LTC 371-2023 City of Miami Beach Information Sessions for Prekindergarten Scholarship Program Interested Families 2024-2025L)ocu,'Sign Envelope 11)� DGE4A3F(;-DDAD-4A1 7_9288-62FBI C:379B37 OFFICE OF THE CHY MANAGER 1-1-C � 371-2023 LETTER "10 COMNAISSION To: Honorable Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Con-irnission From: Alina T. Hudak, City Dana e Date-, August 23, 2023 Subject.- City of Miami Beach Information Sessions for Prekindergarten Scholarship Program Interested Families 2024-2025 The purpose of this Letter to Commission is to update YOU on the status of the City of Miami Beach's Prekindergarten (PreK) Scholarship Program for Miami Beach residents for the 2024-25 school year and feedback frorn families this past school year, The Prekindergarten Scholarship Program expands hourly access to high -quality PreK providers for 158 families with a scholarship of up to $3,000. As the application for eligible and interested families for the 2024-2025 school year will open on September 11, 2023, farnily informational sessions will be held via Zoorn on the following dates and tirnes (Attachment A): September 11, 2023 at 11 ( nglrsh) and 12PM (Espanoll) September 12, 2023 at 6 PM(English) and 7 PSI W (EspanoI) September 14, 2023 at 12 PM(Engfish) and I PM (Espanol) September 18, 2023 at 6 PM(Engfish) and 7 PM (Espanol) Zoom Webinar link: htt�,,r��kiqy ? Meeting ICE: 5747969101 Passcode:2oyB5P Or by telephone (929) 205-6099 Passcode: 401682 Family applications may be submitted on the City's website beginning Monday, September 11, 2023 at which provides an overview of the prograrn and eligibility criteria. The ------------ deadline for family application submission is November 28, 2021 A computerized lottery process will be held on Decernber 1, 2023 which will establish a numerical order of service until all funds are exhausted. Results from the lottery will be posted on the City's website including name, confirmation number, and lottery number. Staff from the Office of Education and Perforrnance Initiatives will contact family applicants in order of selection to determine eligibility. At the culmination of the 2022-2023 academic school year, the City of K/liarni Beach families who had received a PreK scholarship were surveyed to evaluate the effectiveness of the program. The findings revealed: 0 100% of scholarship recipient families indicated they are very satisfied with the application process for the PreK Scholarship Program 0 100% of scholarship recipient families indicated they strongly agreed or agreed that the City of Miami Beach Education team communicated their child's application status in a timely manner 0 96% of scholarship recipients strongly agreed or agreed that the PreK website is easy to navigate to find information regarding the application, eligibility, and requirements a '100% of scholarship recipient families strongly agreed or agreed that the results of the PreK qn E v(,bpe, pD: UGL-AAi� G OUAD 4A1 /-1,)288 62B I C;3NH3/" I S S c; h o Iity's FlreK �arship prograrn k')ttery were accessible and cleady C01INTILH-liCated orI the Cl website and via ernail 961X0 of schoiarship recipient farnilies strongly agreed or agr,(.-.,ed H"iat the monthly invoicing t(.�) providers was easy to review and approve in Doc�,.iSigrr Flan'iilies provided tl-'re f0kMing additional cornrnents: What a great program for CMB residents, B want to thank you for this sc.hoIarship award for our son to attend PreK at South Pointe Elementary. 1 he prograrn is a valuaNe too� to prepare OUr chMren for scholarly success Thankful for having this opportunity Estoy awy satisfecha la verdad fUe de much@ ayuda para rni, rrii.,ay gag radecida con esto. (1 arn very satisfied, the truth was very helpfUl tO rne, I am very grateful for this) * Seaailess process, thank YOU for the 1-self * Thank YOU for a great prograrn and resource for CMB residents, We greatly ap,')reciate it and or.ir son benefited immensely frorn this prograrn If you have any questions, please feel free to contact [,',)r. Leslie Rosenfed, Chef l"E.Aucation Officc:-,,r. Attachment: Karni Beach Prekindergarten Scholarship Progmrn lnforriation Session,,.., for Farnilies (A[AachrneritA) L)oc.i&gri Envelope ID, D(.;E4A3FC-DDAD.4A1 7-.I9288_62FB1G'3/9B37 Attachment A City of Miami Beach Prekindergarten Scholarship Program-, Information Sessiolls for Families Prograrna Prekindeqjarten de la Ciudad de Miami Beach : Sesiones Infaronativas para las Familias Fhe r,Jty n�: NI'Hxrtll hpoO 2024 25 .chon6 ypor vAl p(cvides ekqible Miami each farnMes with as Pre-K scWorship of up to $3,000, 'o r;udoc! de lkorm bo,)ch r4i opqcbodc) rm prug((vpm de becoi porf) PreOYO&gcjraep) puto f.q oik,, e5:,oloi .,1024-25 que cl"ooa d a Pcx familias elegibles de Miami each uric beca de PreKale hasto $3,000 -G fV4 MIAMBEACH P 51 FrI 16b, K P r o cj r a vi Eligible OP reK farniHes are invited to partake in one of the following sessions' Monday, September 11 2023 - 1 IAM - 12PM Tuesday, September 12, 2023 - 6PM - 7PM Thursday, September 14, 2023 - '12PM - IPM Mondcqh Septembev 18, 2023 - 6PM - 7PM `qxh,Y FMOOMCO u irv, crwl n, que , ,iqvwr n,