LTC 454-2023 Ocean Drive Pedestrian Plaza (Promenade) Pilot - Update #4DocuSign Envelope ID: D4DCC30E-250C-42E6-81B5-F63B94173353 MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER L TC # 454-2023 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: FROM: DATE: Honorable Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission Aina T. Hudak, City Manager ( Po, [4is hv4al- October 12, 2023 ·zAeoerworse SUBJECT: Ocean Drive Pedestrian Plaza (Promenade) Pilot - Update #4 The purpose of this Letter to Commission ("LTC") is to provide an update on the permitting status of the temporary Ocean Drive pedestrian plaza (promenade) located between 13 Street and 14 Place. The City Administration has been working with the Miami-Dade County Department of Transportation and Public Works ("DTPW") to obtain permit approval for the temporary Ocean Drive promenade since January 2022, when the temporary promenade was implemented. At this time, the temporary Ocean Drive promenade remains in an unpermitted status due to outstanding safety and operation concerns expressed by DTPW primarily related to the use of the 14 Place/Ocean Court alleyway for general vehicular traffic. These concerns have been transmitted by DTPW to the City via letters and shared with the Mayor and City Commission via LTC Nos. 518-2022 (dated December 13, 2022), 107-2023 (dated March 4, 2023), 159-2023 ( dated April 11, 2023) and have been included on multiple City Commission and Commission Committee agenda items. This L TC also serves to notify the Mayor and City Commission of two (2) letters dated October 10, 2023 from DTPW in reference to the temporary Ocean Drive promenade. The letter included in Attachment A was transmitted to the City on October 10, 2023. Subsequently, on October 11, 2023, DTPW sent an email correspondence to the City transmitting a revised letter, also dated October 10, 2023 (Attachment B). Pursuant to the email from DTPW in Attachment B, the City must submit a permit application to DTPW for a modification to the current configuration of the temporary Ocean Drive promenade no later than October 20, 2023. DTPW has further advised that it reserves all rights to enforce its authority pursuant to Miami-Dade County Code sections 2-95.1 and 2-96.1.1 Please note that the upcoming October 18, 2023 City Commission meeting agenda includes a discussion item (R9 H) on the potential modification to the current temporary Ocean Drive promenade. If you have any questions regarding the foregoing, please do not hesitate to contact Rickelle Williams, Assistant City Manager, or Jos~ R. Gonz~lez, P.E., Transportation and Mobility Department Director. Attachments: A: Rescinded Letter from DTPW dated October 10, 2023, transmitted October 10, 2023 B:Email from DTPW received October 11, 2023 with revised Letter dated October 10, 2023 GE ATHIRWIJRG 1 However, to be clear, the County's order contained in its first letter (Attachment A) that the City "immediately remove all barricades installed along Ocean Drive which impede general vehicular traffic and reinstate normal traffic flow in the area" has been rescinded by the County's subsequent letter (Attachment B) that now requires only that the City submit a permit application to DTPW for a modification to the current configuration of the temporary Ocean Drive promenade no later than October 20, 2023. DocuSign Envelope ID: D4 DCC30E-250C-42E6 -81B5-F63B9 4173353 A ttachm ent A ..9 ±jg #iii» D epartm ent of T ranspo rt ati on and Public W orks O ffi ce of the Director 701 NW 1st C our t • 17 Floor M iam i, Florida 33136 O ct ob er 10, 20 2 3 A lin a H ud a k, C ity M anager C ity of M iam i Beach 17 0 0 C onventio n C enter D rive M ia m i Be ach, Fl 3313 9 R E : O c e a n D rive T em p o rary P edestrian P laza (A p plicatio n N o . 