LTC 368-2021 Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of September 13 - 17, 2021MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LTC No. 368-2021 TO : FROM : DATE: Mayor Dan Gelber and Member~e ;J/Y Commission Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk "/ 2!:J September 7, 2021 LETTER TO COMMISSION SUBJECT : Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of September 13 -17, 2021 Attached please find meetings that were noticed in Sunday's Neighbors section of The Miami Herald for the week of September 13 -17, 2021 published on September 5, 2021. See insertions on page (2) marked in blue for changes, cancellations or additions. The weekly meeting notice is also available to the public via the City's website at http://miamibeachfl.gov/cityclerk/default.aspx?id =1776 If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at 305.673.7411. REG/cd Attachment We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live , work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MEETING NOTICES September 1 3 -1 7, 2021 MONDAY, September 13 9:00 a.m. Historic Preservation Board* https ://miamibeochll- Hybrid Meeting gov zoom.us/j/81748347 488 1.312.626.6799 or 1.888 .475 .4499 Access ID 81748347488# 3:30 p.m. Transportation, Parking and Bicycle-Pedestrian Facilities Committee Hybrid Meeting 4:00 p.m . Human Rights Committee Microsoft Team Meeting City Hall Commission Chamber 1700 Convention Center Drive, 3rd FL 1.786.636.1480 Access ID 888521640# Parking Dept. Conference Room 1755 Meridian Avenue, 2nd Floor 1.786.636.1480 Access ID 456942308# TUESDAY, September 14 7:30 a.m. Miami Beach Senior High https //us02web .zoom us/j/76246043 School PTSA 5 5 l 2pwd -N2krNkoONT dWcfZ2TzE3W Zoom Meeting 9:00 a .m. Land Use and Sustainability Committee** 9:00 a.m. Marine and Waterfront Protection Authority Zoom Meeting I 0 :00 a.m . Miami Beach Employees Retirement Pension Board Zoom Meeting I :00 p.m. LGBTQ Advisory Committee Microsoft Team Meeting 2:00 p.m. LGBTQ Advisory Committee/ Subcommittee on Health And Wellness Microsoft Team Meeting 4 :30 p.m . Committee on the Homeless Zoom Meeting ADDED 5 :30 p .m. Vi rtu al Tow n Ho ll w ith Commi ss ioner Steven M e ine r Zoom M ee tin g 6:00 p.m . Police/Citizens Relations Committee Zoom Meeting GZzcDcxdz09 Access ID 76246043551 Passcode MBSH 1.301.715.8592 or 1.646.876.9923 Access ID 76246043551 # Passcode 755761 # https · //miamibeacbfl - gov .zoom .us/j/85059923037 1.301.715.8592 or 1.888 .475.4499 Access ID 85059923037# City Hall Commi ssion Chamber 1700 Convention Center Drive, 3,J FL. hUps ://us06web zoom us/j/86533589 097?pwd-ZOM3QkRVYIEweGgydOpTN EpYek5CZz09 1.301.715 .8592 or 1.312.626.6799 Access ID 86533589097# Passcode 927398# bttps://us02web zoom us/j/86033934 502 1.646.558.8656 or 1.301.715.8592 Access ID 86033934502# 1.786.636.1480 Access ID 45020118# 1.786.636 .1480 Access ID 509195128# https ://zoom .us/j/9 l 2243173472pwd -Tl ltQQp4dkNoblNWM2Zl WWxnWk VoZz09 1.646.876.9923 or 1.301.715.8592 Access ID 91224317347# Passcode 090714# htt gs : //mi amib egc hfl. gov.zoom .us/j/819641 88402 I 301 .7 15 .8592 or 1.888 .475 .4499 Access ID 81964188402# https//us02web zoom us/j/85671773 I 70?pwd-VkxybOQ5cWY3Y31pdmthUX !.5.d.Uh.!lli09 1.301.7 15.8592 or 1.3 I 2.626 .6799 Access ID 85671773170# Passcode 710375# WEDNESDAY, September 15 ~ CANCELLED Gil) PeAsie A '""d fer Firefighters & Pe li ee O fficer 's IA the Gil) o f Mieffii Beeeh FlylariEI-Meel"'tJ 4:00 p.m . Ad Hoc North Beach CRA Advisory Committee Zoom Meeting Rllw-/24,s06 ea ,sem .us 1j 11l5 I 499 1 Q ™ WOl.7 l 5 .Ba92 er U l 2 .a2a .a799 •••••• ID 81il49910785# .J.e9.l-.Mi4i€J9H-Aven11e f ife & Pe lice Pe Bsior OHiee, S1:Ji le d55 bltps //zoom us/j/985011263932pwd -YS82ZVl3L3dXWIHcVQwQURqK09qZ ;&2 1.646.558 .8656 or 1.301.715 .8592 Access ID 98501126393# Passcode 599380# 7:00 p.m. North Beach Elementary School PTA /General Mtg . Zoom Meeting blips · //us02web zoom us/j/8677 127 47232pwd -eWNSRm9Na083ZWQw NIN I S2RDaXNXQT09 Access ID 86771274723 Passcade NBEPTA 1.646.876.9923 Access ID 86771274723# Passcade 468883# THURSDAY, September 16 9:00 a .m. Special Magi strate Ci!)