LTC 054-2023 Committee for Quality Education MotionOocuSign Envelope ID: 75BAD738-C2D2-45B0-991D-FA288A6EA7AO M IAM I BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NO. LTC # 054-2023 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Honorable Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission FROM: DATE: Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk February 7, 2023 SUBJECT: Committee for Quality Education Motion The Committee for Quality Education would like you to be aware of the following motion regarding educational items from the February 1, 2023 Commission meeting, approved at the February 7, 2023 committee meeting. C: Executive Staff Dr. Leslie Rosenfeld, Chief Education Officer Attachment KBILDR Ude- Do cu Sign Envelope ID: 75BAD 738-C2D2-45B 0-991D-FA 288A6E A7 AO City of Miami Beach Committee for Quality Education Meeting of February 7, 2023 Members Present: Julie Basner, Mary Keinath, Beverly Heller, Beth Edwards, Laurie Kaye Davis, James Orlowsky, Rina Bass, Tiere Hessert, Yvette Tache, Josh Levy and Amy Ostroff Members Absent: Evie Fernandez Member Absent for Vote: Beth Edwards Motion Made by Beverly Heller Second by Laurie Kaye Davis The Committee for Quality Education requests the Mayor and Commission allow for the charter school Item C7R and Ordinance for inclusion of private and charter schools on the Committee for Quality Education Item R5L on the February 1, 2023 Commission meeting be held in abeyance until the Committee for Quality Education has a chance to evaluate these two items. The Committee for Quality Education urges the Mayor and Commission to support the above request. Motion Passage: Votes 10-0 Absent for Vote: Beth Edwards