2022001803) D e a r M rs. H udak, S in ce m y la st correspondence in M arch of 2023, th e M iam i-D ade D epart m ent of Transportation an d P ub lic W orks (D T P W) has coor dinated closely w ith the City of M iam i Beach's Departm ent of T ra nspo rt atio n w ith relatio n to the O cean D rive pedestrian plaza that is currently in place along O cean D rive betw een 13 " and 14 " S tre ets. U nfort un atel y, despite this coord ination , a permi t su bm itt al to M ia m i-D ade C ounty to authorize M iam i Beach's desired pilot study to evaluate the im p acts of traffi c flow m odifications and ensure public safety has not been received. In previo us co rresponde nce to the C ity, our D epart m e nt highlighted severa l geom etric and safety co nstraints associated w ith the use of the O cean C t. alleyw ay fo r re-ro uting of genera l traffic. W e have also co m m unicated the various hazards that the C ity's closure of O cean D rive and re-ro uting of traffi c alo ng the O cean C ourt alleyw ay creates w ith relation to lim iting access by em ergency ve hicl e s and cre ating of several conflict points fo r pedestrians and m otorists. A t this tim e due to the afo rem entioned conditions D TP W , under its authority w ithin M iam i-Dade C ou nty C o de Sections 2-95.1, 2-96.1, is hereby directing the City of M iam i Beach to im m ediately re m o ve barrie rs installed along O cean D rive w hich im pede general vehicular traffi c and reinstate norm al traffic flow in the area. Please note that this action is necessary to preserv e public safety an d ensu re tha t current conditions do not persist. S h ou ld the C ity of M iam i B each w ish to pursue the closure of O cean D rive in the future, on a tem p orary or pe rm ane nt basis, w e ask that a com prehensive plan of study be developed, and co m p le te app lication subm itted to D TP W fo r engineering review . A ny pilot project w ould require m onthly revie w s of im pacts to traffic, safety, and unfo resee n conflicts, as w ell as observations ga therin g of fee dback from aff ected residents and businesses. I ha ve dire cted m y team to support this effort and w ork w ith your staff at the appro priate tim e to facilitate any future application by the C ity of M iam i Beach w ith relation to O cean Drive. S h ou ld yo u ha ve any questions or require additional info rm ation, please contact m e at any tim e. DocuSign Envelope ID: D4DCC30E-250C-42E6-81 B5-F63894173353 Sincerely, E!'hkley, Direc tor & CEO Department of Transportation and Public Works atch: Correspon den ce 032823 - Ocean Drive Temporary Pedestrian Plaza c: Josenrique Cueto, P.E., Deputy Director Miguel Soria, P.E., Assistant Director Yamilet Senespleda, P.E., Chief Traffic Engineering Division DocuSign Envelope ID: D4DCC30E-250C-42E6-81B5-F63B94173353 ATTACHMENT DocuSign Envelope ID: D4DCC30E-250C-42E6-81B5-F63B94173353 •• ±if#iii Department of Transportation and Public Works Office of the Director 701 NW 1st Court • 17 Floor Miami, Florida 33136 M a rch 28, 20 2 3 A lin a H u d a k, C ity M a na g e r C ity of Miami B e a ch 17 0 0 C on ven ti on C e nte r D rive M ia m i B e a ch , Fl 33 13 9 RE: Ocean Drive Temporary Pedestrian Plaza (Application No. 2022001803) D e a r M rs. H ud a k Th e Mi a mi -D a d e D e p ar tm en t of Transp o rtation an d P ub l ic W o rk s (DTP W ) is in recei pt of your le tt e r dated M ar ch 3, 20 2 3 req u e stin g au tho rizatio n fo r a pilo t study to e va lu a te p ro p o se d traffi c flo w m o d ific atio ns alo n g O ce a n D rive and the O ce a n C t. a le yw ay. W e un d e rsta n d th a t the m o d ificatio ns pro po se d b y the C ity o f M ia m i B e a ch ("Ci ty") are intend ed to prior itize pe d e stria n a cce ss to O ce an Dr i ve fro m 13 S tre et to 14 Pl a ce . D TP W app r e ci ates th e Ci ty's com m i tm en t to ad va ncin g pe d e stria n im p ro vem e nts w hile ensu rin g pub l c safety, a n d ha s und e rta ken a tho ro ug h revie w of the up d ated pro po sed pla n. In previo us co rresp o nd e n ce to the C ity, our D e p a rtm e nt hig h ligh ted se ve ra l ge o m e tric an d safety co nstra ints a ssoci a ted w ith the use o f the O cea n C t. alle yw ay fo r re-ro uting o f sig n ifica nt vo lum es of ge ne ral traf fic. Th e se sa