LTC 249-2023 Appointment of Interim Facilities and Fleet DirectorM IA M I BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC# LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: FROM: DATE: Honorable Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission Alina T. Hudak, City Managfr May 31, 2023 SUBJECT: Appointment of Interim Facilities and Fleet Director The purpose of this Letter to Commission is to announce the appointment of Elizabeth Miro as Interim Facilities and Fleet Director commencing on Friday, June 2, 2023 while I recruit for a permanent Director. Elizabeth has acquired over two decades of local government experience in South Florida. She has extensive knowledge on budgeting, strategic planning and management as well as having spent more than five years in the role as Assistant Director of this Department. I have attached a copy of her resume for reference. During her Miami Beach tenure, Elizabeth has been extensively involved in the execution of the 2018 General Obligation Bond program. She has also played a critical role in the planning of the capital renewal and replacement program for the more than 4 million square feet of City owned buildings. Her efforts to build a high functioning department resulted in more than 6,600 work orders addressed by the facilities team and 5,275 service orders by the fleet team during the last fiscal year. The Facilities and Fleet Department (Department) during her time here has grown from a purely property maintenance related function to a much broader group of responsibilities including Fleet Maintenance, Asset Management and Beach Maintenance. Prior to joining the City of Miami Beach, she worked at the City of Hialeah for 15 years in a variety of roles, including Director of Education and Community Services as well as Director of Libraries. I am confident Elizabeth will provide the leadership needed during this transition period to keep the Department on a positive path. Please join me in thanking Elizabeth for all she has done and agreeing to continue to provide leadership to the Facilities and Fleet Department of the City of Miami Beach. As you know, Adrian Morales' last day is Friday, June 2. Please join me and Senior staff in wishing him much success in his future endeavors. ATH 249-2023 Elizabeth Miro 1833 Bay Road// Miami Beach, FL 33139 // (786) 753-4394 // elizabethmiro@miamibeachfl.gov PR O F IL E V ersatile , analytical, ene rgetic, an d detail-o riented ad m in istrato r w ith ov er 20 years' experience. I possess stro ng m an age m en t skills, incl u d ing strategic plan nin g, pro gram / pro je ct deve lopm e nt an d im p lem entation, stro ng org an izational skills, in terpe rsonal ab ilities, an d leade rsh ip perf orm ance to co ntrib ute to the Ci ty's organizatio na l cap acity an d effectiv en e ss. EX P E R IE N C E ASSISTANT DIRECTOR C ity o f M ia m i B e a ch - Fa c ilitie s an d Fle e t M a na ge m e n t / / M ia m i B e ach , FL // 20 1 7 -P re se n t • R e sp on sib le fo r the m an age m ent, plan ning an d ope ratio ns of de p a rtm ent com p risin g three divisio ns: A sset, Facilities, an d Fle e t M anage m e nt. Estab lish objectives an d strategic plan n in g to sup port the D epart m e nt's go als. M ax im ize effi cient deliv ery of services. • Pre pa re and ad m in ister depart m e ntal an nu al bud g ets (1 3 operation s + cap ital rep lacem e nt budgets). D eve lo p lo ng an d sh o rt-rang e m aintena nce plans/pro gram s (e .g . em e rgency response plan s, ene rgy m an agem ent pro jects) fo r th e purpose of ensu ring that Ci ty resou rces are eff ect iv e ly utilized . M o n itor fun d balan ces of assig n ed prog ram s and related fin an cial activity to ensure expenses are w ith in budget lim its an d/or fiscal practices are fo llow e d . • Plan an d supervise w o rk in m aintenan ce / co nstructio n ad m in istrative, an d service areas. Ensure prog ram of full acco un tab ility is m aintain ed and that op erational needs are effectiv ely prio ritized . • Pro v ide staff w ith directio n in the co ordin atio n of po licies an d pro cedu res. H ire, sup ervise an d evaluate personnel, estab lish perfo rm an ce requ irem ents, and staff de v e lop m en t goals. A dd ress perfo rm an ce issues an d pro vide co rrectiv e actio ns to defi cie ncies. • Part icip ate in C om m issio n and C om m ittee m eetin gs, and sp e cia l pro g ram s w o rksho ps, e.g ., FER C , PS N Q LC , Pla n ning Bo ard, N B C R A and other adv iso ry com m ittees. • Prep are C om m issio n / C om m itt ee m e m o randa, resolution s, ag reem e nts, and am end m e nts. D IR E C T O R C ity of H ia le a h - Ed u ca tio n an d C