LTC 291-2023 Official Election Certification of the Canvassing Board Creation of 41st Street Business Improvement DistrictMIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LTC No. 291-2023 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk 7'J</ June 27, 2023 ' J Official Election Certification of the Canvassing Board - Creation of a Special Assessment District to be known as the 41 st Street Business Improvement District. Attached please find the Official Election Certification of the Canvassing Board for the Special Mail Ballot Election held in the City of Miami Beach, from June 5, 2023 to June 27, 2023, to determine whether a majority of the affected property owners approve of the creation of a special assessment district to be known as the 41 st Street Business Improvement District. Question: Shall 41° Street Business Improvement District be created for a term of 10 years, with estimated annual budget of $195,246, to stabilize and improve properties abutting West 41° Street/Arthur Godfrey Road, between Alton Road on the west and Indian Creek Canal on the east, through promotion, management, marketing, and other similar services, which District shall be funded by special assessments against benefited properties, with assessments increasing by 5% every two (2) years? 34 YES VOTES 9 NO VOTE S 1 REJECTED BALLOTS1 18 UNRET URN ED BALLO TS The number of benefitted properties within the proposed District is 62. A "yes" vote of the owners of a simple majority (32 votes) of the affected properties is required to approve the proposed District. A property owner who failed to return an Official Ballot to the Office of the City Clerk within the allotted timeframe was considered to have voted "no" to the creation of the District. As a result, the creation of the District has been approved. A Resolution requesting the City Commission to adopt the Official Election Certificate of the Canvassing Board will be included via Supplemental Agenda for consideration during the June 28, 2023 Commission Meeting. If you have any questions, please contact me at 305.673. 7 411. F:ICLERICLERI000_ELECTION\0000 2023 41st Street BIDIFORMS\41 BID L TC CERTIFICATION OF THE CANVASSING BOARD .docx 'Duplicates of the same ballot have been counted as one rejected ballot. M IA M I B E A C H S P E C IA L M A IL B A L LO T EL E C T IO N HELD IN THE CIT Y O F M IA M I B EA C H FR O M JU N E 5, 2023 TO JU N E 27, 2023, T O D E T E R M IN E W H E T H E R A M A JO R IT Y O F THE A FFECTED PR O P E R TY OW NERS A P P R O V E THE C R EA T IO N O F A SP E C IA L A S S E S S M E N T D IS T R IC T T O B E K N O W N A S THE 41ST ST R E E T B U SI N E S S IM P R O VE M E N T DI S TRI C T O F F ICI AL EL E C TI O N C E R TI FI C A TI O N O F TH E C A N V A S SI N G B O AR D S T A T E O F F LO R ID A C O U N T Y O F M IA M I-D A D E W e, the undersigned, R afael E. G ranado, City Clerk; Faro at Andasheva, Senior Assistant City Attorn ey; and R ogelio A. Madan, Developm ent & Resiliency Officer, Planning Department, constituting the C anvassing Board fo r the Special Mail Ballot Election to appro ve the creation of th e 41° Stre et Busine ss Im pro vem en t Di strict, do hereb y certify th at we met on the 27 day of June 2023, and pro ceeded to publicly count the votes cast. W e do hereby certify the results as fo llow s: S h all 4 1st Stre e t B usine s s Im p rov em ent D is trict be created fo r a term of 10 years, w ith e s tim a te d a n n ua l bud ge t of $19 5 ,2 46, to sta bilize and im p rove pro pert ies abutt ing W est 4 1st S tree t/A rt hu r G o dfr e y R o ad , betw e e n A lto n R o ad on the w est and In d ian C reek Canal o n th e ea s t, th ro ug h pro m o tio n, m anag em ent, m a rketing , and other sim ilar serv ices, w hich D is tric t sh all b e fun de d by spe c ial asse s s m e nts against benefited pro pert ies, w ith a s s e s s m ents in cre a sing by 5% every tw o (2 ) years? 34 YES V O TES 9 NO VO TES 18 UN RE T URN ED BAL LO TS 1 REJE C TE D BALLO TS 1 D uplicates of the sam e ballot have been counted as one rejected ballot. ~ASSING BOARD 7 ' afael E. Gran a do City Clerk oak o Faroat Andasheva IE Rogelio A. Madan Development & Resiliency Officer Planning Department Date: June 27, 2023 F:\CLER\CLER\000_ELECTION\0000 2023 41 st Street BID\FORMS\41 BID CANVASSING BOARD.docx ' Duplic ate s of the sam e ballot have been counted as one rejected ballot.