fety con ce rns inc lud e im p a cts to la teral o ffset s , ve rtic al cl e aran ce , sight dista nce , and sub sta n d a rd turn ing rad ii. A dd itio n a lly , o ur re v iew dete rm ine d th a t suc h re-ro uting w ou ld ge n e rate va rio us h a za rdo us co nd itio n s in clu d in g lim itin g a cce ss b y em e rge n cy ve hicl es an d the crea tio n of se ve ra l co nfli ct po ints fo r pe d e stria ns an d m o torists. A s a result of D T P W 's fee d b a ck, the C ity m o st re ce ntly pro p o se d a co nfig uratio n by w h ich ge ne ral ve h ic ular traffic w o ul d only be al lo w ed to a cce ss O ce an D ri ve , vi a g at e arm s, a t 14" pl a ce from 6 a m to 11 a m, M o nd ay th ro ug h S a turd ay. Furthe rm o re , the C ity propo se d allo w in g trucks sm a lle r th a n 33 fe e t lo ng to a cce ss the alle yw a y at O ce a n C t. fo r "b a ck of ho use servic e s". Th e C ity's le tt e r, ho w e ve r, do e s n o t spe a k to any lim ita tio ns on ro uting of g e n e ra l traffi c fr o m O cea n D rive onto the O ce a n C t. a lleyw a y. Si n ce th e recei pt o f yo ur le tte r, D T P W staff ha s pe rf orm e d fiel d revi e w s an d co n d u cted w orking se ssio ns to u n d e rsta nd the tech n ica l and safety im p lica tio ns o f your propo sa l. U p o n revie w w e re m a in co nce rn e d th at the pro p o sed so lutio n fa ils to ad d ress safety issues asso cia te d w ith h ig h so uth-bo un d traff ic vo lu m e s alo ng the O ce a n C t. alle yw ay as a result o f lim ited ve h icu la r access to O cea n D rive . O u r tea m h a s id e ntifie d tw o alte rn a tives tha t w o u ld be acce pta b le an d sho u ld be co nsid e red by the C ity as via b le so lu tio n s. T he se alte rn a tive s are a s fo llo w s: DocuSign Envelope ID: DA4DCC3OE-250C-42E6-81B5-F63B94173353 Alternative 1: Gate closure at 14 Place and Ocear Drive with controlled access for service vehicles. See E xh ibit 1. e Alternative 2: Reconfiguration of the alleyway for northbound service vehicles traffic only. See attached Exhibit 2. Both alternatives address DTPW's primary safety objective of limiting general traffic along the Ocean Ct. alleyway. Under these scenarios, A 1 A would serve as the alternate route for vehicular traffic. T-turnarounds would be required at the 13" and 14" Street alleyway intersections. As a result, traffic entering the intersecting streets will have an adequate method of egress and the Ocean Ct. alleyway would revert to its originally intended use for service vehicles only. Miami Dade County considers both alternatives viable and would recommend a 90-day pilot project implementation. Prior to commencement of the pilot, the City of Miami Beach must schedule a meeting with members of DTPW to jointly develop a methodology for analysis of the pilot. The methodology must include but is not limited to data collection strategy, documenting loading conditions, access management, passenger drop-off, public input, education, and compliance. The methodology must also identify the intended cutcome and measures of success. The pilot project would require monthly reviews of impacts to traffic, safety concerns, and unforeseen conflicts. A detailed daily log shall be required and should be maintained by the City throughout the pilot project implementation, the log will provide specific traffic monitoring measures which will be identified and accepted by both the City and the County traffic engineering teams in advance of implementation. City staff will conduct observations and obtain feedback from affected residents, businesses, customers, and workforce with regard to the pilot. Upon completion of the pilot, the City must submit a signed and sealed report documenting the results, determining success, and providing recommendation for next steps. The outcomes of the pilot will be utilized to determine whether the permanent implementation of traffic modifications is feasible or if further adjustments are required. I have directed my team to support this effort and work with your