LTC 520-2023 Art Week Miami Beach, December 4-10, 2023MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC# 520-2023 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: FROM: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members 9f the City Commission Alina T. Hudak, City Manag� DATE: November 21, 2023 SUBJECT:Art Week Miami Beach, December 4 -10, 2023 The purpose of this Letter to Commission ("L TC") is to provide an update on the city's preparation for Art Week Miami Beach including traffic modifications, departmental staffing plans, and an activation schedule. As we approach the 21st annual Art Basel Miami Beach and the numerous Art Week activations and events in Miami Beach, it is essential to recognize the city's position as the epicenter of the art world during this week and its significant impact on tourism as a result of the substantial influx of visitors. Our hotels are currently projecting an occupancy rate of 81 %, with an Average Daily Rate of approximately $630. For Art Week we have again taken a comprehensive approach, where multiple city departments meet regularly to ensure we are implementing a coordinated plan for the safety and enjoyment of our residents and visitors. In addition, various city departments have ongoing meetings with the producers of Art Basel, as well as other fairs to ensure proper coordination and logistics. The Division of Emergency Management (DEM) is developing a coordinated Event Action Plan (EAP) based on the operational plans from key departments. Departmental Plans In anticipation of Art Week, the Facilities and Fleet Management Department will complete pressure washing and graffiti removal citywide, ensuring the cleanliness of city-owned assets. Barricade planters are currently being installed at the intersections of Euclid and Washington Avenues, and Alton Road on Lincoln Road. The piano keys along Lincoln Road are also being repainted. Enhanced janitorial has been programmed for garages and beachfront restrooms. To enhance public safety, the Miami Beach Police Department (MBPD) will significantly increase its staffing levels from Wednesday, December 6 through Sunday, December 10. In a concerted effort, officers will be deployed for additional shifts, including overtime and off-duty. Their strategic placement along key intersections in and around events, as well as in residential neighborhoods surrounding the Miami Beach Convention Center and along the 41 Street corridor, aims to ensure attendees' safety and address potential traffic challenges. MBPD officers will be assigned the task of strategically reducing instances of cut-through traffic within residential areas. By encouraging drivers to utilize main thoroughfares, we aim to minimize disruptions to our local neighborhoods. Furthermore, our MBPD Motors Unit will actively contribute by working additional shifts dedicated to traffic mitigation throughout Art Week. MBPD Public Safety Specialists will be working during Art Week covering posts along Convention Center Drive on 17 and 18 Streets. C o llab o ration is critical to the success of the se effort s and the M B P D is pro ud to have support fr o m ou r la w enfo rce m ent part ners. T he M ia m i B e a ch F ire D e pa rt m ent w ill increase serv ices and have additional staff at Art Basel at the M B C C , D e sig n M ia m i at P rid e P a rk, and m ultiple satellite special events. In addition, w e w ill ha v e nigh t in spe ctio n tea m s to m onitor and enfo rce occupant loads and com pliance with life-sa fety co d e s. The P ub lic Safety C o m m unicatio ns D ivision w ill augm ent staffi ng as needed to m on ito r sp e cia l eve nt cha nne ls. C o d e C o m plia n ce w ill ha ve enh a n ced staff ing , prim arily in the days leading up to the fairs to m a k e su re the city is at its be st. T eam s w ill be patrolling fo r illegal dum ping, overflow ing du m p ste rs, an d en su ring graff iti ha s be e n abated. Field staff w ill be answ ering calls fo r un p e rm itt e d eve nts and activations as w ell as lo ud m usic part ies and illegal short-term rentals. En fo rce m en t of ille g a l vend o rs along our m a in event pedestrian corridors w ill take place. T he P a rks a n d R ecrea tio n D e pa rt m ent staffi