LTC 472-2023 Dual Enrollment Official College Transcript Incentive ProgramDocuSign Envelope ID: 9A4460AE-1715-4D11-ADA8-FF68468B0AD0 OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC# 472-2023 LETTER TO COMMISSION To: From: Date: Subject: Honorable Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission Alina T. Hudak, City Manag� October 19, 2023 lj\ , , Dual Enrollment Official College Transcript Incentive Program The purpose of this Letter to Commission is to update you on the status of the City's Official College Transcript Incentive Program for Miami Beach Senior High School graduating seniors participating in the city-funded dual enrollment program. Graduating 12th graders who have taken dual enrollment college courses at Miami Beach Senior High School or Miami Beach Nautilus Middle School through Florida International University (FIU), the University of Florida (UF), and/or Miami Dade College (MDC) are eligible to participate. This program covers the cost of obtaining official transcripts required during the college application process from FIU, UF, and MDC. FIU charges $10 for each official transcript, UF charges $10, and MDC charges $5. The program will pay for up to five sets of official transcripts, which could amount to a savings of $125 per student. To participate, Miami Beach Senior High School 12th graders must pre-register at https:l/online2.snapsurveys.com/ipbxiz. The deadline to apply is February 9, 2024. Once registered, staff from the Office of Education and Performance Initiatives will review applications for eligibility and distribute $100, $50, and/or $25 gift cards to cover the cost of required official transcripts. Currently, the City funds the college instructor fee for all dual enrollment courses offered at Miami Beach Senior High School and Miami Beach Nautilus Middle School. Dual enrollment allows students to begin accumulating college credits at no cost while still in high school and middle school. Students can work towards graduating from college on time or even early saving their families up to $150,000. For more information on city educational programs supporting youth in Miami Beach, visit www.miamibeachfl.gov/city-hall/office-of-organizational-development/. The Youth Commission is working to promote this program to help ensure all eligible graduating seniors apply. We will continue to support our vision of being a prosperous city with a special flavor of arts, culture, education, and business with the management objectives of being known for (K-12) educational excellence. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Chief Education Officer, Dr. Leslie Rosenfeld. DocuSign Envelop e ID: 9A4460AE -1715-4D 1 1-ADA 8-FF68468B0 AD O COLLEGE TRA NSCRIPT $125 INCENTIVE Th e City of Miami Beach funds the cost of securing copies of official transcripts from Flor ida International University, Miami Dade College, and the University of Florido requested by Miami Beach Senior High School 12th graders enrolled in the dual enrollment program funded by the City. HOW TO BEGIN • To begin, students must PRE -REGISTER by February 9, 2024. To pr eregister go to: https:// online2.snapsurveys.com/ipbxiz • O nce registered, city sta ff wi ll contact you regarding your gih card. For more information on city programs supporting youth in M iam i Beach,visit: www.miamibeachll.gov/ city-hall/ of fi ce ol-org a niz a tio nal - development/ UF H'6iib6 FIU +t0Rt IN(HRNA[TON AI UNIVERSIY TRANSCRIPT FEES: This program w ill cover the costs of obtaining officio tra nscript s from Flo rid a In ter n a tio n al U ni ve rsity, Mi a m i Dade C o lle g e a n d the U n ive rsity o f Flor id a . HIU charges $10 for each official tra n scri p t, M D C charges $5 and UF charges $10. The program wi ll pay for up to tive sets of official transcripts, which could a m o u n t to a sa vin g s of $125 per student. The city w ill only pay for tr a n script s during the time the student attends Mi a m i Beach S e n io r H igh DO I QUALIFY: To q u a lity , graduating sen io rs mu st have ta k e n dual enrollment college courses taught b y instructors approved either by Florida Inte rn at io n a l University, Miami D a d e College, or the University of Flo rid o . [he classes o re offered through a n innovative city program that allows students to eorn co lle g e credits while attending Miami Beach S e n io r High an d Miami Beach N a ut ilu s M id dle School. WHAT IS DUAL ENROLLMENT? D u a l e n rol lm e n t allows stu d en ts to b e g in accumulating college credits at no cost while still in high school and middle sch o ol With d u a l enrollment, stud e nt s ca n w or k towards gra d ua ting tr o m college on time or even early saving their families up to $150,000 Ar M , H4 llee e e MIAMI BEACH