LTC 443-2023 UPDATED PRECINCT POLLING PLACE LIST FOR THE NOVEMBER 7, 2023 MIAMI BEACH GENERAL ELECTIONMIA M IBF.ACH O FFIC E O F THE CITY CLE R K LTC No. TO : CC : FR O M : DATE : 443-2023 LETTER TO COMMISSION Mayor Dan G elber and Mem bers of the City Commission 2023 City of Miam i Beach Candidates Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk rn O ct ober 4, 2023 SUBJEC T: UP DA TE D PR EC IN CT/PO LLI NG PLA CE LIST FO R THE NO VE M BE R 7, 2023 MIAMI BE A C H G ENERA L ELECTIO N A ttached please find the updated Precinct/Pol ling Pl ace List for the November 7, 2023 Miami Beach G eneral E lection. Please note the fo llow ing tem porary polling place change. This change has been m ade by the Supervisor of Elections pursuant to Section 101.71, Florida Statutes. PRECINCT ORIGINAL LOCATION NEW LOCATION NUMBER 030.0 Miam i Beach Botanical G arden Miami Beach City Hall 2000 Convention Center Drive 1700 Convention Center Drive For more info rm ation, please contact the City of Miam i Beach O ffice of the City Clerk at 305.673. 7 411 or via em ail at CityC lerk@ m iam ibeachfl.gov. F:\CLER\CLER\000_ELECTION\00000 2023 GENERAL ELECTION\L TCs\L TC Final Precinct Polling Place List for the Miami Beach General and Special Elections.docx G E N E RA L E L E C T IO N N O V E M B E R 7 , 2 0 2 3 M IA M I B E A C H , F L O R ID A P R E C IN C T A N D P O L LI N G P LA C E LI S T Polling & Name Location Precinct Place No. 011.0 Biscayne Beach Elementary School 800 77 Street 013.0 North Shore Branch Library 7501 Collins Avenue 014.0 North Shore Park Youth Center 501 72 Street 015.0 Normandy Shores Golf Club 2401 Biarritz Drive 018.0 Indian Creek Fire Station #4 6860 Indian Creek Drive 019.0 Normandy Park & Pool 7030 Trouville Esplanade 020.0 Ronald W. Shane Center 6500 Indian Creek Drive 023.0 Miami Beach Fire Station #3 5303 Collins Avenue 024.0 Nautilus Middle School 4301 N. Michigan Avenue 025.0 St. Johns on the Lake Methodist Church 4760 Pine Tree Drive 027.0/028.0 Temple Beth Sholom 4144 Chase Avenue 030.0 T- Miami Beach City Hall 1700 Convention Center Drive 031.0 Miami Beach Senior High School 2231 Prairie Avenue 032.0 Miami Beach Regional Library 227 22 Street 033.0 Miami Beach City Hall 1700 Convention Center Drive 036.0 Miami Beach Police Athletic League 999 11 Street 041.0 South Shore Community Center 833 6 Street # 2 042.0 Feinberg Fisher K-8 Center 601 14 Place 043.0 Miami Beach Police Department 1100 Washington Avenue 048.0 South Pointe Elementary School 1050 4 Street T = Temporary polling place change. Please note that the above list is subject to change, if needed. T h e v o tin g p re c in c ts in th e C ity fo r th e G e n e ra l E le cti o n sh a ll be as e sta b lish e d by M ia m i-D a d e C o u nty e le c tio n o ff ic ia ls . O n E le c tio n D a y , a ll e le cto rs sh a ll vo te a t th e po llin g pla c e s an d th e voting pre cin cts in w h ic h th e o ff ic ia l re g is tra tio n b o o k s sh o w th a t th e e le cto rs re sid e . A ll q u e stio n s co n c e rn in g po llin g pla ce s a n d v o tin g p re c in c ts s h o u ld b e d ire cte d to th e M ia m i-D a d e C o u n ty E le ctio n s D e p a rt m e nt, 27 0 0 N W 87 A v e n u e , M ia m i, F lo rid a 3 3 17 2 ; T e le p h o n e : 3 0 5 .4 9 9 .V O T E (8 6 8 3 ) o r TTY : 30 5 .4 9 9 .8 4 8 0 . F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n re g a rd in g p o ll in g p la ce s a n d vo tin g pre cin cts, vis it the C o u n ty's E le ctio n W e b site at h tt p ://www .ia m e le c tio n re a d y .o rg /. F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n , p le a s e co n ta ct th e C ity o f M ia m i B e a c h O ffi ce of the C ity C le rk at 30 5 .6 7 3 . 7 4 11 o r v ia e m a il at CityClerk@miamibeachfl_gov. MIAMI B E A C H Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk City of Miami Beach, Florida 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 305.673.7411 www.miamibeachfl.gov www.votemiamibeach.com 11072023-03