LTC 288-2022 Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of July 25 - 29, 2022MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LTC No. 288-2022 TO: FROM: DATE: Mayor Dan Gelber and Membe~ 1e City Commission Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk 7 8 July 18, 2022 LETTER TO COMMISS ION SUBJECT: Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of July 25 -29, 2022 Attached please find meetings that were noticed in The Miami Herald for the week of July 25 -29, 2022, published on July 17, 2022. The weekly meeting notice is also available to the public via the City's website at http://m iamibeachfl.gov/cityclerk/default.aspx?id =1776 If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at 305.673.7411. REG/cd Attachment We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who five , work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MEETING NOTICE July 25-29, 2022 MONDAY, July 25 9:30 a .m. Senio r Affairs Comm itt ee Zoom Meeting 2:00 p .m. Special Magistrat e Hearing - Palace Bar LLC. I 052 Ocean Drive/HPB: 21-0455 a/k/a 1253/SM 2021-00 I Zoom Meeting 4:00 p.m. Spec ial City Commission* TUESDAY, July 26 10:00 a.m. Planning Board* Zoom Meeting 5:00 p.m. Affo rdable Housing Advisory Committee Zoom Meeting h!.tr-s ://miamibeachll - gov.zoom .us/j /899962 45365 1.30 1.715 .8592 or 1.877.853 .5257 Access ID 89996245365# ht1 ps ://miamibeo chfl - gov .zool))~j/89842992772 1.929 .205.6099 or 1.888.475 .4499 Access ID 89842992772# hll ps ://mlomibeochfl - gov .zoom us/j/8 139285767 t l.301.715 .8592 or 1.888 .475 .4499 Access ID 81392857671# City Hall Commission Chamber 1700 Convention Center Dri ve, 3rd fl. hll ps ://miamibeac hll - gov .zoo m.us/j/86 143 426327 1.929.205.6099 or 1.8 77.853.5257 Access ID 86143426327# htt ps://us06we b.zoom .us/j/8 t 8947 4 454 1 ?pwd-VnR hSUI I MDZ0dG I td I Zl WEU0Y IByUT09 l .646 .87 6 . 9923 Access ID 8189474454 l # Passcode 862511 # WEDNESDAY, July 27 3:00 p.m . Public Safety & Neighborhood h!!o s://mi amibeachll- Quality o f Life Committee** gov .zoom .us/j/87833352956 Zoom Meeting 1.3 12.626 .6799 or l .88B.475 .4499 Access ID 87833352956# THURSDAY, July 28 9:00 a.m. Special Magislrate Hearin gs Zoom M ee ting htt os : // us02web. zoo m. us/w /8 20585 50282 1.312 .626 .6799 or 1.877 .853 .5257 Access ID 82058550282# 10:00 a .m. Visitor & Convention Au thority Harold Rosen War Room (MB VCA) 170 l Meridia n Avenue, Su ite 403 1 :00 p.m. FOP Contract Negotiations Session #7 2:00 p.m . Sustainabili ty Comm ittee Zoom Meeting 4:30 p.m. G.O. Bond Ove rsigh t Committee Zoom M ee ting FRIDAY, July 29 9:30 a.m. Finance and Economic Res iliency Committee** Hybr id Meeling City Manager's Lorg e Con f. Room 1700 Convention Center Drive h!!odLus06web .zoom .usLj/9966552 9350 1.3 12.626 .6799 or 1.929 .205.6099 Access ID 99665529350# h!!os ://us02web .zoorn.us/j/8638986 ill.2 1.3 I 2.626.6799 or 1.301.7 15 .8592 Access ID 86389865139# h!!~!/miomibeoc hfl . gov .zoom.us/j/86360595462 1.30 1.7 15 .8592 or 1.888 .475.4499 Access ID 86360595462# City Ha ll Commission Chamber 1700 Convention Center Drive, 3rd Fl. For any and/ or all of 1he above rn ee1ings, o ne o r more members of lhe Miami Bea ch Ci 1y Commission, a nd or Cily boord/comrnill<..