LTC 156-2023 Proposed Miami-Dade County Ordinance Relating to Campaign Finance ReportsM IA M I BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LTC No. 156-2023 LETTER TO COMMISSION T O : F R O M : D A T E: S U B JE C T : M a y o r D a n G e lb e r an d M e m b ers _o f-~, C o m m ission Ratael E. Gr an a do, cy cl erk /( Ap ril 3 , 2 0 2 3 Proposed Miami-Dade County Ordinance Relating to Campaign Finance Reports. T h e M ia m i-D a d e C o u n ty B o a rd of C o u n ty C o m m is sio n e rs is sche d u le d to m e e t on A pril 4, 2 0 2 3, to d is cu ss A g e n d a Ite m N o . 4 (b ) sp on so red by C o m m issioner Ju a n C a rlo s B e rm u d e z re la tin g to : • C a m p a ig n T re a s u re r's R e p o rt s; • A m e n d in g se ction 12 -7 of the C o u nty C o d e; • E sta b lish in g m in im u m sta n d a rds fo r th e m un ic ip a l pu b licatio n of the C a m p a ig n T re a s u re r's R e p o rt s; • R e q u irin g m u n ic ip a litie s to pu b lish m u n icip al ca n d ida te C a m pa ign T re a su re r's R e p o rt s o n th e m u n ic ip a lity 's w e b s ite ; an d • R e q u irin g m u n ic ip a litie s to ce rt ify co m plian ce w ith suc h re q u ire m ents w ithin a sp e c ifie d tim e fr a m e . A tta c h e d ple a se fin d a co p y of the pro p o se d O rd in a n c e fo r you r refe re n ce . T he C ity of Miami B e a c h is in co m p lia n c e w ith a ll th e re q u ire m ents in the pro po se d O rd in a n ce , as it a lre a d y p u b lis h e s o n th e C ity 's w e b site : 1. A list of all cu rre n t ca n d id a te s fo r m u n ic ip al off ice in the C ity; 2 . T h e C a m p a ig n T re a s u re r's R e p o rt s fo r su ch current ca nd id a te s, file d in acco rdance w ith se ctio n 10 6 .0 7 , F lo rid a S ta tute s, w ith in on e (1) bu sine ss da y of re ce ip t of such re p o rt s by th e m u n icip a lity ; 3 . A list of a ll ca n d id a te s in the previo u s tw o C ity e le ctio n s ; and 4 . T he C a m p a ig n T re a s u re r's R e p o rt s fo r su ch pre v ious ca nd id a te s, file d in acco rda nce w ith se ctio n 10 6 . 0 7 , F lo rid a S ta tute s. T h e ca m p a ig n fin a n c e re p o rt s po ste d o n the C ity's w e b site sho w all co n trib u tion s rece ived by th e ca n d id a te 's ca m p a ig n an d a ll expen d itu re s m a d e on be ha lf of the ca n d id a te w ithin th e re p o rt in g pe rio d . If yo u ha v e a n y qu e stio n s, ple a se co n ta ct m e at 30 5 .6 7 3 . 7 4 11. R E G F:\CLER\$ALL\REGIS\L TC 2023 MDC Campaign Contributions reg.docx MEMORA NDUM Agenda Item No. 4(B) T O : Honorable Chairman Oliver G. Gilbert, III and Members, Board of County Commissioners D A T E : April 4, 2023 FROM: Geri Bonzon-Keenan County Attorney SUBJECT: Ordinance relating to campaign finance reports; amending section 12-7 of the Code; establishing minimum standards for the municipal publication of candidate campaign finance reports; requiring municipalities to publish municipal candidate campaign finance reports on the municipality's website; requiring municipalities to certify compliance with such requirements within a specified timeframe The accompanying ordinance was prepared and placed on the agenda at the request of Prime Sponsor Commissioner Juan Carlos Bermudez. @lt Geri Bonzon-Keenan County Attorney GBK/jp MDC001 M E M O RA N D U M (R evised) T O : Honorable Chairman Oliver G. Gilbert, III and Members, Board of County Commissioners D A T E : April 4, 2023 F R O M : onzon-Keenan County Attorney SU B JE C T : Agenda Item No. 4(B) P lease note an y item s ch ecked. / / "3 -D ay R ule" fo r co m m ittees app licable if raised 6 w eeks req uired betw een fi rst read in g an d p u blic hearing 4 w eeks notifi catio n to m u n ici pal offi ci als required prior to publi c hearin g D ecreases reven ues or in creases exp en ditures w ithout balancing bud get B u d get req u ired Statem ent of fi scal im pact requ ired Statem en t of social equity requ ired O rd in an ce creating a new board requires detailed C ounty M ayor's rep ort fo r pu blic hearin g N o co m m ittee rev iew A p p licab le legislation requires m ore th an a m ajority vote (i.e., 2/3's presen t ' 2/3 m em bersh ip __ , 3/5's _ unanim ous __ , C D M P 7 vote requ irem en t per 2-11 6 .1(3)(h ) or (4)(c) __ , C O M P 2/3 vote req u irem ent per 2-11 6 .1(3)(h) or (4)(c) __ , or C O M P 9 vote req uirem en t per 2-11 6 .1(4)(c)(2) _) to approve C u rren t in fo rm atio n regard in g fu ndin g so urce, index code and available balan ce, an d av ailable cap acity (if debt is co n tem plated) required MDC002 A p p r o v e d layor Veto Override Agenda Item No. 4(B) 4-4-23 ORDINANCE NO. ORDINANCE RELATING TO CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORTS; AMENDING SECTION 12-7 OF THE CODE OF MIAMI DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA; EST AB LIS HING MINIMUM ST AND ARDS FOR THE MUNICIPAL PUBLICATION OF CANDIDATE CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORTS; REQUIRING