LTC 480-2021 Art in Public Places Committee Motions-October 19, 2021480-2021 MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC# LETTER TO COMMISSION TO : FROM: DATE: Honorable Mayor Dan Gelb7Mmbers of the City Commission Alina T. Hudak, City Managt)f\ , ' November 8, 2021 SUBJECT: Art in Public Places Committee Motions-October 19, 2021 The purpose of this letter to the Mayor and Commission is to provide an update regarding two motions made during the October 19, 2021 Art in Public Places ("AIPP") Committee meeting. 1. The Conservation of Kevin Arrow's Beatles Mandala (Amor= Love), 2014 Bandshell Park, Collins Avenue and 72 nd Street Motion to remove, clean, and store Kevin Arrow's Beatles Mandala (Amor= Love) until the AIPP Committee, in collaboration with the artist, determines the next step in relocating and/or reimaging the piece. Once the scope is finalized, staff should propose funding for the relocation of the work through the City's FY 22-23 capital budget process. The above motion was approved unanimously. The mosaic has been problematic almost since it was installed and is currently in a highly damaged condition. The underlying issue in its damage seems most likely to be the result of the concrete slab onto which it has been set, which was not canted to slough off water. Standing water appears to be the issue in the deterioration of the artwork. Please find attached the Condition Assessment Report prepared by RLA Conservation of Art and Architecture, as presented to the AIPP Committee and artist. 2. Relocation and Restoration of Jack Stewart's Apollo Mosaic Motion to identify a suitable location for Jack Stewart's Apollo mosaic, as the proposed far;ade of Scott Rakow Youth Center is not large enough to accommodate the work. The Committee recommends completing phase one of this project, which includes stabilization and restoration of the art components, and for the piece to be moved to a suitable storage location. The above motion was approved unanimously. As of April 25, 2015, the remains of the mural have been stored in a privately owned outdoor facility and are showing signs of significant deterioration. On February 9, 2021, the Historic Preservation Board approved a motion (7-0) in support of the relocation, restoration and installation of the Jack Stuart Apollo mosaic on the east/northeast far;ade of the Scott Rakow Youth Center in a manner that retains the same proportions as when it was located at the Versailles Hotel property. The owners of the mural, the Aman/FAENA Group have committed to subsidizing the entire cost of restoring and installing the mural. The preliminary assessment prepared by RLA Conservation of Art and Architecture determined the fa9ade of the Scott Rakow Youth Center to be at least 30 feet too short to accommodate the work. Members in attendance: Marcella Novella (Chair), Florencia Jimenez-Marcos (Vice- Chair), Nick D'Annunzio, Michael McManus, Aaron Resnick, Megan Riley, and Yolanda Sanchez . Guest in attendance: Kevin Arrow For more information, please contact Lissette Garcia Arrogante, Director, Tourism and Culture at lissettearrogante@miamibeachfl.gov or x26597. cc: ~GA/HS/BR CONDITION ASSESSMENT REPORT CITY OF MIAMI BEACH/KEVIN ARROW'S BEATLES MANDALA (AMOR= LOVE) Prepared for: Prepared by: Date of Assessment: City of Miami Beach Art in Public Places 1755 Meridian Ave., Suite 500, 5th Floor Miami Beach, FL 33139 Attn: Joshua Carden Art in Public Places Coordinator 305.673.7577 Ext. 26127 JoshuaCarden@MiamiBeachFL.gov Caroline Dickensheets, Conservator cdickens@rosalowinger.com Rosa Lowinger, CEO and Chief Conservator August 13, 2021 Date of Report: October 5, 2021 RLA Conservation Inc. is pleased to submit the following assessment to Josh Carden at the City of Miami Beach for the assessment of Kevin Arrow's Beatles Mandala, located at the North Miami Beach Bandshell Park. RLA Architectural Conservator Caroline Dickensheets assessed the work on August 13, 2021. This piece was last treated by RLA in 2015 when it was cleaned and a grout sealant was applied following testing. Re cord photographs are included in this document. Additional digital photographs were taken during the treat ment. To access, please copy and paste the following link into your browse r: https ://www .dropbox.co m/s h/0r0r7lf7vfisn 1 5/ AABTN Lrbi H8ngOou TBCGWw TZa ?d I =0 Artist: Title: Date: Materials: Overall Dimensions: Kevin Arrow Beatles Mandala (Amor= Love) 2014 Glass mosaic tile, grout 14' X 14' DESCRIPTION: The Beatles Mandala is a g lass tile mosaic, on a concrete slab on the ground, and measures 13' x 13'. The glass tiles are bright in co lor and highly reflective. The majority of t he tiles are ½" squares. The poured concrete slab is 14' x 14' overa l I. The mosaic is situated in a grassy 1 Los An~eles : 5418 Packard Street • Los A~ge_es , CA 90019 Miami Studio : 852 Nftl 71 · .3treet • Miami , fL 33150 323 .377 .8425 • 305 .573 .7011 http :,/rlaconservation .cQm area in cl ose proxi mi ty to t he ocea n. Trees over hand th e piece, but it d oes rece