LTC 431-2023 Fight the Flood Private Property Adaptation Program PPA Update-FEMA FMA Grant Selection for Home Elevation Final Review and Phase II LaunchMIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC # 431-2023 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Honorable Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission FROM, Alina T. Hudak, City Manager� {J,,� -i'cc DATE: September 25, 2023 SUBJECT: Fight the Flood Private Property Adaptation Program (PPA) Update: FEMA FMA Grant Selection for Home Elevation Final Review and Phase II Launch I am pleased to provide a progress update for the Fight the Flood Private Property Adaptation Program. The purpose of this competitive, reimbursement-based grant program is to incentivize resilience action through flood mitigation assessments and projects for residential and commercial property owners. Properties selected for the program receive $20,000 in funding through a 50/50 matching grant, which includes the value of the assessment. In addition, if the applicant is considered low-to-moderate income (LMI), the PPA funds the entirety of the program, up to $20,000, without the match requirement. FEMA Federal Mitigation Assistance {FMA) Grant Selection As part of the Private Property Adaptation Program, the City assisted two property owners with FEMA Federal Mitigation Assistance (FMA) grant to fund home elevation. I am pleased to share that the City was notified these properties have been selected for final review. Since home elevation is not common in Miami Beach, this program is an exciting opportunity to add a new strategy to address current and future flood risk for at-risk properties. Phase II: Design and Construction Update On August 29, 2023, the City hosted program participants for a Phase II Kickoff event at the Miami Beach Botanical Gardens. Residents along with City staff from the Building, Public Works, Planning, and Legal Departments were present along with representatives from each of the program consultants. The purpose of the event was to provide an overview of the Phase II process and Grant Agreements, encourage networking among participants in the cohort, and give participants an opportunity to ask program-and project-related I JtJINtP me ft,ttf! Miami Beach Fight the Flood Private Property Adaptation Program (PPA) team how you con 10m the light � ■and mo�e M1am1 Beach o �fer, , morn rcsrlicnl commvnityl q u e s t io n s . R e s id e n ts p ro v id e d p o s itiv e fe e d b a c k fr o m th e e v e n t a n d e n jo y e d th e a b ility to in te r a c t w ith s ta ff a n d fe ll o w re s id e n ts . T h e n e x t s te p s a re fo r p a rt ic ip a n ts to s ig n g r a n t a g r e e m e n ts th a t s p e c ify re q u ir e m e n ts a n d p a ra m e te rs fo r fu n d d is b u r s e m e n t fr o m th e C ity . T h e a g r e e m e n t re q u ire s p a rt ic ip a n ts to p ro p e r ly d o c u m e n t th e ir s c o p e o f w o r k (w h ic h m u s t b e d ir e c tly re la te d to flo o d m itig a tio n a lte rn a tiv e s p ro v id e d in th e P h a s e I re p o rt s ), p ro v id e s u ff ic ie n t p a y m e n t d o c u m e n ta tio n , a n d s u b m it re g u la r p ro je c t u p d a te s . Phase I: Assessment Background The Phase I Assessment Phase has been completed. The Assessments included site visits with the purpose of understanding the property's site conditions and challenges as well as the participants' priorities and interests. Of the 65 properties that applied for the program, 42 properties moved forward with Phase I and received flood risk assessment reports. The consulting team contributing to Phase I included Brizaga Inc., Chen Moore and Associates, and Savino Miller Design Studio. After the applicants completed their onboarding calls, site visits were scheduled and conducted. Assessment reports were created for each participating property and included information on the property's risk to various types of flooding based upon observations from the site visits, elevation data, and information gathered from the property owners and representatives. The reports also provided up to three flood risk mitigation design alternatives for each property. The flood risk mitigation designs included a wide range of alternatives including sea wall upgrades, home elevation, rain gardens, dry floodproofing, and mechanical systems elevation, among others. These reports and their selected alternatives were thoroughly reviewed by City staff from the Environment and Sustainability, Building, Planning, Public Works, and Capital Improvement Projects Departments. The Phase I assessment reports were delivered to participants in early June 2023. After the City delivered the reports, consultants and City staff conducted follow-up calls to review the reports with participants. These calls provided participants an opportunity to ask questions regarding the information and alternatives presented in the reports and the next steps associated with the program. Of the 42 Phase I participants, 34 are interested in continuing in the program. Next Steps Participants will seek their own contractors and continue soliciting quotes for their flood mitigation projects. The City will continue to provide resources and information to assist residents as they navigate Phase II of the program. The PPA team intends to reopen applications in early 2024 for the next cohort. Private property adaptation is a vital component of Miami Beach's overall climate resilience p la n n in g , a n d w e a re p le a s e d to p r o v id e th is u n iq u e a n d in n o v a tiv e o p p o rt u n ity to h e lp p ro p e rt y o w n e r s re d u c e th e ir flo o d ris k . T h e m a jo r ity o f M ia m i B e a c h b u ild in g s , 9 3 %, a re lo c a te d w ith in th e F E M A S p e c ia l F lo o d H a z a r d A re a , a n d a r e v u ln e r a b le to flo o d in g fr o m tid e s , s to rm s , s to rm s u r g e a n d s e a le v e l ris e . P r o p e rt ie s a n d rig h t o f w a y th a t a re lo w -ly in g a re e s p e c ia ll y v u ln e ra b le a n d e x p e r ie n c e fl o o d in g e v e n d u r in g s u n n y d a y h ig h tid e e v e n ts . In J u ly 2 0 2 0 , th e C ity C o m m is s io n a d o p te d th e S o u th e a s t F lo r id a C lim a te C h a n g e C o m p a c t's Unified Regional Sea Level Rise Projection for Southeast Florida for planning purposes. The Private Property Adaptation Program is an important part of a holistic resilience strategy that includes the Resilience Code, the dune system, seawalls, Neighborhood Improvements Projects, the Stormwater Master Plan Update, Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Plan, and infrastructure, facilities, projects and parks incorporating flood risk reduction and sustainability. Additional information is provided at www.mbrisingabove.com. For questions or feedback, please contact Amy Knowles, Chief Resilience Officer, at amyKnowles@miambeachfl.gov. adst