LTC 017-2023 Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of January 23 - 27, 2023MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LTC No. 017-2023 TO: FROM: DATE : Mayor Dan Gelber and Membern::::/'ity Commission Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk I{}, January 17, 2023 LETTER TO COMMISSION SUBJECT : Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of January 23 -27, 2023. Attached please find meetings that were noticed in Sunday's Neighbors section of The Miami Herald for the week of January 23 -27, 2023 published on January 15, 2023. See insertions on page (2) marked in blue for changes, cancellations or additions. The weekly meeting notice is also available to the public via the City's website at http://miamibeachfl.gov/cityclerk/default.aspx?id=1776 If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at 305 .673. 7 411. REG/cd Attachment We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MEETING NOTICES January 23 -27, 2023 MONDAY, January 23 6:00 p.m . Health Advisory Committee https·//us0 2we b.zoom .us/i/833 I 890 9:00 a .m. Zoom Meeting 30 l l 2pwd -Mm5BWG5iWldOcO FSVI QwUnN2dFhaQT09 Acceu ID 83318903011 Pa11code 451712 1.305 .224 .1968 or 1.646 .931 .3860 AcceH ID 83318903011 # Pa11code 451712# TUESDAY, January 24 Committee for Quality bttps· //us02web zoom us/i/5747969 Education in Miami Beach ) 01 2pwd=Ym9aRlhuiidpczV4czR2K2k Zoom Meeting ~ AcceH ID 5747969101 Pa11code 2oy85P 1.929 .205 .6099 or 1.301.715 .8592 AcceH ID 5747969101# Pa11code 401682# l 0:00 a.m . Planning Board* Hybrid Meeting https ://miam ibeochA- gov zoom us/i/86143426327 1.929.205 .6099 or 1.877 .853 .5257 Access ID 86143426327# Cib' Holl Commission Chamber 1700 Convention Center Drive , 3rd Fl. 10:00 a.m. Visitor & Convention Authority Harold Rosen War Room Sui te 403 (MBVCA) 1701 Meridian Avenue l l :00 a.m. Ad Hoc Iguana Remediation Comm ittee btt,,s-1/bit ly/3GWtM4i Meeting ID 279868550234 Pa11code G6FRzT Microsoft Teems Meeting + l 786-636-1480 AcceH ID 167945318# 4:00 p .m. Youth Comm ission Zoom Meeting https ://us02web zoom .us/i/57 47969 IO I ?pwd=Ym9oRlhuTidpc zV 4cz R2K2k ~ Access ID 5747969101 Pa11code 2oy85P 1.929.205 .6099 or 1.301.715 .8592 AcceH ID 5747969101# Pa11code 401682# 6:00 p .m. Health Advisory Committee Zoom Meeting https ://us02web.zoom us/j/8331890 30 l l 2pwd=Mm5BWG5iWldOcOFSVI OwUnN2dFhoOT09 AcceH ID 83318903011 Pa11code 451712 1.305.224 .1968 or 1.646 .931 .3860 AcceH ID 83318903011 # Passcode451712# WEDNESDAY, January 25 9:30 a.m. land Use and Sustainability htt,,s ://miamibeachA- Committee** gov .zoo m us/i/85059923037 Hybrid Meeting 1.301.715 .8592 or 1.888 .475 .4499 Access ID 85059923037# City Hall Commission Chamber 1700 Convention Center Drive , 3rd Fl. THURSDAY, January 26 9:00 a .m. Special Magistrale Hearing https://mjam ibeochA- 9:00 a .m. 9:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 2:00 p .m . Zoom Meeting gov zoom us/i/88075027377 1.312 .626 .6799 or 1.877.856 .5257 Access ID 88075027377# ADDED Personnel Board Meeting http ://bit l~/3QNMadv Microsoft Tea ms Meeting Meeting ID 26-6219880337 Passcode hPVg7B 1.786 .636 .1480 Access ID 396225531 # Q6PI CQ □ftrtm:;i:: RQQm 1700 Convention Center Drive, 31° FL. Production Industry Council https ://bit l~/MBPl(:2023 Microsoft T earns Mee Ii ng Meeting ID 258429806513 Passcode yecz5V 1.786.636 .1480 Access ID 836749345# Jose Marti 2023 Celebration ~2llin~ P2rk b)! Thi;: 12~1:: Mr;irti M2n.u..!Mn! 21 00 Collins Ave . LGBTQIA+ Advisory https ·//bit l~/3K,.,hWB Committee/Subcommittee on Meeting ID 239531490749 Marketing, Tourism & Visibility Paucode 3b617v Microsoft Teams Meeting 1.786.636 .1480 Access ID 941693652# 2 :00 p .m. 4 :00 p .m. 9 :30 a .m. Su sta inab ility Committee Zoom Meeting CHANGED MICROSOn TEAMS