om m u n ity S e rv ices // H ia le a h , FL // 2 0 1 6 -2 0 1 7 • Pro v ide d overall lead e rship and m an age m e nt of the plan ning , develop m e nt an d operatio ns of the City ' s education and com m u n ity pro gram s an d services includin g afte r-sch oo l/ sum m e r pro gram s, ad u lt centers, special population center fo r disab led adu lts, the M ilan de r A rt s an d En terta in m ent com p lex, and the O ffi ce of C o m m u nicatio ns and S pecial Events. • R esponsib le fo r m an ag in g 20 0+ em p lo yees. S upervised and evalua ted pe rsonn el, estab lished pe rfo rm an ce req u irem e n ts an d staff developm ent go als. • D eve lope d an d directed depart m e ntal du ties, prio rities, po licie s and procedu res of each service area. A ssig ned pro je cts an d pro g ram m atic areas of resp o nsib ility. • R e prese n ted the D epart m e nt at C ity C ou n cil m eeting s, pa rt ne rship s, an d outreach. Served as lia ison betw een the C ity of H ialeah and the C ity of H ialeah Ed ucatio nal A cad em y C ha rter Scho ol. R eview ed oversig ht co m m ittee ag enda s, bud gets, an d expenditures. Elizab e th M iro Pag e 2 • Prepare d and adm inistered de part m ental budgets, m o n itore d operatin g expenditures and revenues. Im p lem e n ted adjustm ents as necessary based on fiscal an aly sis an d operational needs. • Supe rvised an d m anaged m ultip le grants, in cludin g R FP sub m issio n, bud gets, project am e nd m ents, and related report s to ensu re co ntractual an d regu latory co m p liance. Prepare d and negotiated agree m e nts, fun d ing con tin u atio ns, no cost extensio ns, an d cl oseout repo rt s. • Im p lem e n ted and m onitored balanced scorecard goals an d perfo rm a nce m easures. Review ed program quality an d fide lity assurances including im p lem e ntatio n and perf orm an ce ev aluatio n. A S S IS T A N T D IR E C T O R C ity of H ia le a h - Ed u ca tio n an d C o m m u n ity S e rv ic e s // H ia le a h , FL // 20 1 3 -2 0 1 7 • M an ag ed th e plan n in g, develo pm e nt an d operatio ns of the C ity ' s educatio n an d com m u n ity program s and services includ in g aft er-school and sum m e r pro gram s, ad u lt ce n ters and special populatio n center fo r disab led adu lts. • M an age d 20 0 + em p loyees. H ired , sup ervised and eva lu a ted personn el, established perfo rm an ce requ ire m e n ts, and staff develo p m ent go als. • D e v elo ped and directed the de pa rtm ent' s priorities, policies, and pro cedu res of each service area. Prepared an d ad m in istered operating and grant-fund ed budgets, m o nitored ex penditures, fo recasted revenue , im p lem ented adju stm e n ts as necessary. • R esp onsib le fo r the oversight of m u ltip le grants, in cludin g su b m itt in g pro posals, budgets, proje ct am e ndm ents and repo rt s. • D evelo p e d balan ced sco recard go als an d perfo rm ance m ea sure s, pro g ram fid elity assuran ces, an d perfo rm ance eva lu a tio n. Elizab eth M iro Page 3 • R e p resen te d the D epart m e nt at C ity C ou ncil m eeting s, pa rt n e rship s, an d outreach. D esig n ated representative of C ity of H ialeah Educatio nal A cadem y C harter School, liaised be tw een the C ity an d the scho ol, pro vid ed co nflict resolutio n betw een parents or stakeholde rs and the scho ol, rev iew ed oversig ht com m ittee ag endas, budg ets, an d exp en d itures. D IR EC T O R C ity o f H ia le a h P u b lic Li b ra rie s / / H ia le a h , FL // 20 1 2 - 2 0 1 3 • R esp onsib le fo r the m an ag ing the daily operatio ns of the m ain lib rary and fiv e bran ch facilities. O rgan ized an d directe d op erations of pub lic service areas, de partm ental dutie s, an d pro gram s. • Prep are d, adm in istered , an d im p lem ented bud get. A p p ro v e d and pro jected expend itures; im p lem e nted bu d g e ta ry adjustm ents as necessary. • D ev eloped and im p lem ented policie s an d pro cedu res; m o nito re d, evaluated, an d m ad e reco m m endatio ns fo r im p ro v ing pro g ram s an d service areas. • S up e rvised an d evaluated personne l; de veloped schedu les, estab lished pe rfo rm ance goals, an d m ad e discip lin ary recom m endatio ns an d co rrectiv e actio n plan s to add re ss defi ciencies. • D ire cte d and coo rdinated staff develo pm ent plan s and train in gs ; pro v ided instruction of lib rary techno lo gies and pro g ram s. • Prepa red annu a l and lo ng -range service plans, collectio n de v elo pm e nt, techn o log y , and em e rgency preparedn ess pla n s. • W ro te an d m an aged gran ts, budg ets, report s and pro g ram deliv e ra b les, in cl ud ing techn ology and constructio n