>e members may be in a lt endance and po11icipo1 e in disrnssions. ' Ai1 rxl livn en MBlV ,\!\none B1c~:dlu1~/ (X10 Afl!.J l}wu.<,u qy Ht:tmr n Comni1 111imli:m~ :195 & P.OKU chrnce (11 PE G TV • • Ccrnmi$Sii.J n (,J111111it~e AiiOO live ~n MB"IV AD No. 07 172022·0IM A llsli11 g of all formal competilive solicllolions Issued by 1110 Cily of Miami 13euch, Florida is ovailnblu ot hllps ·/fwww miamibcochfl goy/cily·hall/procuremeoJ/dty:caotracls/ To access any formal compelmve so licllotion issued by lhe City, or to receive any addendum Issued to u formal competilive solicilulion, you may also visil https ·//pmd bidm,nr com/Minmi·Oooch . Public meeling nolices con be found on the P1oc urement Cal endar at blips· //wwy,1 mia rnil ma ddl gov/cily:holl /pfCx;urement/rn lender /. MIAMI BEACH We Of8 commilled lo providir19 excelkml public service oud mlety lo o/1 w /10 live, WOfk, oml plo y in our vibrant, /1opicol, liiJloticol community. Memba1s o f //Je public moy pre sen / cwdro/viwol ti\"VJ mof1t1icJs relat/119 lo A9anda llem1 ot CityComll"lfuion Mee tings by ulilizi119 Ille City's AV equipnmnl, provided J/10/ fll(lleri(1/J ore w bmitlecl lo 1/ie Depci,lmen f of Mo ,letin9 ond Communications by 8:30 o.m., o,ta (I J bu Ji mm doy prior lo J/re mite ling . Advance svbmillof of" preJ1tnkllion will allow Ilia Commu11icolioflJ [Mp(U fme,11 lo plan for 1he use of /he opprapriale AV e</Uipm1:tnl. AV mo/erio/1 musl be svbmilted via email <1I commvnicolionsffmiomibeoclifl.90v. T/,e body of 1/,e email muil include o 1tolalion /iJ ling 1/,1t na mit or grcwp, conlucl perJon, do)'1im1J lelep/101111 numbe r, 11moil oddren, d11sc1iplion/lille of Ifie preien /olion, (Ill(/ Agenda //em Title as wall os /lte Agenda Item Numbe1 . Ploose 1ef1trenc 1t •Audio/Visual Mnlerio/-in 1/,e em nil subjed line. Accep table fo,mo/J for e/e,ct1onic wbmiuioo me .pelf, .pp!, .ppb1 , .pp s, .ppsx, .wmv, .ovi, and .mov. (Nole 1/io/ .pdl is tlie pre fetred for mal for PoW9rPoinl p1ese 11/alio11s.J City Ho ll is localed al 1700 Conv0:mli on Ce nl er Drive; a nd the Mio mi Beac h Co nven to on Center is loco ted a l 1901 Co1wenli o11 Ce nler Drive. Any mee!in g m<1y be opened ond con!inu ed , on d unde r 1uch circu mslonces, oddi 1ionol legol 11ohce W11i nol [)It r~~y~~:J~-11~ 0 :~~t Ji1 1:11t~1~~:~1~,~~/ ~,i ~~~;180~:1:,~~;;~;;l~~t~~0!:1;:1~:7;11J~~yu~:ecz :~ti ~;~J~~~:1 ;,: 11 ~r:;~~;1~1~tir:d proc 0:11:1di1191 coll 305.604 2<18 9 a nd se lec t 1 fo r English, then oplu:m 6, TT Y 11se11 moy coll via 711 IF l01id o Relay Se rvi ce). A rn eeling no! noticed in 1he Weakly Meeting Noli ce a d a nd d4 1armin11d to [)It on em e,gancy meeting will be po5 1ed 011 the b1.1ll a!in i~;;1llwe~::,~;;;/beac ~;7.gov/~lf1~terk/~efauff'1~fpxrid■J ;;4iloble on Iha City"1 web 1i la ul Pu,11.10111 to Secho n 286.0 !05, fl u Slot , the Ci ty hereby adv i101 th 11 public 1h0 1 1/ o per1011 deci des !o opp11ul a ny decision mode by 1he board. ag ency, or comrn1$,ion wi!h re1pecl lo 011y 11loll e1 con,ideied ol wc h meeting or heor mg, he or 1ha will need a re<:ord of the procaedings, and !ha!, for su ch p111po1&, he or she moy need to ansura thal a Yerb □!•m rac:ord □f the proceedings is mode, which 1e<:ard includes lhe !e strmo ny and evidence upon which lhe appeal is to ba bused