LTC 369-2022 Information Sessions for Prekindergarten Scholarship Program Interested Families 2023-24369-2022 Docu Sign Envelope ID : ADD26 904-7462-43CE-89C5-1 CCADE51 F44F MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CIT Y M ANA GER N O . LTC # LETTER TO COMMISSION To : of the City Commission From : Alina T . Hudak, City Manag r Date : September 7, 2022 Subject: Information Sessions for Prekindergarten Scholarship Program Interested Families 2023-24 The purpose of this Letter to Commission is to update you on the status of the City of Miami Beach 's Prekindergarten (PreK) Scholarship Program for Miami Beach residents for the 2023-2024 school year, approved at the December 8, 2021 Commission meeting . The program was expanded in December 2021 for the 2023-24 school year to provide 158 families with a $3 ,000 PreK scholarship. The administration has scheduled a series of informational sessions for interested PreK families for the 2023-24 school year via Zoom on the following dates and times : Monday, October 3 at 11 am (English) and 12 pm (Spanish) Monday , October 3 at 6 pm (English) and 7 pm (Spanish) Wednesday , October 19 at 11 am (English) and 12 pm (Spanish) Thursday, October 20 at 6 pm (English) and 7pm (Spanish) Zoom Webinar link : https://tinyurl.com/5xazj5vw Meeting ID: 574 796 9101 Passcode : 2oyB5P Or by telephone : (929)205-6099 Passcode : 401682 Family applications may be submitted on the City's website beginning October 13, 2022 at www.miamibeachfl.gov/prek , which provides an overview of the program and eligibility criteria . The deadline for family application submission is November 28 , 2022 . A computerized lottery process to be held on December 1, 2022 will establish a numerical order of service until all funds are exhausted . Results from the lottery will be posted on the City's website including name, confirmation number, and lottery number. Staff from the Office of Organizational Development Performance Initiatives (Education) will contact family applicants in the order of selection to determine eligibility. If you have any questions , p lease feel free to contact me or Dr. Leslie Rosenfeld, Chief Learning and Development Officer. Attachment Do cuSig n Envelop e ID: ADD2 69D4-7462-4 3C E-89C5-1 CC ADE51 F44F Miami Beach Prekindergarten Program -Information Sessions for Families Programa Prekindergarten de la Ciudad de Miami Beach -Sesiones lnformativas para las Familias The City of M iomi Beach has approve d a Prek inderga rten Schol orsh ip Program for the 2023-24 school year that will prov ide el ig ible Miami Beach families with a Pre-K scholarship af up to $3,000. La ciudad de Miami Beach ha aprobado un programa de becas para Prekindergarten para el ario escolar 2023-24 que otorgar6 a las familias elegibles de Miami Beach una beca de PreK de hasta $3,000. Application deadline: November 28, 2022 Fecha /fmife para some/er la solicitud . Family application : www.miamibeachfl.gov/prek Formulario de solicitud para las familias . *Miami Beach residents only (33139, 33140, and 33141) *Solo para residentes de Miami Beach . MIAMI BEACH www.miamibeochfl .gov MIAMI BEACH PREI< Pro9rq~ Eligible PreK families are invited to partake in one of the following sessions• Monday, October 3, 2022 • 11AM • 12PM (Espanol) Monday, October 3, 2022 • 6PM • 7PM (Espanol) Wednesday, October 19, 2022 • 11AM • 12PM /Espaiio/J Thursday, October 20, 2022 • 6PM • 7PM (Espanol) lnvitamos a las familios que califiquen a parlicipar en una de las sesiones informotivas *. Zoom Webinar link / Enlace de Zoom: https ://tinyurl .com/Sxoz:jSvw Meeting ID : 574 796 9101 Passcode : 2oyB5P Or by telephone 929.205.6099 Passcode : 401682 for olremore lom,i r or ADAo"ommodonons, pleosernn 301604 2489 and 1eled I lo, f19ishm 2 Im lponoh, rh,nopioo 6, TTY useo moyrnlv• 711 lf~,,Jo Re~yS.N<el Pum .,l,!1c1 un founoto o't~no~.o. a 0S1Slen« ,~c~nodo rnn """ d,~opocdoo, llimeol 30160-i .2489 opc•n 1 porn fsponol, I opcNio 6; usoonos de TTY pueclen Uon,i, o naves del 71 f iS.Nicm rle renon1!1lll!011 de h flordol.