ng enhancem ents w ill consist of expanded se rv ic e hou rs an d in crea se d pe rso n nel assign m e nts ranging fr om Park R angers to m a in te nan ce an d jan ito ria l staff . T he core areas of fo cus fo r the depart m ent w ill be Collins Pa rk, S ou n d S ca p e P a rk, the Lum m us/S outh Po inte/O cean D rive corridor, and the beachw alk so u th of 2 1 Stre e t. D irect sup port w ill be pro vided to the M B C C team as it relates to Pride Pa rk an d C ollin s C a na l Pa rk. P ark R ang ers w ill be assigned a special detail w ith ro ving pa tro ls in the C ity C e nte r, w ith em pha sis on C ollins Park, SoundS cape Park, C ollins C anal P a rk, an d P rid e P a rk. M a in ta in in g the ci ty's ap pe a rance du ring A rt W ee k is essential. T he Public W orks Sanitation te a m w ill enh a n ce coverag e alo ng O cea n D rive (betw een South Pointe D rive to 15 Street), be a chw a lk, spoil area s (b etw ee n 14 - 36 S treets), C ollins A venue/C ollins Park area (betw een 5 - 26 S tre e ts), W a sh in gto n A ve n ue (betw ee n 5 Street to D ade Boulevard), and Li ncoln R o a d . A dditionally, rovin g crew s and pe rsonne l w ill be dispatched as needed thro ughout the city . A dditio n a l Pub lic W o rks O peratio ns pe rsonne l w ill be deployed to address any serv ice ne e d s tha t m a y arise . T he P a rkin g D ep a rt m e nt w ill increa se staff ing to incl ude am bassadors at parking garages to assist custo m ers an d pro vide directions to availa b le parking locations. In efforts to m aintain pa rkin g ava ila b ility fo r residents and prevent illega l parking in residential zones, enfo rcem ent off ic e rs w ill be assig n e d to the ne igh bo rho o ds in the vicinity of the M B C C . W e ha v e ta ke n se ve ral pro active m e asu res to alleviate congestion concern s, incl uding a cityw id e co n structio n m oratoriu m thro ug hout the w eek -- pre ven ti ng any ro ad, sidew alk, or lane clo su re s w ith in the pu b lic rig ht-of-w ay. A dd itio nally, our T ransport ation and M obility team w ill pro v id e 14 ho u rs of traffi c m onito ring ea ch day and in coordination w ith M B P D w ill ensure e nfo rce m en t of traffi c reg u lations at m ajor interse ctions, w ith real-tim e updates about traffi c co n d itio n s disp la yed on dig ital m essa ge sig ns. T he M iam i Be a ch T ro lle y serv ice w ill run add itio na l vehicles on all tro lley routes com m encing on W e d n esd a y, D e ce m b e r 6 thro ugh Su nd ay, D ecem b er 10 fr om 11 a.m. to 8 p.m . to reduce pa ssen g er w a it tim e s to app roxi ma tel y 10 m inutes. A dditionally, to furt her reduce congestion alo n g the V e n e tian C a use w ay con n e cting D ow ntow n M iam i to M iam i Beach, the east V enetian C a u se w ay draw b rid g e w ill be on lock-do w n and w ill not open to vessels fro m 4 p.m . to 9 p.m . o n D ece m b e r 6 thro ug h D e ce m be r 8 and fr om 4 p.m . to 8 pm . on D ecem ber 9 thro ugh D e ce mb er 10 , excep t fo r em ergency vesse ls and tug/tow s. T his year, A rt B a se l M ia m i Beach w ill feature 277 leading intern ational galleries, starting w ith P rev ie w D a ys on D e ce m be r 6 and 7, fo llo w ed by Public D ays on D ecem ber 8 to 10, 2023 at the MBCC. Nearly tw o-thirds of this year's galleries hail from North and South America, joined by an array of exhibitors from Europe, Asia and Africa. Free to the public, Art Basel's Conversations program will return with a series of live debates among thought leaders on the key topics shaping the world of art and culture, with a focus on celebrating Latin America. The city will also curate its own public exhibitions during Art Week Miami Beach, including along the 41 Street corridor, Espanola Way and in 12 hotel lobbies across the city. The temporary installation along the 41 Street corridor, "Run run run like the wind" by Miami-based artist Edison Penafiel, will be presented on Monday, December 4 at 1 p.m. at Harry Liebman Square at the corner of Pine Tree Drive and 41 Street. The work is a selection of brightly colored banners that use lyrics from Latin American protest songs from the 1960s and 70s, incl uding Victor Jara's "El Aparecido" and "Run run se fue pa'l norte" by Violeta Parra. The