LTC 387-2022 Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of September 26 - 30, 2022MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LTC No. 387-2022 TO : FROM: DATE : Mayor Dan Gelber and Memb ~f t1 City Commission Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk '7 d( September 19, 2022 LETT ER TO COMMI SS IO N SUBJECT : Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of September 26 -30, 2022 Attached please find meetings that were noticed in The Miami Herald for the week of September 26 -30 , 2022, published on September 18, 2022. The weekly meeting notice is also available to the public via the City's website at http://miamibeachfl .gov/cityclerk/default.aspx?id =1776 If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at 305.673.7411. REG/cd Attachment We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MEETING NOTICES September 26 -30, 2022 MONDAY, September 26 9 :30 a.m. Seni o r A ffairs Co mmittee https-1/miom ibeac hfl- Zoom M ee ting gov zoom u,/j/89996245365 1.30 1.7 15.8592 or 1.877.853.5257 Access ID 89996245365# TUESDAY, September 27 No M eeti ngs Sc heduled WEDNESDAY, September 28 8:30 a.m. Lan d Use & Sus ta in ability htt ps //miomibeachfl- Committee* * gov zoom us/j/85059923037 H brid Meetin g 1.30 1.7 15.8592 or 1.888.475 .4499 y Access ID 85059923037# 5 :00 p .m. C ity Co mmi ss io n/ 2"' Budget M ee ting* Hybrid M ee tin g City: Holl Com mi ss ion Chamber 1700 Convention Center Drive, 3rd Fl. htt os · //mi omi beoc hfl . gov zoom us/j/8 139285767 1 1.30 1.7 15 .8592 or 1.888 .475.4 499 Access ID 81392857671 # City Ho ll Commiss ion Chamber 1700 Conventi on Ce nt er Dr ive, 3 rd fl. THURSDAY, September 29 9 :00 a .m. Specia l M ag istrate Hea rin gs Ci ty Holl Com mission Chamber 1700 Convent io n Cen ter Dr ive, 3,J Fl. l 0 :00 a.m. Visito r a nd Co nve nti o n Cen ter Authority IMBVCA) 2:00 p .m. Sustain abili ty Committee Zoom M ee tin g Miami Beach Wa tersports Cen ter 6500 Indian Cree k Drive, 2nd Fl . btt ps · //us06web zoom us/j/99665529 ;)20 1.31 2 .626.6799 or 1.929.205.609 9 Access ID 99665529350# FRIDAY, September 30 9:30 a .m. Fina nce and Eco no mi c https-//miomibeochll- Res ili ency Co mmi ttee** gov zoo m us/j/86360595 462 Hy brid M ee ti ng 1.30 1.7 15.8592 or 1.888.475.44 99 Access ID 86360595462# C ity Ho ll Commi ssion Chamber 1700 Conven ti on Cen ter Drive, 3rd FL. Fo r a ny a nd/or a ll o f lhe above mee tin gs, o ue or more members o f th e M iam i Beach C i1y Commission, o nd o r Cily boord/cornrniltee members may be in o lle11donce and por ti ci po le in d iscussions. · AueJ lr.'1,.,.,,1 t\o\SIV. Ai\w ,-B,mHxr:,,1 oor1 Al&J l he'>" 99 Hrt u;w Cs·w uuic qfrm 39 5 & KOK! !da:.-,;re rn lfG IY • • Co,wnbsoo Cocurninee Aired liseu1 f..~S TV AD No. 09182022-0 I M A lisling of all fmmol cornpellUve solici tations issued by lhe Cily of Mlorni Beoch, Flmido is ovni lob!e a l )l npy //www miomibeochfl qgy/cjty:IJall/proc;ummen r/ciltcontrocts/-To access ony I01mal competitive sol icilotiou issued by !he City, or lo 1ece ive any addendum issued ro o lo,mol competitive solicilotion, you may also visil hUps · //prod bidsync com/MiumH}eoch -Public mecling nollces con be found on the Pmcu1emenl Colendm al blips · //www mi□rnihencbll qpy/cily;tml1/p10curemenl/caleodm/. MIAMI BEACH We 0111 commillod lo providing axce/len/ public $61',.ice and rnfety lo o/1 who /ivo, work, und play in our vi/,ror1I, tropical, hiltoricalcommunity. Member$ ol the public may presenl oudio/viwa/ (AV) motafia/11alo,i119 to A9ando /lams ol City Commiuiou Maali1t9s by oli/izing Iha City's AV aquipmenr, p,ovidad 1/,a/ malario/1 (lf8 wbmiffaJ lo Iha Depa,lmanl ol Marlxaling and ConmNmicalioos by 8:30 o.m., 0111:1 ( I J businau day prior lo 1/m mealing . Advance wbminal of a prawnlation will allow tha Communicaliom Daporlfll6nt ,o plan for the usa of Iha appropriala AV aquipmanl. AV mall11io/1 must ba wbmiffaJ via amoil al communica ,ions@mil1mibaachfl.gov. The body of Iha amoi/ muJ/ include a nota,1011 /ii/ing ,ha name or groop, contac t pe11011, daytime tolapliona 11umbar, email acld1au, claic1iplio11/li!/a o f tho pra1enlalion, cmd A9e11da !ram Tit/a os wall n 1 Iha Agonda /lam Number. P/aa,a 1efaranca "Audio/Vi,ual Malaria l" in Ilia email ,ub;ect line. Acceplabla formals far alactronic su bmiuion om .pdf, .ppl, .pptx, .pps , .ppsx, .wmv, .avi, and .mov. {Nola Iha, .pd/ i1 1/1e pra/e,rad formal for Powe1Painl praienlalion,.J City Hall is localed ol 1700 Convention Cenler Dr ive, ood Iha Miami Beach Convention Canter ii l,xotad ol 190 I Convention Cantm 01 iva . Any m&aling moy ba o pened ond continued, and under such c11cumslonces, odJ1tionol la9ol nolica wi!l not ba prov,ded. To 1aquasr this molar ml in oheinota formal, sign longuoge interpreter !fiva-d0y nolice required), inl01mo li~n on ocean fo1 par1a11s with disob1litie1, ond/01 ony accammodo han to review any document or por ticipole in any C1 ly·sponsa red ~:1~1~;i~2r'n:~:~;i~~t~ 4i:2~r°~~:1~~;~~1t ~n;~:,~ !~;r~f~~d' 1~\:r!n°:~:~r;~r,;~~av~~~ \~ti::!0 11~~C:n fh~v~tt~ boards lhraughaul City Holl ond wil! be ovoifable on the Cily's website ol : bttp•llwe& mlaml&ea,h fl gav/clfvclcrlc/de (q utt a,~ Pu,wonl lo Seclion 286.0 105, flo. S101., lie Cily hereby oJv,se~ the public !hot ii o parwn decide~ to oppaol ony dec1lion ;:e~ 6 ~!:r~:i't(l:0::'!~<~~;::::S1'h;1,f~ ::~~:~~:: 1:t:~• ,h~n~~;r~~e~ ~uc~l:;:';;'!, a~ ~:;,~~ ~:c:t:1 ';i!! proceeding, ii made, which record inducl e1 Iha 1a$limany and ev,denca upon which Iha oppeol 11 lo ba bosad.