LTC 391-2021 Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of September 27 - October 1, 2021MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LTC No. 391-2021 TO: FROM : DATE : Mayor Dan Gelber and Member~ City Commission Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk/ \ D\ September 20, 2021 LETTER TO COMM ISSION SUBJECT: Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of September 27 -October 1, 2021 Attached please find meetings that were noticed in Sunday's Neighbors section of The Miami Herald for the week of September 27 -October 1, 2021 published on September 19, 2021. The weekly meeting notice is also available to the public via the City's website at http://miamibeachfl .gov/cityclerk/defaul t.aspx?id =1776 If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at 305.673.7411. REG/cd Attachment We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live , work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MEETING NOTICES September 27 -October 1 , 2021 MONDAY, September 27 9:30 a.m. Senior Affairs Committee https ://miamibeachfl- Zoom Meeting gov .zoom .us/j/89996245365 1.301.715.8592 or 1.877.853.5257 Access ID 89996245365# 3:00 p.m. LGBTQ Advisory Committee/ 1.786.636.1480 Subcommittee on Marketing, Access ID 734540222# Visibility and Tourism 9:00 a.m. Microsoft Team Meeting TUESDAY, September 28 Committee for Quality hup,://us02web zoom us/j/57479691 Education in Miami Beach O 1 ?pwd ~Ym9oRlhuTjdpczY4czR2K2kxo Zoom Meeting 3VIUT09 Access ID 5747969101 Passcode 2oy85P 1.929.205.6099 or 1.30 1 .715.8592 Access ID 5747969101 # Passcode 401682# I 0:00 a.m. Planning Board* Hybrid Meeting htt ps · //m iamibeachfl- gov zoom us/j/86143426327 1.929.205.6099 or 1.877.853.5257 Access ID 86143426327# City Hall Commission C hamber 1700 Convention Center Drive, 3,J FL. 3:00 p.m. Audit Committee Microsoft Team Meeting 1 .786.636. 1480 Access ID 208906006# 4:00 p.m. Youth Commission Zoom Meeting https //us02web zoom us/j/57479691 o 1 ?pwd -Ym9oR lh u TjdpczV4czR2K2kxa .:l.Y1UIQ9 3:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. Access ID 5747969101 Passcode 2oy85P 1.929.205.6099 or 1.301 .715.8592 Access ID 5747969101 # Passcode 401682# WEDNESDAY, September 29 No Meetings Scheduled THURSDAY, September 30 Sustainability Committee https ://miom ibeachll- Zoom Meeting gov zoo m.us/j/99665529350 1.312 .626.6799 or 1.929.205.6099 Access ID 99665529350# Disability Access Committee Microsoft Team Meeting City Commission/RDA/ NBCRA/Budget Related* Hybrid Meeting FRIDAY, October 01 No Meetings Scheduled 1 .786.636. 1480 Access ID 964935829# https ://miamibeachFl - gov zoom.us/j/8 J 392857671 1.301.715.8592 or 1.888.475.4499 Access ID 81392857671 # City Holl Commission Chamber 1700 Convention Center Drive, 3 rd FL. for any and/ or all of the above meelings, one or more members of the Miami Beach Cily Commission, and or City board/committee members may be in allendance and participale in discussions. • AiieJ liv,;, ci, M3TV· ;,,,1k mrr B1,~--ll rn1d 660 ATf,;r \Jwr~e 99 Hc~~,;tt! Crn11rn ·o cq 1iqis 395 & RQK I I df::th~ rn PfC:. Ty • • C,.)lfl mi1 s'c .. ~1 Corn mill ee Aiied live ,,n MST-/ AD No. 0919?02 IOlM A listing of all louna l compel itive sol icitat ions issued by lhe Cily of Miami Beach, Florido is available ot hnps·/fwww miomtbeochll qoy/ciQt:holl/prornrernen1/cjly-coolrorts/-To access any formal compelitlve solicilotion issued by the City, rn lo receive any addendum Issued loo founol competillve solici1alion, you may also visit hllps · //pmd bidwoc com/M inmi ·Beorh -Public meellng notices con be found on the Procu,emen t Calendar at hnos· //www mlomibeacl1fl Qov/cib(·holl/procwernent/rnlender /. MIAMI BEACH W8 om commilled to providing excel/en/ public service oud 5ofely lo all who live, WOik, und play in O<JI vibrant, tropical, hi,to,ical communiJy Memba,s o( !he public moy pnnenl audio/visuol {AV) mule1/a/s ,elu,i11g ,o Age11da llem5 al Cily Commi1Sioo Mee,iugs by utilizing the Cily's AV equipma11I, providad that matariols are wbmilted /o Iha Depmlme11/ of Morkoling and Commu11iculio11s by 8:30 o.m., 011e { I J businau day prior to //,a mealing . Advance submittal o( a p1asan,olio11 will allow the Communicolions Daporlmenl lo pion for Iha usa of t/1e oppropriola AV equipma11I. AV molariols mus/ ba su/Jmi/100 vio email ol communicaliom@miamibeachfl.gov. Tha body of 1l1a email must iuclude a no1a,io11 /i5/ing /Im 11mna or groop, contact pe1son, daylima telap/1011a number, amai/ address, descriplion/lilla of /he presenlolion, aud Agenda //em Tirla as wall 05 Iha Agenda /tam Numbar. Plaase re/eranca "Audio/Vi5Ua/ Malarial ~ in the email wbjocl lina. Acceptable formo/5 for aleclronic submiHion ma .pdf, .pp!, .pplx, .pps, .ppsx, .wmv, .avi, and .mov. {Nole tliut .pd/ is Iha prafa,red fo1ma/ for Powe,Poi11I prasantalioll5 .} City Holl is loco!ed a l 1700 Convention Cenlar Dr ive, and the Mio mi Beoch Corwenl ion Cenler is loco tad at 1901 Convention ~r: 11 ::a~'.i;~-r~i1~a:~l:i 1 ;~~o~a 1 :ralbi~ ~1::;;~o~e 0 i~~:c~l~ 1 !~~:1~n~ 11 u~~;1~:e:~~!:a~iil1i~:J~;~:1ic:dr~~ii~:~i'. 0 ~f~/~~~il~~n::'. ~~~e~ for persons wi lh disabilities, and/or any uccommodol ion lo rev iaw ony documenl o, portic ipola in ony City•SJXllll01ad ~:T~~:irr;;t 11~~1~;2:,;1~4 0::~~r°~~:1~~;~~:i~~ ~J~~~ J:~;,,~r~~d ,~:~1!nu:::r~::,;~a:~n~ 1 ~J~:r~a11:~c;:;l t~~:t~ bomds throughoul City Holl o nd will be available on 1l1a City's wabsile ot bHDtllwcb mlamlbcachR qov/c{,ycferk/tle{gu/t a1px11d•IU6 Pur1uanl lo Section 286.0105, Fla . Stol., 1he City hereby advil'.11 Iha public Iha! ii o person decides lo oppao! ony <laci1ion ~:a~e :~a 1 ;:J>ofrt/~~;c:~d~~;:~1 1;h;tf~~ ~~~h;~:~~:~ he0 :~r s~~,:~;r~~e~i1 t~c~~:~: 1\h~1 °~ ~:~:?r~ 1::c:~t:1 ;:: pr ocB11ding1 is mode, wh ic h rocord induda1 Iha !as!imony ond ev idence upo n wh ich !ha a ppao! is lo 6a bmad.