WAvNA Presentation_072623Now … Much taller and denser development; Smaller (CHC)community health center; NO parking for patients; 30%smaller park; Severe impact to traffic and congestion; Public Benefit -vs- huge developer giveaway:the excess . 6 FAR granted in 2022 is worth approximately $26.5 million per Assistant City Manager, Eric Carpenter. Public Benefit -vs- huge land give-away: developer receives 25,500 ft.² in exchange for 15,000 ft.²in land swap - in addition to bundling smaller, disparate parcels into one huge parcel of land. A Neighborhood under threat: development out of character and out of harmony with the existing neighborhood. Cannabis dispensary just feet from Canopy Park and senior living facility. In Conclusion, the Public Benefit -vs- Developer Giveaway is out of balance: ~$26.5 million in extra value to the developer; 25,500 ft.² granted in exchange for 15,000 ft.²in land swap; The character of a Neighborhood under threat with taller and denser buildings; Huge impacts on infrastructure and traffic - exacerbating what was already “the most congested street corner in our city.”, according to Mayor Gelber; Smaller CHC with NO parking; Cannabis dispensary just feet from Canopy Park and a senior living facility Demolition by neglect?