staff to arrive at a final pilot plan for implementation. We look forward to assisting the City in achieving its pedestrian connectivity objectives while maintaining public safety at all times. Should you require additional information, please contact myself, or Mr. Josenrique Cueto, P.E., Deputy Director Sincerely, l. eckle~, DjrZ, & CEO Departuhent of J~nsportation and Public Works c: Josenrique Cueto, P.E., Deputy Director Miguel Soria, P.E., Assistant Director Yamilet Senespleda, P.E., Chief Traffic Engineering Division i c le II A Exhi it 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: D4 DCC30E-250C-42E6 -81B5-F63B9 4173353 hi c le 11 A M . } ° '£ as kg " ' @%; • g ks ,s• xhibit 2 D o c u S ig n E n v e lo p e ID : D 4 D C C 3 0 E -2 5 0 C -4 2 E 6 -8 1 B 5 -F 6 3 B 9 4 1 7 3 3 5 3 D o c .Si gn En v el ope ID: E7DO1E32-71DC-4128-8178-9F9409EF7578 City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachf.gov OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER Tel: 305-673-7010 March 3, 2023 Eulois Cleckley Chief Executive Officer and Director Miami-Dade County Department of Transportation and Public Works 701 NW 1Court Miami, FL 33128 RE: Ocean Drive Temporary Pedestrian Plaza (Application No. 2022001803) Dear Mr. Cleckley: Thanks for your continued support and collaboration on various Miami Beach related traffic efforts. As you are aware, the City of Miami Beach ("City") has demonstrated a commitment to pedestrianize a portion of Ocean Drive through the implementation of a temporary pedestrian promenade from 13 Street to 14 Place. However, we understand the concerns expressed by Miami-Dade County Department of Transportation and Public Works (DTPW") staff with regard to the current operational challenges associated with the current promenade configuration and, in particular, the required use of the 14 Place/Ocean Court alleyway by general use vehicular traffic to by-pass the promenade. Please accept this letter as a step forward in our continued dialogue on this matter subject to further discussions with and approval by our City Commission. Pursuant to our meeting on December 21, 2022 wherein DTPW staff expressed their concerns with the current promenade, City staff has been working to develop a modified operational plan that balances the needs and desires of the affected businesses, stakeholder groups, city emergency services, residents and visitors, and which addresses the concerns expressed by DTPW staff both verbally and in the letter dated October 25, 2022. The modified plan consists of allowing vehicular traffic to access Ocean Drive via arm gates at 14 Place from 6 a.m. to 11a.m., Monday- Saturday, which aligns with the time periods when most deliveries and services for the affected businesses occur. Smaller size trucks (no more than 33' long) would be allowed to access the alleyway at Ocean Drive and 14 Place only if required for "back-of-house" services. This operational plan is expected to drastically reduce the volume of delivery trucks and service vehicles which currently cannot access Ocean Drive within the promenade portion and must therefore perform their services from the alleyway. As such, by reducing the number of trucks and service vehicles during the early morning hours when the bulk of this activity typically occurs, we believe this operational change will address DTPW's concern regarding the volume of vehicles using and potentially blocking the alleyway and the concerns associated with that operation. With respect to a methodology to evaluate the effectiveness of a modified operational plan for the temporary promenade, the City proposes to collect traffic data at 13 Street, 14 Place, and 15 Street along Ocean Drive to document the existing conditions wi th respect to traffic volumes; and we welcome DTPW' s input in this regard. If the modified operational plan is approved by DTPW for implementation on a pilot basis, City staff is prepared to collect and analyze post-traffic data and provide to DTPW for use in determining the effectiveness