LTC 148-2023 Miami-Dade County Beach Erosion Control and Hurricane Protection Project Update #7D o cu S ig n E n v e lo pe ID. 6E F A 48 3 D -753 A4 -4 2 0 7-8B 30 -4 3 FD 7 C 97 7 A 4 6 MIAMI BEACH O F FIC E O F TH E C ITY M A N A G E R N O. LT C # LE TT E R TO C OM M ISS IO N T O: FR O M: D AT E : H onorable M ayor D an G elb~r and em bers of the C ity Comm ission A lina T. H udak, C ity M anag r March 28, 2023 SUB JEC T: M iam i-Dade County Beach Erosion Control and Hurricane Protection Project Updat e #7 Bea ch renourishm e nt is vital fo r the integrity of our beaches and the protection of up lan d pro pe rt ie s by reducing the im pact of stor m s and sea level rise over tim e. The current U .S . Arm y C orps of Engineers (U S A G E ) beach renourishm ent project in the C ity of M iam i Bea ch co ntin ue s to m ove fo rw ard. This $40,468,000.000 proj ect is fully funded by the fed e ra l gove rn m ent w ith M iam i-D ade C ounty as the local sponsor and w ill address the ero sion al ho tsp ots in th e vi ci nity of 64" Stre et, 55" Street , 46 Stre et and 27/ Stre et. T he entire project is anticipated to be com pleted in phases throughout 2022 and 2023. T his lette r is to pro vide an update on the project progress: T he be ach ren ourish m en t in th e vi cinity of 46 St re et (Mid Beach Park ), Segm ent 3, is estim ated to be com pleted by A pril 2023. O nce sand placem ent has been fin alized , the contractors w ill begin restoring any im pacts caused to the staging area in the 46 Stre et Parki ng Lot. T he bea ch ren o urish m en t in th e vicinity of2 7 stre et, S egm en t 4, is estim at ed to beg in at the start of A pril 2023. The project w ill be staging in the law n area located at 3501 C ollins A ve and wi ll be usi ng th e 36 stre et beach en tran ce to access the bea ch. Fo r the Se gm e nt 4 staging area, the contractors originally proposed to use the dunes adjace nt to the w ork area to enter the staging area; how ever, there w ere significant im pacts w ith the propo sa l due to the am o unt of dune vegetatio n that w ould have needed to be cleared. A s such , the U S A G E , the S tate, and the C ity required the contractors to avoid and m in im ize enviro nm ental im pacts to the m axim um extent practicable by entering the staging area fro m an altern ate location. T he contractors w ill enter the staging area from an existing be ach access path; how ever, in order to provide adequate entry /exit clearance fo r the co nstructio n m aterials and m achinery , the contractors need to rem ove 2 sabal pa lm tree s fr om the law n area and 1 button w ood located on the beachw alk. A tree perm it is in the pro cess of being issued and w ill require replacem ent. A fter sand placem ent in this seg m ent is co m plete, the U S A C E requires the contractors to restore all im pacted areas. A proje ct adviso ry w ill be sent to the com m unity and the beachfront concession operations w ill be ad vised . Sections of the beach undergoing active construction w ill be closed to ensure pub lic safety. A s sections are com pleted, they w ill be opened fo r public access. C ity of M iam i Beach staff is w orking cl osely w ith U S A G E and the contractors to provide the m ost up to da te information. 148-2023 DocuSign Envelope ID: 6EFA483D-753A-4207-8B30-43FD7C977A46 Below is the updated timeline provided by the USAGE: • Segment 1: 64 Street Segment: Completed. • Segment 2: 55" Street Segment: Completed. • Segment 3: 46" street Segment: Estimated completion April 2023. • Segment 4: 27 Street Segment: April 2023 to August 2023. A multi-departmental staff team, led by the Environmental Resources Management Division, has worked diligently with the USAGE and the contractor to minimize disruption. The USAGE, contractor, and staff continues to communicate updates to adjacent property owners, neighborhood and building associations, and concessionaires. If you have any questions related to the project please contact me or Amy Knowles, Chief Resilience Officer at amyknowles@miamibeachfl.gov. Attachments: A- Map of Renourishment Areas ATH/~AK/LP/ST/JL EU& DocuSign Envelope ID: 6EFA483D-753A-4207-8B30-43FD7C977A46 Segment 3 44"Street to 49" Street Construction Staging Area - Mid Beach Park- 46" street no «p ~· a' - ,.,. 4 t di 1 . 9 f I . d ,»] W47thst • I .... • G s. . . - ] a- . . •. - .. .a #R jifi Section pending completion Construction Staging Area Area for additional parking to be used throughout entire project DocuSign Envelope ID: 6E FA483D-753A-4207-8B30-43FD7 C977A46 Segment4 23"" Street to 36 Street Construction Staging Area - 36" Street Parking Lot 22 [ ~ I t # r 35th 34th .. i ds. 1 i/ st a e •·•·. - . i"" treet 29+# r- mnstruction ging Area reet Sand placement areas