LTC 448-2021 Ceremonial Planting of Orchids at South Pointe ParkD o c u S ig n E n v e lo p e ID: 6 2 EB 3 F C E -0 84F -4 3 2 6 -AB 6 C -C 9 C 2F 4 9 F 6E E 8 MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LT C # 448-2021 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO : H onora b le M ayor D an G elber and M em bers of the C ity C om m ission FR O M , Alina T . Hudak, City Manag~ DATE: O ct ob er 19, 2021 SUBJECT: Cerem onial Planting of O rchids at South Pointe Park T he purpose of this L T C is to info rm the M ayor and C ity C om m ission that the Parks and R ecr eation D epa rtm ent will be hosting a cerem on ial planting on Saturday, O ct ob er 23"° at 9 a.m ., along side F a irchild Tro pical G arden as they plant about 200 plants at South Po inte Pa rk. T he C ity has pa rt ici p ated in the Fairchild Botanical G ardens M illi on O rchid P ro ject since 2015. T he orchids are rare and/or endangered native species including but not lim ited to; Encycl ia ta m p e nsis, T richocentrum undulatum , C yrtopodium punctatum , and Epide nd rum no cturn um . The y w ere donated to Fairchild Tropical G arden on behalf of the Lum m us fam ily, one of the original fam ilies in M iam i Beach. T he lo catio n fo r this planting is significant as w e w ill be repatriating orchids that w ere once a pa rt of our be a utiful M iam i Beach landscape prior to developm ent. A dditional orchid s w ill be pla nted at So uth Pointe P ark thro ugh A ugust 2022. S ho uld yo u have add itiona l questions, please contact Jose del R isco at (305) 673-7272. A ttachm ents t tG A T H /M T /JR /JD R DocuSign Envelope ID: 62EB3FCE -084F-4326-AB6C-C9C2F49F6EE8 Join the City of Miami Beach in a planting ceremony as part of our collaboration with the Fairchild Tropical Garden Ceremonial Planting of Orchids at South Pointe Park Saturday , O ctober 23, 202 1 9A M to 10 :30AM South Pointe Park, l Washington Avenue [East of parking lot area, north of playground) MIAMI BEACH