installation tells a story of migration, and the push and pull of leaving behind what's known for a new, uncertain future. Elevate Espanola will present "Adora Vanessa Athena Fantasia," a newly-commissioned art installation by Brazilian artist Eli Sudbrack of collective assume vivid astro focus (avaf) on Tuesday, December 5 at 1 p.m. at the intersection of Washington Avenue and Espanola Way. The work features five suspended large-scale portraits printed on both sides in avaf's distinctively vibrant style paying tribute to Miami Beach area drag artist icons. Other highlights of Art W eek Miami Beach include the fourth edition of the city-produced and curated No Vacancy, Miami Beach, which matches 12 artists with 12 iconic Miami Beach hotels. Funded in partnership with the Miami Beach Visitors and Convention Authority, this year's art competition features $35,000 in prize money, including a $10,000 public prize by the Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau and a $25,000 juried prize to be decided by nationally-recognized art experts. Each artist will also receive a $10 ,000 stipend. The installations will be available for viewing between Nov. 16 and Dec. 14. The popular Art Basel Legacy Purchase Program will return for its fifth year with previously acquired works by artists Sanford Biggers, Amoako Boafo, Ebony G. Patterson, Farah Al Qasimi and Juana Valdes on behalf of the residents of Miami Beach. The City of Miami Beach has also commissioned a sand sculpture to mark 2023 Art Week Miami Beach at Lincoln Road beachfront for resident and visitor photo ops. Additionally, attached please find a list of cultural anchor events scheduled. For comprehensive details about Art Week, activations and tips for getting around Miami Beach, the Office of Marketing and Communications has created the www .ArtWeekMB.com webpage. They will be disseminating this website along with other pertinent information to residents, businesses, and visitors via email communications, printed ads on bus shelters, pole banners, and a trolley as well as digital ad buys. A press release will also be sent to members of the local and national media. As we prepare for the globally celebrated Art Week, we reaffirm our commitment to fostering a safe, enjoyable, and culturally enriching environment for both our residents and visitors. Thank you for your continued support in making this week a resounding success. Li s t o f fa irs a n d p a rt n e rs fo r A rt W e e k M ia m i B e a c h 2 0 2 3 : A rt B a s e l M ia m i B e a c h I Miami Beach Convention Center I www.artbasel.com Friday-Sunday, Dec. 8-10 (Public Days) 111 AM - 6 PM Design Miami I Pride Park I www.designmiami.com Wednesday, Dec. 6 I 1 PM - 7 PM Thursday, Dec. 7 I 11 AM- 7 PM Friday-Sunday, Dec. 9-10 I Noon -8 PM Untitled Art I Ocean Drive and 12 Street I www.untitledartfairs.com Wednesday-Saturday, Dec. 6-9 [11AM- 7 PM Saturday, Dec. 10 I 11 AM-5 PM SCOPE Art Show I Ocean Drive between 8-9 streets I www.scope-art.com Wednesday-Sunday, Dec. 6-10 ] 11AM-8 PM Aqua Art Miami I 1530 Collins Avenue I www.aquaartmiami.com Wednesday, Dec. 6 I 11 AM-6 PM Thursday, Dec. 7 I Noon -9 PM Friday and Saturday, Dec. 8-9 I 11 AM-9 PM Sunday, Dec. 10]11AM-6 PM Satellite Art Show I 700 Lincoln Road I www.satellite-show.com Tuesday-Saturday, Dec. 5-9 I Noon - 10 PM Sunday, Dec. 10 I Noon - 5 PM Ink Miami Art Fair I 1850 Collins Avenue I www.inkartfair.com Wednesday, Dec. 6 I 9 AM -7 PM Thursday, Dec. 7 I 10 AM - 7 PM Friday, Dec. 8 [ 10 AM -9 PM Saturday, Dec. 9 I 10 AM- 7 PM Sunday, Dec. 10 [10 AM - 3 PM Jada Art Fair I 4221 Pine Tree Drive I www.jadaartfair.com Daily I 9 AM- 7 PM Lincoln Road District I Lincoln Road I www.lincolnrd.com The iconic outdoor shopping, dining and cultural destination situated in the heart of Miami Beach has a variety of activations, including: • R-Evolution by Marco Cochrane Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2023 - Tuesday, April 30, 2024 I 420 Lincoln Road Lincoln Road will display a monumental 45-foot-tall, 32,000-pound kinetic sculpture during Art Week Miami Beach named 'R-Evolution', that will glow in the sun and illuminate at night. The towering nude female sculpture, which will be showcased on the East Coast for