of the modified pilot. In addition, City staff will conduct observations and garner feedback from affected residents, businesses, customers, and workforce with regard to the modified pilot. The City, in collaboration with DTPW, will use this data and feedback to evaluate the pilot and determine if any additional changes to the pilot are warranted to address the County's concerns. We are committed to providing excellent pubiic service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. D o c u S ig n E n v e lo p e ID: D 4D C C 3 OE -2 5 0 C -4 2E 6 -8 1 B 5 -F 6 3B 9 4 17 3 3 5 3 D o cu Sign En vel op e ID. E 7D O 1E 3 2 -7 1DC -4 12 8 -8 17 8 -9F 9 4 0 9E F 7 5 7 8 n Plaza varcn $, Z0Zs Page 2 W e look forw ard to continued dialogue with DT PW on w ays to ensure the success of this key pilot initiative along our City's m ost iconic street. Please feel free to contact m e if you have any questions or concern s. Thank you fo r your consideration of this request. Sin cerely, lnllocuSlun~ by: ±% Alina T. Hudak City M anager cc: Eric T. Carpenter, P.E.. D ep uty City M anager, City of Miam i Beach Rickelle W illiam s, Assistant C ity M anager, C ity of Miam i Beach Jos~ R . Gon z~lez, P.E., Tr a nsportation and Mobility Direct or, Ci ty of Miami Beach Jimm y L. M orales, Chief O pera tions Offi cer, M iam i-Dade County Office of the M ayor D o cuS ign Envelope ID : D 4 D C C 3 0 E -250 C -4 2 E 6 -81 B 5-F63 B 94 17 33 53 Attachment B From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: Attachments: Aquilar, Juli5a (DTP) on behalf of Cleckley, Eulois (DTPW) Hudak , Alina Cueto, Josenrique (DTPW); Cleckley. Eulois (DTP W); Libhaber, Bruce (CAO); Alfonso, Anneny (CAO) Ocean Drive Temporary Pedestrian Plaza Wednesday, October 11, 2023 9:2 9:37 AM im ag e001.pn g Ocean drive temporary pedestrian plaza 10 11202309 2548.pdf [ THIS M E SS A G E COM ES FROM AN EXTERNAL EM AIL U SE CAUTION WHEN RE PL Y IN G AND O P E N IN G L IN K S O R ATTACHM ENTS ] Dear Mrs. Hudak, Please accept the attached correspondence pertaining to the Ocean Drive Temporary Pedestrian Plaza. As indicated in the letter, DTPW understands that on October 18th the Miami-Beach City Commission is likely to consider a proposed traffic modification request for portions of Ocean Drive and Ocean Court. DTPW looks forward to reviewing any such proposal and receiving an updated, and comprehensive, permit application from the City of Miami Beach no later than October 20, Notwithstanding, DTPW reserves all rights to enforce the County's authority pursuant to Miami- Dade County Code sections 2-95.1 and 2-96.1. We appreciate the City's cooperation and thank you in advance for your attention to this important matter." Eulois Cleckley Director and CEO Department of Transportation and Public Works ...RR &iii i Overtown Transit Village 701 NW 1S'Court 17h Floor Miami, FL 33136 Phone: 786-469-5406 DocuSign Envelope ID: D4DCC30E-250C-42E6-81 B5-F63B94173353 ..Am9 i~if@iii» Department of Transportation and Public Works Office of the Director 701 NW 1st Court • 17" Floor Miami, Florida 33136 October 10, 2023 Alina Hudak, City Manager City of Miami Beach 1700 Conv ention Center Drive Miami Beach, Fl 33139 RE: Ocean Drive Temporary Pedestrian Plaza (Application No. 2022001803) D ear Mrs. Hudak, S ince m y la st co rrespo nd ence in March of 2023, the Miami-Dade Department of Transportation and P u b lic W orks (D T P W) ha s coo rdin a ted cl o se ly w ith th e C ity o f M ia m i B e ach's D e p art m e nt of T ransp o rtatio n w ith re latio n to the O ce a n D riv e p ed e stria n plaza tha t is curre ntly in pla ce a lo ng O ce an Dr i ve b e tw ee n 13 an d 14 " S tre e ts. Un f ort un a tel y, de spi te this co or d in atio n , a p ermi t sub m itt al to M ia m i-D ad e C o unty to a utho rize M ia m i B e a ch's de sired pilot study to evalu ate the im p a cts o f traff ic flow m o dificatio ns and e nsure public safety has not been received. In previous correspondence to the City, our Department highlighted several geometric and