LTC 418-2022 Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of October 10 - 14, 2022418-2022 MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LTC No. TO: FROM: DATE : Mayor Dan Gelber and Members~ J{Y Commission Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk ~ /6 \ October 04, 2022 LETT ER TO COMMI SS IO N SUBJECT: Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of October 10 -14, 2022 Attached please find meetings that were noticed in Sunday's Neighbors section of The Miami Herald for the week of October 10 -14, 2022 published on October 02, 2022. See insertions on page (2) marked in blue for changes, cancellations or additions. The weekly meeting notice is also available to the public via the City's website at http://miamibeachfl .gov/cityclerk/default.aspx?id =1776 If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at 305.673.7411. REG/cd Attachment We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community 9:00 a.m. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MEETING NOTICES October 10 -14 , 2022 MONDAY, October 10 ~ Committee for Quality h1tps · //us02web.zoom.us/iill.4Z£22.l Ed I. C -11 · M . .QJ1Jiwd=Ym9 0R lhuT1dpczV 4czR2K2kxo uca 10n o mm1 ee 1n 1am1 3VJUT09 Bea c h -STEM labs and Meeting ID 574 796 9101 Educat ion Department Passcode 2oyBSP Zoom Meeting t .929 .205 .6099or 1.30 1.7 15.8592 Ac cess ID 5747969101 # Pa s scode 401682# TUESDAY, October 11 7:30 a.m. Mia mi Be ach Senior High School PTSA h1tps · //us02web.zoom.us/i/86 I 04790 416?pwd=QUlxKy9FY2ZxeHIScWR ITD t Yb01oUT09 9:30 a.m . 10:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. Hybrid Meeting Convention Center Advisory Board Miami Beach Em p loyees' Retirem en t Pension Board LGBTQIA+ Advisory Committee Microsoft Team Meeting Committee on the Homeless Zoom Meeting 1.30 1.7 15 .8592 or 1.3 I 2.626.6799 Access ID 86104790416# Passcode 557169# School Auditorium 2231 Prairie Avenue MBCC Admin Offi ces Board Room 190 l Conven ti on Center Drive MBERP Pension Offi ce J >1 FL Breezewax 1700 Conventio n Cent er Drive https-1/bil ly/3SpEnYm Meeting ID 214516042037 Passcode NjmQPx 1.786.636.1480 Access ID 299500135# hll ps ://us06web zoom us/j/88318739 Z6_4?pwd -VifHZFBtZkfuOnFUSGRnMU I iOihPQT09 1.646.876.9923 or 1.30 1.715 .8592 Access ID 88318739764# Passcode 098488# 5:3 0 p.m. Miami Bea ch Co mmi ss ion for Building Dept Conference Room Women 1755 Meridian Avenue, 2"J FL. 6 :00 p.m. Police/Citizens Re la ti ons Committee Zoom Meeting https : //us02web zoom us/j/85671773 1702pwd -Vkxyb005cWV3Y3lpdmthUX ISdUhBZz09 1.929.205 .6099 or 1.301.7 15 .8592 Access ID 8567773170# Passcode 710375# WEDNESDAY, October 12 2:30 p.m. City Commission Workshop* Proposed Updates to LDR s a nd Resiliency Code Hybrid M ee tin g 4:00 p.m. December Expo Ad Hae Committee 4:30 p .m. 4:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6 :00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Microsoft Team Meeting Budg et Adviso ry Comm ittee Microsoft Team Meeting Ad Hoc N orth Beach CRA Advisory Committee Parks and Recreational Facilities Advisory Board Microsoft Team M ee tin g Arts and Cu ltu re G .O. Bond Public In formation Session #2 Hybrid Meeting North Beach Eleme ntary School PT A Zoom Meeting https ://miamibeachfl- gov .zoom .us/i/81392857671 1.30 1.7 15.8592 or 1.888.47 5.4499 Access ID 8 l 392857671 # Cib' Hall Com mi ss ion Cham ber 1700 Conven ti on Cen ter Drive, 3rd FL. h1t ps //bit.ly/300GAf3 Access ID 226784438715 Passcode akyUvJ 1.786.636.1480 Access ID 511589193# hllps : //bit.ly/36xRlrt I .786.636. 