MUNICIPALITIES TO PUBLISH MUNICIPAL CANDIDATE CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORTS ON THE MUNICIPALITY'S WEBSITE; REQUIRING MUNICIPALITIES TO CERTIFY COMPLIANCE WITH SUCH REQUIREMENTS WITHIN A SPECIFIED TIMEFRAME; PROVIDING SEVERABILITY, INCLUSION IN AND EXCLUSION FROM THE CODE, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, section 106.07 of the Florida Statutes requires each candidate's campaign to file regular reports of all contributions received and all expenditures made on behalf of a candidate ("campaign finance reports") with the officer before whom the candidate is required by law to qualify; and WHEREAS, the qualifying officer in each municipality receives and maintains campaign finance reports from candidates for municipal office; and WHEREAS, ease of access to the campaign finance reports is necessary for the public to make informed decisions about candidates; and WHEREAS, facilitating the public's access to candidates' campaign finance reports encourages accountability among elected officials; and WHEREAS, these campaign finance reports are public records and are accessible by the public;and MDC003 A g e n d a It e m N o . 4(B) Page 2 WH ERE A S, the County and several municipalities, including the City of Miami, publish a website where the public can access a campaign's campaign finance reports and view a candidate's campaign contributions and expenditures; and WH ERE A S, the Miami-Dade Home Rule Charter authorizes the Board of County Commissioners to establish reasonable minimum standards for the performance of any service or function by a government unit, including municipalities; and WH ERE A S, this Board desires to require all municipalities to, at a minimum, make information about contributions to the campaigns of municipal candidates more broadly and easily accessible to the public by publishing campaign finance reports for each candidate's campaign for municipal office, B E IT O RD A IN ED B Y T H E B O ARD O F CO U N TY CO M M ISSIO N ER S O F MI A MI -D AD E CO U N TY , FL O R ID A : Section 1. approved. Section 2. The foregoing recitals are incorporated as if set forth herein and are Section 12-7 of the Code of Miami-Dade County, Florida, is hereby amended to read as follows: 1 Sec. 12-7.- [[R es erv ed .]] >>M unicipal publication of candidate cam paign finance reports . (a) Each municipality must, at a minimum, publish the following on the municipality's website: ill A list of all current candidates for municipal office in the municipality; ill The campaign finance reports for such current candidates, filed in Words stricken through and/or [[double bracketed]] shall be deleted. Words underscored and/or >>double arrowed<< constitute the amendment proposed. Remaining provisions are now in effect and remain unchanged. MDC004 A g e n d a Ite m N o . 4 (B ) P a g e 3 a c c o r d a n c e w ith se c tion 10 6.0 7, Fl or i d a S ta tu te s , w ith in se v e n (7 ) d a y s o f re c e ip t o f su c h re p o rt s b y th e m u n ic ip a lity ; ill A list of all candidates in the previous two elections for municipal office in the municipality; and ill The campaign finance reports for such previous candidates, filed in accordance with section 106.07, Florida Statutes, within six (6) months of the effective date of this ordinance. ill The campaign finance reports published pursuant to subparagraphs (a)(2) and (a)( 4) above shall show all contributions received by the candidate's campaign and all expenditures made on behalf of the candidate within the reporting period.<< Section 3. Within six (6) months of the effective date of this ordinance, each municipality shall certify in writing to the Board of County Commissioners that it has complied with the requirements of section 2 of this ordinance. Section 4. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or provision of this ordinance is held invalid, the remainder of this ordinance shall not be affected by such invalidity. Section 5. It is the intention of the Board of County Commissioners, and it is hereby ordained that the provisions of section 2 of this ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of Miami-Dade County, Florida. The sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such intention, and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section," "article," or other appropriate word. Section 6. It is the intention of the Board of County Commissioners, and it is hereby ordained that the provisions of section 3 of this ordinance shall be excluded from the Code of Miami-Dade County. MDC005 A g e n d a Ite m N o . 4 (B ) P a g e 4 Section 7. This ordinance shall become effective ten ( l 0) days after the date of enactment unless vetoed by the Mayor, and if vetoed, shall become effective only upon an override by this Board. PASSED AND ADOPTED: Approved by County Attorney as to form and legal sufficiency: Prepared by: Sophia Guzzo Michael B. Valdes Prime Sponsor: Commissioner Juan Carlos Bermudez MDC006