LTC 354-2022 City of Miami Beach Information Sessions for Prekindergarten Scholarship Program Interested Providers 2023-24DocuSign Envelope ID: B0AF5CDC-25D2-4F1 E-A484-E53CE9AAAEEE MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC # LETTER TO COMMISSION To: From: Date: 354-2022 Honorable Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission Alina T. Hudak, City Manag ~ August 31, 2022 Subject: City of Miami Beach Information Sessions for Prekindergarten Scholarship Program Interested Providers 2023-24 The purpose of this Letter to Commission is to update you on the status of the City of Miami Beach's Prekindergarten (PreK) Scholarship Program for Miami Beach residents for the 2023-2024 school year, approved at the December 8, 2021 Commission meeting. The Prekindergarten Scholarship Program expanded hourly access to high quality PreK providers during the 2021-22 Pilot year for 57 families receiving up to $2,700. The program was expanded by Commission in December 2021 for the 2023-24 school year to provide 158 families with a $3,000 PreK scholarship. Staff from the Office of Organizational Development Performance Initiatives has successfully developed and automated the application and invoicing process for this scholarship program as it enters its second year of implementation for the 2022-23 school year with 92 PreK youth receiving the scholarship at a total funding of $248,400 and 18 PreK providers participating (see attached). As the application for eligible and interested families will open on October 13, 2022, staff will meet with current providers throughout September 2022 for individual sessions on our newly automated PreK platform and has scheduled a series of informational sessions for new PreK providers for the 2023-24 school year via Zoom on the following dates and times (flyer attached): Monday, October 3 rd at 1 :00pm Friday, October 7 th at 11 :0Oam Zoom Webinar link: https://tinyurl.com/5xazj5vw Meeting ID: 574 796 9101 Passcode: 2oyB5P Or by telephone (929) 205-6099 Passcode: 401682 New PreK providers may apply beginning October 3, 2022 at www.miamibeachfl.gov/prekprovider, which provides an overview of the program and eligibility criteria. Information about these sessions has been posted to the city's website and shared with the Early Learning Coalition of Miami-Dade, the Office of Early Learning/Florida Department of Education, and Florida Department of Children and Families. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me or Dr. Leslie Rosenfeld, Chief Learning and Development Officer. ~[~ Attachment DocuSign Envelope ID: B0AF5CDC-25D2-4F1 E-A484-E53CE9AAAEEE # of Children by Prekindergarten City of Miami Beach Provider 2022-23 Greater Miami Hebrew Academy 1 Kinderland 4 Kidz 9 Lehrman Community Day School 4 M-DCPS I preparatory Academy 1 M-DCPS Miami Beach South Pointe Elementary School 7 M-DCPS North Beach Elementary School 3 Miami Children's Museum Early Childhood Institute 1 Muss Family Montessori at Temple Emanu-el 12 Rainbow Intergenerational Learning Center 4 Sephardic Congregation of Florida: Temple Moses 3 Shalom Montessori School 5 Super Y Academy 1 Temple Beth Sholom Innovative School 19 Toras Emes Academy of Miami: Yeshiva Toras Chaim Toras Emes 3 Vivi's Child Care 2 Yeshiva Elementary 17 Total Students Participating 92 DocuSign Envelope ID: B0AF5CDC-25D2 -4F1 E-A484-E53CE9AAAEEE Miami Beach Prekindergarten Program Information Sessions for Providers The City of M ia mi Beac h hos approved a Prekindergarten Scho larship Progra m for the 2023-2 4 sc hoo l year that wi ll provi de eligible Miami Beac h fwni li es wit h a Pro-K scholarshi p of up lo $3,000. • Eligi ble Pre-K p roviders ore invited to partake in one of the information sessions being offered on how your organization con regis ter lo participate in this program. Monday, Oct . 3 , 2022 al 1 p,m. Friday, Oct .7 , 2022 at 11 a.m. Zoom Webinor link: hllps://linyurl.com/5xaz j5vw M ee ting ID: 57 4 796 910 I Passcode: 2oyB5P Or by telephone 929.205 .6099 Possco de: 401682 Provi der opp licolion : www.miamibeachff.gav/prekprovider ~DCF Licensed (Identification num ber} Pre-K Providers Only To roquost thrs matonol m ollornolo formal, sign language mterprolor (f,ve day notice roqurrcd), mformal1on on access for persons ~ M I AM I BE AC H with d1sobil1Ues, and/or any occommodot1on to review any document or porhc1pa1e in ony clly sponsored proceedings, coll p RE K p lfl CII M,. MIi. 305 604 2489 and select I for English or 2 for Spanish, lhen ophon 6, TTY users may call vm 711 {Flonda Rolay Sorv1ce) , 0 -., -. ,.. rt www.miomibeochll.gov