LTC 569-2023 G.O. Bond Oversight Committee MotionM IA M I B EA C H RECEIVED DEC 26 2023 CITY O F M IAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C ity o f M ia m i Be a c h , 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov O FFIC E O F TH E C ITY M A N A G ER LTC # 569-2023 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO : Honorable Mayor Steven Meiner FROM: Rafael Granado, City Cle#55$$5 A P A TR IC K D . C A M M DATE: December 26, 2023 SUBJECT: G.O. Bond Oversight Committee Motion The purpose of this Letter to the Commission ("LT C") is to advise the Mayor and Commission of a motion made during the December 14, 2023 G.O. Bond Oversight Committee meeting. Motion - Regarding Delays in G.0. Bond Funded Projects The G.O. Bond Oversight Committee made a motion to express their concerns regarding the delays in several G .0 . Bond projects, particularly but not exclusively, Fire Station No. 1, that have undergone thorough vetting and have received extensive public input over years. The purpose of this motion is to emphasize the urgency of moving forward with these projects promised to residents, and to highlight the potentially wasteful financial consequences including possible loss of grant funding, cost escalations, and expended staff time associated with unreasonable delays. Motion made by Jack Glottmann Motion seconded by Dana Martorella Motion passed 7-0 • Voting Members present: Karen Riva (Chair), Jack Glottmann, Laura Veitia, Scott Needelman, Susan Askew, Dana Martorella, Shari Gurkin • Non-Voting Members present: David Grieser, Michael DeFilippi, Carolina Jones • Voting Members absent: Dennis Scholl, Jason Koslowe • Non-Voting Members absent: Adam Kravitz, Bruce Carter For more information, please contact Maria Hernandez at mariahernandez@miamibeachfl.gov or x22584. Attachment RG/MH