< Ha ll Commission Chamber Hearings* 1700 Convention Center Drive, 3,d FL . 2:00 p.m. Special Event Community Meeting Micros oft Te a m Meeting 1.786.636.1480 Access ID 979840526# FRIDAY, September 17 8:3 0 a .m. City Co mmi ssio n/RDA/ hups-//miomibeochfl- NB CRA/Presentatio ns & gov zoom us/j/8 139285767 I Awards* 1.30 1 .7 15.8592 or l .888 .475.4 499 Hybrid Meeting Access ID 81392857671# City Hall Commission Chamber 1700 Conven ti on Center Drive, 3,a FL Fo, a ny and/or all of lhe above rn ee lings, one or more members o f lh e Mia mi Reach City Comm ission, and rn C ity boord/cornmillee members may be in ollendonce and participate in discuss io ns. • Aired !iVGoo MBT\1· Aihnl ir 8m)<!l-.1wl MO AI&! 1 lver'tf' 99 HobNire Crom ui'i•ili<m 395 & RQKtl•le,,)cenn PfQ IV • • Corn rnl~~,cn Commllloo Alred li,e Ci1 i\.\81\1 /ID N o. 0905202 l -0 IM A li sting of all formal competi1ive solicltalfons iss ued by the City of Miami Beach, Florido fs available 01 Imps · /lwvffl mfamibeachll goy/cjty:!Jqll/procurement/city:coolmcts/. To access any formal compelilive solicilolion Issued by lhe City, o, lo receive any addendum issued loo founol compelitive solicilotion, you may also visit bltps· //prod bjdsyoc com/Minmi:6e9ch -Public meeting nolices co n be found on lhe P,ocuremenl Colendm a l bli ps· /lwvffl mlamibeochU goy/c)ly:J1oll/moc:memeot/colender/. MIAMI BEACH Wa ora committed lo providing axcallanl public Jarvica and Jofaty lo o/1 who /iva, wo1k, and play in oor vib1anl, /ropica/, hi51oricalcommunity. MambarJ o f Iha pvb /lc; may praJa11t audia/viJua/ {AV) malarials 1alati11g lo Aganda /lams al City Comminion Moati11gs by utilizing Iha City's AV squ/pma11/, provided Iha/ mo/ario/J ma Jubmi tlod lo the Daparlman/ of Markali11g and Commu11icatio111 by 8:30 o.m., one / I J busin ess day prior lo Iha mealing. Advom:a submittal of a prasenlotion will allow Iha Comnwnicolio11s Depmlmanl lo pion for Iha uJa of Iha appropriate AV aquipmanf. AV molariols muJ/ ha submilfad via email of communicolions@miamibaochfl.gov. Tha body of Iha email mtiJf include a notolion /isling /he name or groop, conlocl person, daytime lafephona number, amoi/ addnm, descriplioo/lilla of Iha pummtalion, and Agenda /tam fitfa os we// OJ 1/ie Agenda //em NvmOOf. P/eaie rele,aoca •Audio/Visual Materio/• in llw email Jubjacl line. Acceptable fotmob fot e/aclronic wbmiuioo are .pdf, .ppl, .pptx, .pps, .pp1x, .wmv, .avi, and .mov. {Note rhot .pdf iJ the preferred formal for PowerPoinf pra1enfalioos.j City Holl i1 localed ol 1700 Convenlion Center O,ive; and lhe Miami Beach Convention Canter i1 located al 1901 Co,iven lion Center 01ive . Any meeting may be opened nnd conlinued, ond under 1uch circumsloncaJ, addi1ional /egol notice will nol be provided . To request this ~atariol in oharnola formal, sign language interpreler (five-day nolice required!, in formali on on access for per10111 with d1sabilit1e1, and/or any occommodotian to review any documen l or porlicipata in any City.sponsored ::1~:;i~t ~~:~;sf~t0 a\!!2:it~~e 1 r~~;~~:i~e ~,~~ t~;,:f~~d ,~:~nu:~:,;::c;a~e~~~ 1 ~li:;1t~~: ~h:~ii'~1~ boord1 lhroughout City Hall ond will be available the City'1 web1ile ol: bnpz/Jwcb mlgmJbeachR 9ov/cltrdm:lc/delqult aspx?ld• 1776 Pur1uanl lo Seclion 286.0105, Flo . Slol., the City hereby advim the public lho1 ii o perion decida1 lo appeal any deci1ion ~::!ie :>::!1:,!i:i't0~";J~~~;~~~s;h;,,f~ ::h~:~~:: i:0::\h:"~~;1:a~ :ic~n:;:'i;!.°~ ::ii:1?~ ~:,:,J~f t! proceeding1 i1 mode, which 1ocord indude1 the le11imony ond evidence tipoo which 1he appeal i1 10 be bosad.