1480 Access ID 473278741 # Normandy Shores Gol f Club 240 l Biarrilz Drive hllps //bit.ly/3 HnPX26 I .786.636.1480 Access ID 896806203# https · //us06web zoom .us/j/82540696 2.8A 1.309 .205 .3325 or 1.888 .475.4499 Access ID 82540696284# h1tps : //us02web . zoom .us/i/893 7003 7 659?pwd-TT02oDdocWhBUW9Sbmp2 M2NOeVNqdz09 Meeting ID 89370037659 Passcode nbepta 1.309 .205.3325 or 1.312.626.6799 Access ID 89770037659# Passcode 393116# THURSDAY, October 13 9:00 a.m. Special M ag i stra le Hearin gs Zoom M eetin g h.!!ps : //uS02web . zoom . us/w /8 2 48 269 3..52l! 1.312.626 .6799 or 1.877.853 .5257 Access ID 82482693528# 9:30 a.m. Production In dustry Counci l Microsoft Team Meeting 10:00 a.m. Visitor and Convention Authority IMBVCA) I :00 p.m. Lincoln Road BID/Board O f Director's Zoom Meeting 2:00 p .m. Washington Avenue BID/ Executive Board Zoom Meeti ng https · //bit lv/MBPIC2022 1 .786.636.1480 Access ID 685366327# blip s· //us06web zoo m us/j/870174 57 424?pwd -M29BL 1 pUZm l YTTBPQm9teE ~ 1.301.715 .8592 or 1.3 12.626.6799 Access ID 87017457424# Passcode 831450# Harold Rosen War Room 1701 Meridian Ave nu e, Sui te 403 http s·//zoom us/j/47 44547055?illlil.,,. YXo 1 TmUrR0ZNMmlYNIVLZYYEVj czZz0 2 1.305.715 .8592 Access ID 4744547055# Password 808879# hn ps ://us06web .zoom .us/j/85763 l -16 799?pwd -S0RQemp2d jdCeUkrd2R jT 1 Y Ollilli02 t .309.205 .3325 or 1.312 .626.6799 Access ID 85763146799# Passcade 793358# 4:00 p.m. Mayor's 41" Str eet Comm ittee htt ps://zoorn .us/j/917098435 J Z?pwd Zoom M ee ting =L2pSSTNiRHtETjhDcm56Q0dQWGRoU T09 FRIDAY, October 14 No Meetings Scheduled 1.30 1.7 15.8592 or 1.312.626.6799 Access ID 91709843517# Passcode 950697# For any ond/01 all of lh e above meelings, o ne 01 more membe,s o f !he Miami Reach Cily Commi ssion, and or Cily boord/commillee membe,s moy be in ollendonce and porlic ipole in d iscuss ions. • A11ed l,~cnM9N A1b 1111• ttrmrlb<Jn rl MO AJA.I lb:'.t1:a99 Hr:1w,teG:::rn1rnnKnri<m 325 & RQtlJ defr:em fFQ IV • • C01rn1Jsj,c41 Cu rnnill[:6 Aire<l Li-,0 on MSJV /\D No. I 0022022-01 M A ll sllng of all formal compelilive sollcirotions issued by lh(~ City al Miami Beoch, Florida is ovoilob!e at llllps·//www miqmibeochfl qoy/d1¥·holl/proq1rement/cU~trnnllncls/. To access any formal compe titive solicltolion Issued by th e City, or 10 receive any addendum Issued lo a formal compelitive solicilotion, you may also visll hUps · //prod bidsynr com/Ml111uH~1•orh . Publi c mee1i rig noti ces co n be found on lhe Procurement Co lendm al hllps ·//www mlumJl>eorbll qoy/rity:ltqll/p1cxwemeor/rnlender/. MIAMI BEACH We ore com mitted lo providing axce/lan, public Ja1vica und safety lo al/ wl ,o /iv&, work, and play in oor vi/iron/, /rop ica l, hiJ/orica/commu11ity. Membe,.s of //1e public moy prasa11/ avdio/viwa/ {AV) mo/er/(J/J relolin9 lo Agenda //amJ al City CommiJJion Maali119J by uli/;zin9 1/ie City'$ AV IXjVipmenl, p1ovid6CI 1/1u/ mo/erio/J ore suhmi/100 lo t/1e Depmlmen/ of Morlretin9 nm/ Commuuicolio,u by 8:30 o.m., one ( I J busineJJ day p1K>f la /he meeting. Aclvcmce Juhmillal of o preJenlnlio11 will allow Iha CommunirnlionJ Depa,lmenr lo pion /o, the uJe ol /lie app1opriol6 AV equipmenl. AV moleriols muJI be wbmilled vin emoi/ or commvnkalion1@miomibaochll.gov. The body of the email musl inc:lvda a no/ofio,i /iJlin9 1l1e oorne or group, ,;on/ad panon, daytime ialeplwne number, email addnm, dascriplion/lil/e of die preJenlolion, 01rd Agenda /Jem Title m well m 1/1e Agenda Item Numba1 . Plao1a rafera,,ce •Audio/Viwol Malarial ~ in II NI email JUbied line. Acceplable formals for eledronk su bmiuion ore .pd/, .ppl, .pplx, .pps, .ppu, .wmv, .ovi, <md .mov. /Note 1/IOl .pdf is the preferred formal for Powe,Poinl presenlalion$./ City Holl iJ localed a t 1700 Convenlian Cenler Drive, ond !he Miami Beach Convenhon Cenler is located at 1901 Convenlioo Center Drive . Any moo li ng may be opened ond con11nued, ond under JV<:h c1icum1lonce1, a dd1tionol le 9ol notic e will nol be l~~v,:;:~nTt :~tu8J!s~~~l~;t~~~/~;1a~~;teo~~=~;;;Po~1~:n~;o?:);:r~~etJ!:8:eo:i no~ti;:~~~~!•it:~;o~~;.s;~:::d ~:,~::i~t n:~~~;d 0 t·~h~~:!Jt~~::~;~~:i~e ~~J1~~~ ~:~;,:f~~cJ 1~;i:r!n 11 :::,;;:,;~~ev~~~ 1 ~l~:i;st~j: ~1~::bui11 et~ bomds throughoul City Hall and will be available 1h11 City'$ website a t: bttJJ•llweb mlamibeach fl aov/cltycfcrJc/defau/',asp~ Pur$uOnl to Sec tion 286.0105. fla . Sta l., Iha City hereby odYises Iha public 1ha1 if o persan decides to appool any deci1ion ~:o~0 (~~e1;:rr~~;r~;a0 i~;t:~d~~;;~1~;1\i1~~ti~~ ~~~c~~,1~,o~:: 1\:0:~',h~!\r~~;1~~ed1 tt~:1:~:1:h~i°~ ::~~~Tr~ 1::c~:l:1 ~~: proceedings i$ mode, which record includes the les li mony ond 0~1do11ce upon which the oppeol 1! lo be based.