grants. Im p lem ented vario us pro jects an d techn o log ie s. Eliza b e th M iro Page 4 • Developed and implemented balanced scorecard goals and performance measures. • Represented Library at City Council meetings, conferences, official functions, pro moted programming, partnerships, and outreach; liaised and mentored the Friends of the Library. Increased effectiveness of budget, adding staff and restoring service hours at branch libraries; pro moted to Assistant Director of Education and Community Services - 2013. LIBRARY SERVICES SUPERVISOR (ASSISTANT DIRECTOR) City of Hialeah Public Libraries// Hialeah, FL// 2007- 2012 • Responsible for the daily management and operations of the main library and five branches. • Scheduled, supervised, and evaluated pro fessional and clerical staff. Conducted professional staff development, including training and staff instruction. • Enhanced and maintained the library's automation system. Researched, prepared, and managed grants including proposals, timelines, budgets, interim and final reports. • Collaborated with Director to develop department budget, emergency preparedness plans, and balanced scorecards. Prepared and implemented annual and long-range plans of service. Prepared statistical reports and performance measures. Responsible for secu ring funds to update infrastructure, upgrading LAN and WAN at the main library; expanded wireless intern et access to branch facilities. Increased number of public access computers and laptops; implemented technologies for greater efficiency. Elizabeth Miro Page 5 BR AN C H M A NA G ER C ity of H ia le a h P u b lic Li b ra rie s / / H ia le a h, FL / / 20 0 2 - 2 0 0 7 • Pla n n e d, design ed, an d opened fo ur branch lib raries w ith Pu b lic Li b rary C onstruction (PLC ) an d Lib rary Services an d T ech no lo gy A ct (LS T A ) grant fun ds. • O rganize d the operatio ns of fiv e bran ches in the C ity's library system . Sup erv ised and traine d pro fessio nal and cl erical staff. R espo nsib le fo r co ordin ating staff de ve lop m ent and train ing . • C oord in a te d w ith D irector in estab lishin g and im p lem en ting lib rary policies and procedu res. Prepared and ad m in istered grants in cl uding bud g ets, pro ject revisions an d reports. • Prov ided info rm atio n se rvice to com m u n ity patro ns, includ ing fo rm al an d info rm al instructio n of print and digital re so urces. REFER EN C E LI BR A RIA N M ia m i D a d e C o ll e g e // M ia m i, FL // 2 0 0 1 Pro v id ed info rm atio n services to stude nts an d faculty . D e liv e red in fo rm a l bib liograp hic instructio n of lib rary catalog and rese a rch tools usin g electro nic databases an d traditio nal resou rce s. A ssisted in special projects, e.g ., classifi catio n co n v ersio n of lib rary co llection. LI BRA R Y A SSISTA N T IV U n iv e rsity o f M ia m i / / C o ra l G a b le s, FL // 19 9 6 -2 0 0 2 Pe rfo rm ed orig in al cataloging an d m in im a l-level up grades fo r ne w and retro spectiv e title s in O C LC. Part icipated in datab ase m aintenance and bib liograp hic qua lity co ntro l. A ssisted in train in g an d su pervision of parap ro fessio nals. C o lla b orate d in special pro je cts, e.g ., N a m e A utho rity C oope rativ e (N A C O ), cataloging intern et an d dig ital reso urces, specia l co llectio ns, an d fo reig n lan gu age Eliza b e th M iro Page 6 co llectio ns. Pa rt icipated in C atalogin g Policy Board to estab lish policies and standards. LIBRARY ASSISTANT III University of Miami // Coral Gables, FL// 1994-1996 O rd e re d, rece iv ed, and pro cessed m o no grap h and serial titles. R esp o nsib le fo r the processin g of ap proval plans, includ ing th e crea tio n an d m aintenan ce of orde r reco rds, pro cessing claim s, and in v oices. Supervised an d train ed student assistants. E D U C A TI O N MASTER OF LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE Florida S tate U niv ersity // Tallah assee, FL // 20 0 2 BACHELOR OF ARTS U n iv ersity of M iam i // C oral G ab les, FL // 19 9 9 S K IL L S + A B ILI T IES Effectiv e pro ject plan n ing, im p le m e ntatio n, and evalu atio n // Ex cellen t inte rp ersonal ab ilities an d leade rship perfo rm an ce // D ata ana ly sis and data m anage m e nt skills // Experienced in im p lem e ntin g staff dev elop m ent an d instructio n // Stro ng m anage m en t, bud get plan n ing an d fin an cial analysis skills // Excellent ve rb a l and w ritten ab ilities in Eng lish and Span ish // Pro ficie nt in va rio us soft w are ap p licatio ns, ER P, and integrated au to m a tio n system s. R E F E R E N C E S Fu rn ishe d upo n requ est. Elizab eth M iro Page 7