i ve sunl ig ht. CONDITION: Overall , the mosaic is in highly damaged condition . During this assessment, several conditions were noted initially. These included : tile loss, delaminating tiles , water pooling, soiling, algae growth. These conditions suggest a larger problem with the installation of the mosaic. Most significant of all is that the mosaic does not sit on a flat surface. There is a recessed area on the southeast side of the mosaic that collects stand i ng water. Water has also collected in areas where there are displaced tesserae indicating that water has penetrated the entire mosaic. Deterioration is not I imited to the area where sitting water was visible during this assessment. Approximately 5-8 % of the tesserae are displaced or m i ssing altogether. Several large sections of tile are missing in each color. Many of these losses occur throughout the mosaic with no identifiable pattern; however, there are 2-3 areas of linear losses . In these areas, there are linear losses spanning a width of 1-6 tesserae that suggest their detachment could possibly correspond to a subsurface condition . Unde rlying conditions could include pooling of water or an additional fault with the concrete pad and/or bedding mortar. Grout remains overa ll but is missing where there are larger areas of missing tesserae. In instances where only one or two tesserae have been displaced, the grout line appears to remain in place . Bedding mortar also appears to remain in most locations. The fiberglass mesh is visible in some areas but appears to be missing in areas where tesserae are lost. This condition suggests that the issue appears to be one of poor bonding between the tesserae and the bedding mortar. Where the tess erae have been displaced, adjacent tesserae pop out with ease . Approximately 50% of the tesserae remain securely attached, specifically if the adjacent tesserae are secure as well. The intact tiles are in fair condition with no delamination or breakage observed. There are multiple areas of minor repairs. These include tesserae that have been reattached using an unknown likely commercial grade adhesive. Areas such as these are minimal and though the material are likely incompatible with the original, they do not appear to be causing additional deterioration to the mosaic. In general, the surface is slightly dirty with debris and the grout is stained a dark grey color. Algae was visible where the tesserae had been displaced, likely due to the stagnant water. DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS: This mosaic has been problematic almost since it was installed. The underlying issue in its damage seems most likely to be the result of the concrete slab onto which it has been set, whi c h was not canted to slough off water. Standing water appears to be the issue in the deterioration of the artwork. The areas of tesserae detachment clearly correspond to dips in the mosaic surface. Moreover, there does not appear to be any drainage on the slab itself that might help mitigate this condition. Rainwater appears to be the main source of the puddling, however, given that the artwork sits within a grassy space, it may also be impacted by sprinkler water, which adds another la ye r of environmental deterioration . The good news for the work is that the tesserae themselves are not exhibiting damage. No breakage of the tesserae or delamination of the top surfaces was observed . The tesserae themselves were well fabricated . 2 Los Angeles Studio : 5~18 Packard Street • Los A~ge:es , CA 90019 Miami Studio : 852 N'ri 71 -3treet • Miami , FL 33150 323 .377 .8425 • 305 .573 .7011 htcp :1/rlaconservation .com Though in general we are of the opinion that this mosaic was set on an improper bedding support to begin with, that was poured improperly and within a space that introduces sprinkler water in addition to rain, the tiles themselves should be salvageable. Removal of the mosaic and reinstallation in a new location is the preferred course of action. If this is not possible, we recommend testing one area of the mosaic by drilling drainage holes into the areas where the water pools. We recommend doing this within a color field that is dark, to mask the drain holes' presence. We would then recommend re-adhering the missing tesserae in the area surrounding this drain hole to see if this helps with overall drainage. This would then allow us to understand whether mitigation could be done in a similar fashion throughout the artwork. To do this, we would need to work with the artist to source replacement tesserae for the artwork where they are missing. We also strongly suggest removing the grass around the mosaic and replacing it with decomposed shell or another soft material to prevent the need of sprinkler use. This treatment test will not improve the unevenness of the mosaic surface, but it could reduce standing water that is causing extensive deterioration of the surface. This process would not reverse damage that has occurred but can reduce additional water damage that would occur if not intervention took place. If this interim test method does not work, we are confident that the tesserae can be salvaged and reinstalled on top of an appropriately poured slab. At the time of the assessment, it appeared that many of the tesserae are loose and can be removed with ease. Because many tesserae were displaced, new replacement tesserae will need to be sourced and reinstalled with the originals. CONDITION PHOTOGRAPHS: Standing water on soulheasl side of lhe mosaic. Delail of pooling water wilh visible algae on lhe grout and in areas where liles have been displaced .. 