safety constraints associated with the use of the Ocean Court. alleyw ay for re-routing of general traffic. We have also communicated the various hazards that the City's closure of Ocean Drive and re- routing of traffic along the Ocean Court alleyway creates with relation to limiting access by emergency vehicles and creating of several conflict points for pedestrians and motorists. Y o u h ave ad vi se d that on O ct ob er 18 th e M ia mi -B e a ch Ci ty C o m mi ssion is likely to con sider a proposed traffic modification request for portions of Ocean Drive and Ocean Court. DTPW looks forw ard to reviewing any such proposal, but reserves all rights to enforce the County's authority pursua nt to Miami-Dade County Code sections 2-95.1 and 2-96.1. A s a re m ind e r, any re que st fo r a te m p o ra ry or permanent street closure must include a com p re he nsive pla n o f study, and complete application submitted to DTPW for engineering review . A ny p ilo t pro je ct w ould req u ire m o nthly review s of im p a cts to traff ic, safety, and unfo re se e n co nfli cts, as w ell a s ob se rv atio ns gathe ring o f fee d b a ck fro m aff ected re sid e nts and busine sse s. I ha ve dire cte d m y te a m to sup po rt this eff ort an d w o rk w ith yo ur staff a t the ap p ro priate time to faci litate any future application by the City of Miami Beach with relation to Ocean Drive. S ho uld yo u h a ve any que stio ns or req u ire ad d itio nal info rm atio n , p le a se con tact m e a t any time. DocuSign Envelope ID: D4DCC30E-250C-42E6-81B5-F63B94173353 Sl~cerely, Eulo[s leck ley, Director & CEO Departr ent of Transportation and Public Works atch: Correspondence 032823 -- Ocean Drive Temporary Pedestrian Plaza c: Josenrique Cueto, P.E., Dep uty Director Miguel Soria, P.E., Assistant Director Yamilet Senespleda, P.E., Chief Traffic Engineering Division DocuSign Envelope ID: D4DCC3OE-250C-42E6-81B5-F63B94173353 ATTACHMENT DocuSign Envelope ID: D4DCC30E-250C-42E6-81B5-F63B94173353 .. ±fiiii Department of Transportation and Public Works Office of the Director 701 NW 1st Court • 17 Floor Miami, Florida 33136 March 28, 2023 Alina Hudak, City Manager City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Fl 33139 RE: Ocean Drive Temporary Pedestrian Plaza (Application No. 2022001803) Dear Mrs. Hudak The Miami-Dade Department of Transportation and Public Works (DTPW) is in receipt of your letter dated March 3, 2023 requesting authorization for a pilot study to evaluate proposed traffic flow modifications along Ocean Drive and the Ocean Ct. a leyway. We understand that the modifications proposed by the City of Miami Beach ("City") are intended to prioritize pedestrian access to Ocean Drive from 13" Street to 14 Place. DTPW appreciates the City's commitment to advancing pedestrian improvements while ensuring publ c safety, and has undertaken a thorough review of the updated proposed plan. In previous correspondence to the City, our Department highlighted several geometric and safety constraints associated with the use of the Ocean Ct. alleyway for re-routing of significant volumes of general traffic. These safety concerns include impacts to lateral offsets, vertical clearance, sight distance, and substandard turning radii. Additionally, our review determined that such re-routing would generate various hazardous conditions including limiting access by emergency vehicles and the creation of several conflict points for pedestrians and motorists. As a result of DTPW's feedback, the City most recently proposed a configuration by which general vehicular traffic would only be allowed to access Ocean Drive, via gate arms, at 14" place from 6 am to 11am, Monday through Saturday. Furthermore, the City proposed allowing trucks smaller than 33 feet long to access the alleyway at Ocean Ct. for "back of house services". The City's letter, however, does not speak to any limitations on routing of general traffic from Ocean Drive onto the Ocean Ct. alleyway. Since the receipt of your letter, DTPW staff has performed