INFORMATION Ad Hoc Neighborhood Res iliency Projects Adv isory Commi tt ee M icrosoh Teams Meeting FRIDAY, January 27 Finance and Economic Resi lie ncy Committee•• Hybrid Meeting https ://us06web zoom us/i/996655 2 illQ 1.312 .626 .6799 or 1.929.205 .6099 Acces s ID 99665529350# http,-//bit.ly/3Wo69 JS Meeting ID 258418416708 Passcode tCenui t 786363 .1480 Access ID 6S923420# https ://miomibeachfl- ~ov zoom us/j/86360595462 l.30 1.7 15 .8592 or l.888 .475 .4499 Access ID 86360595462# CiJy Holl Comm iss ion Chamber 1700 Conventio n Center Drive, 3 rd FL. For any end /or ell of the above meetings, one or more members of the M iami Beach City Commission , and or City board/committee members may be in attendance and participate In d iscussions . • A,·ed ive o-i 1v•>rv ?·we "P MO A-,,-\ ve·,e 99 Hn:wre ConL"rrn·m, 325 & 30<\1 det1rn oo ;,:o Y '• CoTTiSS<O'l CoTT,-ee Ai ·ed ,ive 0'1 M3"V AD No . 01152023-0IM A ll stt ng of all formal competitive soltcllolloos is.s ued by lhe City of Miam i Beach, Florida Is avoila b'8 at bttps· /twww mfomibearofl gov/c;i td,aH/pcocuDMitftDt /c;ity:s;;ontracts/. To occeM arry formal com petilive soliciloHon Issued by !he City, or to receive orry oddenclum lssu ad to a forma l com petltfYe sollcllotion, yoo may olso visit bttps· //prod bidt;a1c.cgm/Mlgmf::8egcb . Publ ic meeting notfce, con be fou nd on the Procu rement Colendor at bttps · //www mlomibooc;bA goy/dbtboll /prcx;u[ftU)ftnt/colender/. MIAMI BEACH We ore committed fO providing 1111cellent pvblic MtfYiai and safe"f IO all who /Ml, wo,i, arid play in our vibrant, tropical, hisfOrical«>mmuni,Y, Member, al tho public may pre!llml audia/viwal (AV] moloriols reloring 10Agonda /rems ol Ci,y Commission ....,..ao,ings by utilizing 1ha City's AV aquipmanl, provided that malorials oro submittod 10 the Doporlmrint of Morkalin g and ComnwnicolionJ by 8:30 o .m., ana (I} business day prior fO tho moating. Advonca submittal al a ~nlalion will allow the Communicolions Doporlmanl to pion for llie use of ,lie oppropriole AV oquipmenl. AV molario/1 musl be wbmined via emoi/ ot communicolio1110miomibeacliR.gov. rho body al rlx, omaif mull include a nofOlion listing tho nome or group, contact person, doy1ime telephone number, email oddtMs, descrip tion/tillo al 1/,e p,e.ntolion, and Agenda /111m Tirle 01 _,, 01 1/,e Agenda Item Number. Pleau, roforonce •Audio/Viwol M01erio/0 in tho omoil wb;ect lino. kcaplObla lorma/3 for el«tl"Ol'lic submission ar11 .pdl, .ppl, .ppl•, .pps, .ppu, .wmv, .avi, and .mav. {Nale 1h01 .pd/ is the preferred format for PoWt!t'Paim pro•nlolions./ City Holl is localed 01 1700 ConY11n!ian Conrer OriY11; ond rho Miami SeochConven~an Conier is located 01 1901 Con..-en1ion Cenier Drive . Any meeTing may be opened ond continurid, and under wch cin::ums!oroces, oddifonal legal no tic11 wiU no1 be r.ovided. To requos1 this mo:erial in ol temo:e formoi, sign longuoge inrerpre!er ~ive-<lay no tice requf ed), inlormo1ion on acceu or per1,0ns wi•h d~obilii~. and/or ony occommod01io n lo review any documen! or porricipo:e in any Ciry.spon1,0rod prouedings coll 305.604.2489 and select 1 !or English, rheri op1ion 6; TTY users moy coll via 711 (Flor ido Relay Servicel. A in.ling not noticed in ihe Wriekly h\Nling Noti ce ad and do ro,mincd lo be on omergoocy moo ring will be posled on 1he bulla1in board, thro ugho ut Ciiy Holl and will be ovoiloblo tho City's wobsi!o o r: btt,•//wep.,nJp,nUN111d,6 gpy/d twf«dc/delpulf a..-lfrl .. JT76 Pu,suo nr la Sec1ion 286.0105, Flo . S101., !he City hereby adviws the public rho r ii a per1,0n dec.idm !O oppcol o ny decisiori :: a~!'r!°:l't~;~~~gc;:~~s::,.i~ ::~r~~: :0 :~rs~:n~;::; :c:n:: 1:1°~ ::;,~~ ~:c:,;':, ~~ procoodings is modo, which record ir.dudes the lesti mony and rividonco upon wh ic h tho oppaol is 10 00 based.