CO2e* City Operations Diesel Vehicle Fleet Emissions 1,576 MT CO2e* MT*CO2e = metric tons of CO2 equivalent Scope 2 Total: 31,153 MT CO2e* Public Streets & Highway Lighting 3,997 MT CO2e* Government Electricity Usage 27,155 MT CO2e* Government Natural Gas Usage 387 MT CO2e* City Trolley Service 1,126 MT CO2e* (; 1 M IAMI BEACH RISING ABOVE 2019 GOVERNMENT EQUIVALENCIES 41,081 METRIC TONS OF CARBON DIOXIDE 101,937,965 Miles driven by an average passenger vehicle 4,622,595 Gallons of gasoline consumed 53,650 Acres of U.S. forests storing carbon in one year Greenhouse gas emissions from CO2 emissions from Carbon sequestered by 45,265,626 Pounds of coal burned M IAMI BEACH RISING ABOVE NEXT STEPS The City is working with consultant AECOM to develop its first Climate Action Plan (CAP).The CAP will address the largest sources of GHG emissions community wide and will provide recommended actions to reduce emissions and reach its emissions reduction targets.The CAP will be instrumental to implement high-impact policies and programs to reduce GHG emissions and move towards net-zero emissions. The Environment &Sustainability and Property Management Departments are working to develop an energy assessment project. The energy assessment will analyze the electricity consumption and audit the municipal buildings with the highest electricity consumption and provide project retrofits recommendations to improve energy efficiency and reduce electric utility costs. MIAMI BEACH RISING ABOVE GLOSSARY CH4: methane. It is a greenhouse gas with a GWP between 28-36. CO2: carbon dioxide. It is the principal greenhouse gas produced through human activities. GHG: greenhouse gases. These are gases that trap heat in the atmosphere and contribute to climate change. GWh: gigawatt-hour. This is a unit for energy. 1 GWh is equivalent to 1,000,000 kWh. GWP: global warming potential. A value given to gases depending on how much energy 1 ton of a gas will absorb over 100 years. These values can easily be compared to CO2 which has a GWP of 1. The higher the GWP , the more that a gas warms the planet over time. kWh: kilowatt-hour. This is a unit for energy and is equivalent to one kilowatt of power consumed for one hour. MWh: megawatt-hour. This is a unit for energy. 1 MWh is equivalent to 1,000 kWh. MT CO 2e: metric ton of carbon dioxide equivalents. This unit is a standard used to represent the GWP of various greenhouse gases. N2O: nitrous oxide. It is a greenhouse gas with a GWP between 265-298. MIAMI BEACH RISING ABOVE