field reviews and conducted working sessions to understand the technical and safety implications of your proposal. Upon review we remain concerned that the proposed solution fails to address safety issues associated with high south-bound traffic volumes along the Ocean Ct. alleyway as a result of limited vehicular access to Ocean Drive. Our team has identified two alternatives that would be acceptable and should be considered by the City as viable solutions. These alternatives are as follows: DocuSign Envelope ID: D4DCC30E-250C-42E6-81B5-F63B94173353 o Alternative 1: Gate closure at 14" Place and Ocear Drive with controlled access for service vehicles. See Exhibit 1. ., Alternative 2: Reconfiguration of the alleyway for northbound service vehicles traffic only. See attached Exhibit 2. Both alternatives address DTPW's primary safety objective of limiting general traffic along the Ocean Ct. alleyway. Under these scenarios, A1A would serve as the alternate route for vehicular traffic. T-turnarounds would be required at the 13" and 14" Street alleyway intersections. As a result, traffic entering the intersecting streets will have an adequate method of egress and the Ocean Ct. alleyway would revert to its originally intended use for service vehicles only. Miami Dade County considers both alternatives viable and would recommend a 90-day pilot project implementation. Prior to commencement of the pilot, the City of Miami Beach must schedule a meeting with members of DTPW to jointly develop a methodology for analysis of the pilot. The methodology must include but is not limited to data collection strategy, documenting loading conditions, access management, passenger drop-off, public input, education, and compliance. The methodology must also identify the intended cutcome and measures of success. The pilot project would require monthly reviews of impacts to traffic, safety concerns, and unforeseen conflicts. A detailed daily log shall be required and should be maintained by the City throughout the pilot project implementation, the log will provide specific traffic monitoring measures which will be identified and accepted by both the City and the County traffic engineering teams in advance of implementation. City staff will conduct observations and obtain feedback from affected residents, businesses, customers, and workforce with regard to the pilot. Upon completion of the pilot, the City must submit a signed and sealed report documenting the results, determining success, and providing recommendation for next steps. The outcomes of the pilot will be utilized to determine whether the permanent implementation of traffic modifications is feasible or if further adjustments are required. I have directed my team to support this effort and work with your staff to arrive at a final pilot plan for implementation. We look forward to assisting the City in achieving its pedestrian connectivity objectives while maintaining public safety at all times. Should you require additional information, please contact myself, or Mr. Josenrique Cueto, P.E., Deputy Director Sincerely, L eckle~, Dj~r & CEO Departrhent of ~nsportation and Public Works cl Josenrique Cueto, P.E., Deputy Director Miguel Soria, P.E., Assistant Director Yamilet Senespleda, P.E., Chief Traffic Engineering Division DocuSign Envelope ID: D4DCC30E-250C-42E6-81B5-F63B 94173353 Exhibit 1 D ocuS ign E nv elope ID: D 4 D C C 30E -250C -4 2E 6-81B 5-F 63 9 4 17 3353 D o c u S ig n E n v e l o p e ID: D4DCC30E-250C-42E6-81B5-F63B94173353 DocuSign Envelope ID: E7DO1E32-71DC-4128-8178-9F9409EF7578 City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Mi ami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER Tel: 305-673-7010 March 3, 2023 Eulois Cleckley Chief Executive Officer and Director Miami-Dade County Department of Transportation and Public Works 701 NW 1Court Miami, FL 33128 RE: Ocean Drive Temporary Pedestrian Plaza (Application No. 2022001803) Dear Mr. Cleckley: Thanks for your continued support and collaboration on various Miami