LTC 225-2023 DRB23-0911 300 28th Street - 28th Street Pump StationM IA M I BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LIC No. 225-2023 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Honorable Mayor Dan Gelber FROM: Rafael Granado, City Clerk,,1.,Z#] DA TE: May 8, 2023 SUBJECT: DRB2 3-0911 300 28th Street - 28 street Pump Station On April 4, 2023, the Design Review Board (ORB) reviewed an application on an advisory basis, for the construction of a new auxiliary electrical building to replace an existing auxiliary electrical building associated with the existing 28 Street Pump Station (PS28). The project is being administered by the Public Works Department. Project Description: The project includes the rehabilitation and expansion of the existing 28" Street Pump Station (PS 28), which is located to the east of the Scott Rakow Youth Center. PS 28 is the City's largest lifUbooster sewer pump station and one of its most critical components in the sewer collection and transmission system. PS 28 is also nearing the end of its useful life and requires significant rehabilitation to improve its operational flexibility and increase its reliability in the future. The proposal includes an upgrade and hardening of the facilities and components at PS 28, including the replacement of all mechanical equipment with new components of the same or similar capacity, and a new electrical building that will house new electrical equipment, an emergency generator, and instrumentation and controls serving the pump station. The existing electrical building will be demolished and replaced with a new structure that will accommodate the new equipment and upgraded service. The design of the new structure is utilitarian and similar to the existing structure. As the proposed work is sited adjacent to the recently restored historic 28" Street Obelisk, the contractor will ensure the protection of the historic monument throughout the duration of the PS 28 improvements and hardening project. The ORB provided the following recommendations: 1. The downspouts on the east elevation (facing the Obelisk) and west elevation, should be re-located to the north and south elevations. 2. The downspouts, louvers, and doors should be painted to match the building. 3. An eyebrow should be added to the east elevation (above the doors), in order to break down the scale of the building. 4. Control joints should be incorporated into the stucco. 5. Landscaping should be provided between the east elevation of the building and the Obelisk, and around the rest of the building if possible, in order to screen the building from view to the greatest extent possible. 6 . T he fi n is h/c o lo r an d de s ig n of the ha nd ra ils , in cl u d in g re m o v ab le ra iling s , sh o u ld be f u rt h e r r e v ie w e d w it h P la n n in g s t a ff . 7 . T h e w id t h o f t h e a c c e s s r o a d fo r t h e g e n e r a t o r s h o u ld b e w id e e n o u g h t o a c c o m m o d a t e f u e l t r u c k s . 8 . R e p la c e m e n t o f t h e lo u v e r s w it h b r e e z e b lo c k s ho u ld be ex p lo re d . T h e P u b lic W o r k s D e p a rt m e n t h a s in d ic a t e d t h a t a ll o f t h e r e c o m m e n d a tio n s fro m the O R B s ho u ld b e a b le t o b e in c o r p o rated in to the pro je ct. R G /E T C /T R M /M A B C : A lin a T. Hudak, City Manager Rafael Paz, City Attorney Joseph Centorino, Inspector General