3 Los Angeles Studio : 5~18 Packard Street • Los A~ge:es , CA 90019 Miami Studio : 852 N1!'/ 7 L · 3treet • Miami , F'L 33150 323 .377 .8425 • 305.573 .7011 http ://rlaconservation .com Detail of missing tesserae both spread out and in a linear pattern as seen in the center of the image. Detail of visible fiberglass mesh PROPOSAL FOR INTERIM TEST: Detail of tile loss, standing water, dirt, and debris sitting on the mosaic Detail of the bedding mortar and underlying fiberglass and mesh. 1. Document with photographs high resolution digital photographs . 2. Conduct a thorough delamination assessment of the entire mosaic surface. 3 . Select an area of the SE side of the mosaic where water pools. 4. Drill a hole into the concrete slab to penetrate down into the ground below the slab. Hole should be the size of 1-2 tesserae as to not be significantly visually obtrusive. Location and exact size to be determined. 5. Once drilling is comp lete, observe area to determine if water drains imm ed iatel y and/or over t ime. 6. Set tesserae around this ho le , leav ing the hol e uncovered for drainage. 7. Secure the area arou nd the hole with a UV resistant epoxy . This will add anoth er layer of 4 Los Angeles Studio : 5418 Packard Street • Los A~ge:es , CA 90019 Miami Studio : 852 NW 71 · 3treet • Miami , FL 33150 323 .377 .8425 • 305 .573 .7011 http ://rlaconservation .com protection to tesserae that are subjected to constant water pooling. 8 . Cons id er installing a stainless-steel small funnel drain in the hole. This could aid in more effective draining in the drilled location. 9. Inspect after 2 weeks to see if this improves water pooling. If so, prepare a proposal for carrying this out throughout the mosaic. Based on the results, it can be determined how many additional drainage holes are needed on the mosaic. COST ESTIMATE FOR INTERIM TEST: Conservator: Technician: Materials: Parking: Total Cost $2,560.00 $1,600.00 $250.00 $25.00 $4,435.00 If the test is successful, a full estimate will be prepared for the work to be done on the mosaic. This work would also need to include a completed cleaning of the mosaic, injection of delaminated areas, and replacement of tesserae with appropriate grout. The cost estimate would need to be determined; however, we can assume a ballpark estimate of $12,000.00 plus replacement tesserae. EXCLUSIONS AND CA VEA TS • This price is valid for a period of 60 days from the date of the proposal. • No work will be performed until a mutually acceptable schedule for work and payment is agreed upon. • We require clear access to the worksite in an uninterrupted schedule during daytime work hours unless other arrangements are made. • We will require access to water and e lectricity within 100 feet of the work site. • We will require access to free parking for at least one vehicle in close proximity to the worksite. • We will require access to bathrooms at the worksite. • Non-toxic trash will be deposited into dumpsters provided by client unless otherwise arranged. • This price does not include any special insurance, permits, licenses, or bonds. • RLA shall not be considered in default because of any failure to perform the above scope of work under its terms if th e fa ilure ar is es from ca us es beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of RLA. Examples of these causes are (1) acts of God or of the public ene m y , (2) acts of the Government in either its sovereign or contractual capacity, (3) fires, (4) floods , (5) epidemics, (6) quarantine restri ct ions , (7) strikes, (8) freight embargoes, (9) earthquakes, and (10) unusually severe weather. In eac h instance, if RLA determines that any failure to perform would result from one or more of the ca us es above, the delivery schedule shall be revis ed. s Los Angeles Studio : 5418 Packard Screet • Los A~ge:es , CA 90019 Miami Studio : 852 N~J 71". :3treet • Hiami , F'L 33150 323 .377 .8~25 • 305 .573.7011 http :,/rlaconservation .com Thank you for the opportunity to care for your collection. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any further questions . Prepared by: Approved by: j -- ,A01trfJ;(,)::"::!)#';J-1WVJ~ ~~ -~ Caroline Dickensheets, Conservator Rosa Lowinger, President & Chief Conservator Accepted by: (sign & print name) Date 6 Los Angeles Studio : 5~18 Packard Street • Los A~ge~es , CA 9G019 Miami Studio : 852 NW 71"' :3treet • Miami , FL 33150 323 .377 .8425 • 305 .573 .7011 http :,/rlaconservation .com