the first time ever, first debuted at Burning Man and was designed by Marco Cochrane, the artist behind monumental sculptures seen at the Smithsonian Art Museum and the $4.3 billion Resorts World. The 'R-Evolution' sculpture symbolizes feminine strength and liberation, featuring 16 motors in her chest to simulate breathing and demonstrate how her energy radiates into the world by involuntary forces. • Li vin g A rt Festival November 2023 - April 2024 I Lincoln Road, between Meridian and Washington Avenue Lincoln Road presents Living Art," a botanical installation. Prepare to be enchanted by a unique celebration that seamlessly blends nature, creativity and imagination. This extraordinary festival is a captivating fusion of artistic expression and the natural world, where every corner holds a delightful surprise. Stroll and enjoy the reimagined landscape planters from Meridian Avenue to Washington Avenue on Lincoln Road. Five local landscape designers provide their creative touch to these lush areas. From orchids to art installations, you will be enchanted with the natural footprint along Lincoln Road's pedestrian walkway. • Javier G arcia Band Li ve on Li ncoln Road Saturday, Dec. 9 I 7 PM -9 PM I Euclid Oval, 690 Lincoln Road Get ready for a musical journey like no other as the Javier Garcia Band takes over Lincoln Road. Born in Spain to a Cuban father and Irish mother, Javier's music is a fusion of soulful sounds with elements of Funk, reggae, world and Cuban rhythms, creating a unique and unforgettable pop experience. T he Betsy Hotel I 1440 Ocean Drive I www.thebetsyhotel.com Daily I 10 AM - 10 PM The Betsy Hotel's initiatives for Art Week Miami Beach include a large-scale exhibition celebrating Moroccan Culture, Art and Fashion with Hicham Benohoud, Idriss Karnachi, Mahi Binebine - and additional Moroccan fashion and jewelry designers. Works by Paul Loughney, Gaia Adducchio, Sonia Hamza and Akshita Gandhi's are curated by Sophie Lefevbre with Amanda Mullen curating iconic photographs by Bert Stern. Paul Dreq and Ed Cristin curate an Andy Sweet collection. The Betsy's growing permanent collection and long-term artist partnerships are celebrated with Betsy Principal Curator Lesley Goldwasser highlighting work by Tamary Kudita, Charlie Spot, Nadia Huggins, Bunny Yeager, Carlos Andres Cruz, Robert Zuckerman, Val Kilmer, Robin Hill, and Ray Tenorio - on walls and in halls throughout the property. The Betsy Poetry Rail - a poetically-inspired installation, designed by architect Allan Shulman - is illuminated nightly, with artist Carlos Betancourt projecting film and images onto The Betsy Orband environs in a project commissioned by the City of Miami Beach No Vacancy program. The Betsy's exhibitions w ill be open fo r self-guided tours start ing on Friday, Dec. 1, 2023. T he Betsy's art opening hosted by the A udace Initiative Morocco on Thursday, Dec. 7 fro m 5 p.m . to 8 p.m . is fr ee and open to the public. Faena I 3201 Collins Avenue I www.faenaart.org Daily I 10 AM-6 PM This year, Faena Art features newly commissioned site-specific installations throughout the Faena District from Sunday, Dec. 5- Friday, Dec. 10. Monumental works and exhibitions will set the stage at Faena Beach, Cathedral and Faena Art Project Room where internationally renowned artists create installations that serve as a testament to the belief that art has the incredible power to foster a sense of belonging, spark meaningful dialogues and forge connections that transcend boundaries engaging guests from all over the world who visit Miami Beach for this incredible time of year with art at the core. W a s h in g to n A v e n u e B u s in e s s Im p ro v e m e n t D is tric t I Saturday, Dec. 9 I 8 p.m. to 11p.m. I Washington Avenue from 5-17 streets I www.washavemb.com Go on the ultimate tasting adventure at the Washington Avenue Wine, Beer and Martini Taste. This event offers a tantalizing selection of wines, beers, and martinis across 12 venues. Tickets include access to the Washington Avenue Live Music Series so attendees can also enjoy a diverse lineup of live music along the way across different genres that include Latin, Rock, R&B, Jazz, Symphonic and Pop. General admission starts at $25, click here for tickets.