Beach related traffic efforts. As you are aware, the City of Miami Beach ("City") has demonstrated a commitment to pedestrianize a portion of Ocean Drive through the implementation of a temporary pedestrian promenade from 13 Street lo 14 Place. However, we understand the concerns expressed by Miami-Dade County Department of Transportation and Public Works ("DTPW") staff with regard to the current operational challenges associated with the current promenade configuration and, in particular, the required use of the 14 Place/Ocean Court alleyway by general use vehicular traffic to by-pass the promenade. Please accept this letter as a step forward in our continued dialogue on this matter subject to further discussions with and approval by our City Commission. Pursuant to our meeting on December 21, 2022 wherein DTPW staff expressed their concerns with the current promenade, City staff has been working to develop a modified operational plan that balances the needs and desires of the affected businesses, stakeholder groups, city emergency services, residents and visitors, and which addresses the concerns expressed by DTPW staff both verbally and in the letter dated October 25, 2022. The modified plan consists of allowing vehicular traffic to access Ocean Drive via arm gates at 14 Place from 6 a.m. to 11a.m., Monday - Saturday, which aligns with the time periods when most deliveries and services for the affected businesses occur. Smaller size trucks (no more than 33' long) would be allowed to access the alleyway at Ocean Drive and 14 Place only if required for "back-of-house" services. This operational plan is expected to drastically reduce the volume of delivery trucks and service vehicles which currently cannot access Ocean Drive within the promenade portion and must therefore perform their services from the alleyway. As such, by reducing the number of trucks and service vehicles during the early morning hours when the bulk of this activity typically occurs, we believe this operational change will address DTPW's concern regarding the volume of vehicles using and potentially blocking the alleyway and the concerns associated with that operation. With respect to a methodology to evaluate the effectiveness of a modified operational plan for the temporary promenade, the City proposes to collect traffic data at 13 Street, 14 Place, and 15 Street along Ocean Drive to document the existing conditions with respect to traffic volumes; and we welcome DTPWs input in this regard. If the modified operational plan is approved by DTPW for implementation on a pilot basis, City staff is prepared to collect and analyze post-traffic data and provide to DTPW for use in determining the effectiveness of the modified pilot. In addition, City staff will conduct observations and garner feedback from affected residents, businesses, customers, and workforce with regard to the modified pilot. The City, in collaboration with DTPW, will use this data and feedback to evaluate the pilot and determine if any additional changes to the pilot are warranted to address the County's concerns. We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to oil who live, work and play in our vibrant. tropical, historic community. D o c u S ig n E n v e l o p e ID : D 4 D C C 3 0 E -2 5 0 C -4 2 E 6 -8 1 B 5 -F 6 3 B 9 4 1 7 3 3 5 3 D o c u Si gn Envelope ID. E7DO1E32-7 10-4128-8178-9F9409EF7578 n Plaza warcn 3, 0ts Page 2 We look forward to continued dialogue with DTPW on ways to ensure the success of this key pilot initiative along our City's most iconic street. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for your consideration of this request. Sincerely, ~ OocuSignr.d by: Lui«a T. hulal. IAE ZQEFQ491349£, Alina T. Hudak City Manager cc: Eric T. Carpenter, P.E., Deputy City Manager, City of Miami Beach Rickelle Williams, Assistant City Manager, City of Miami Beach Jos~ R. Gonzalez, P.E., Transportation and Mobility Di rect or, City of Miami Beach Jimmy L. Morales, Chief Operations Officer, Miami-Dade County Office of the Mayor