LTC 233-2023 Evaluation Committee Relative to Request for Qualifications (RFQ) No. 2023-009-WG for Insurance Certificate Tracking Systems and Related ServicesDocuSign Envelope ID: 1F7A7C10-7001-45 9-9344-160A40B97D6E B it O FFIC E O F TH E C ITY M A N A G ER LTC # LETTER TO COMMISSION TO : FR O M : D A TE: H onorable M ayor D an G elber and M em bers of the C ity C omm ission Alina T. Hudak, City Manag~ May 23,2023 SU BJEC T: Eva lua tion C omm ittee R elative to R equest fo r Q ualifications (R FQ ) No. 2023-009-W G for In su ran ce C ert ificate T racking S ystem s and R elated Serv ices T he purpo se of this L T C is to update the M ayor and C ity C om m ission on the status of R equest for Qua lifications (R F Q ) N o. 2023-009-W G . T hro ug h the R FQ , the C ity sought proposals fo r a w eb-hosted insu rance and bo nd tracking and m anagem ent system to m itigate any risks fr om contractor activities. T he C ity receive d a pro posal pursuant to this R F Q on M arch 29, 2023. The proposal m ust be reviewed by an Evalua tio n C omm ittee in accordance w ith the criteria established in the RFQ . I ha ve ap po inted the fo llow ing individuals to serv e on the Evaluation C omm ittee: • T heresa Bu igas, A dm inistrative S erv ices M anager, P ro curem ent D epart m ent • M arc C he valier, R isk M anager, H um a n R esources D epart m ent • Ste phany G o nzales, A dm inistrative S erv ices M anager, Fleet and Facilities M anagem ent D e pa rt m en t I ha ve also appo inted the fo llow ing individuals as altern ates: • R obe rt A rago n, S enior C laim s C oordinator, H um an R esources D epart m ent • M onica G a rci a, C ontract A nalyst Ill, P ro curem ent D epart m ent • Sonia W a lthour, A ssistant D irector, H um a n R esources D epart m ent T ha nk you . 233-2023