MB History 1567-1949 statistics j~,1............i,""", ... 1 ,. --- ,,\"j"- In 1567 a Spanish ;llsoiO!l 1,[0.5 built 0"1 what is now Hi3Illi Beach by Don Pedro :,lenendez, founder o~ St. Jl.U~:'Ustine and Spanish govern01" of Flo::-ida. The harbor ,1",3 used as a port of call and refuge and apparently no aerious atteI'lpt liaS mn.de by- the Spaniards to dev~loI' a colony here. In 1870) i;e::.."J'- '-'. LUln, of Ohio, started an u!'Jstlccessf4 coconut planta- tion. JoP~ S, Collins invested in the project, later cane to live ~~d establi3h a t::-o~ica1 fr~!t farm. '- .~ In 1912 the :.sla."ld -,{::os cOr'r:ected ,vi th the rJa:ltUai'ld by the Collins Bridee, il;)Out "here the Venetian Causeway is no,llocated. Carl G. fisher c~~e in 1911, loaned tbe Collins l~nily money to complete ~1e bridge, saw tbe p0ssibility OI development and started the first land boom. Three compa.!lies started dave10nment of cliami Beach: Ocean Beach Realty Co. - I"tummlS ;'Iiami oeach Improvement Co. - Collins AI ton Beach 1eal ty Co. - inoher In order to pronote building of houJes 011 ?!iami Bee.ch, the LU!:'JnUS Company gaye aHay 33 lots on Collins Avenue to people who ,,,ould agree to build hOt,ses on them - tlY'.::1 Here comploted b.r the lat'~cr part of 191.~. :.larch 26, 1915 - ::LrJi 3each '"ro.::; incorporated - had J3 quali:fied voters (vomen could not vote at t!lat time). Incorporated area took in all of the te-,'.! tory from ooec..'1 to bay - from GovernrJent ship onann01 to cihat io n01-1 knou-n <13 the ?ircstone i~state. ~J_ N. Llt'T;US :,.;as t.he fi!';]t. ~<a=7or. Pre-cnt eit:7 ;'!ana:er Claude A. Rensha"J has :lcld -that position since Ser>w:nber 1925 has been the only City ;ranaccr. Present Cit:l Cler:': and 'l'a:c ColJ.ecto~' C.1J. TOll'~inson ha:; clelc1 that position sir:oe AUGUst 3, 1920. AuctionGers trJing to -sel2. lo~': '3 on : .Ii:JI:;! Dcaell u2ec1 ~~c S~.vc 3.~.-Jay :f.--:'ee dishes to ...:JColJle -J.t~8~din_.: 5,~leL1. Glenn CUJ.'"tis trained fliars on 1,1i3.:;11 Jeacl1 ur:"cil 1915 - first aviation field in. Jade County - _?l'-"CG1!OC0.. ;:o~el~o\-l stands on site of hangars. lir;:t road in ~~i~":li Beach ~..rD.S conpleteJ.l in 191.3. nO:'i has 130 miles of' paved stl"Bets, 112 :1i.le3~f sic1e'ia1;~3. .Axes. of ~ ;i2Il:i 3cacll today C07ers 17 square ?.1iles _ 3 square ~1ile8 of land" 9 square :ilos O:L "'.-later. There '~-xe Cr~~ r.rlles of' ocean front, , Page -2- ':i"/ 3rOlm .:otel wa.1 i'i!':.>t hotel stood betHeen 1at1.nc: .2nd 3t:':ct3 on Ocean Drive - Hofford Hotel was th.J second. :Zone~r ;:laza o-u.i1 t in 1<;;25 - .fir~;t 110te1 in cOl.mtry to have cabanas. 1920 census gave >da:,Ji Be,9,ch population of 644 _ five years later City had population of over 15,000. 1945 State census shoved 32,256 permanent rcsiJonts -- ~iinter of 1949, 115,000. ,~ ;". Assessed valuation in 1'::20 was .';;22.C,OOO - increased in five years to ';'\5,540,112. ?reseni; a;J~essed valuation is ,..2a3,891,200. ;.. S 30nded debt is 1:l7,505,OOO. \ : _ .... ..., \.; .3 in) '~/ ~ ~" . t The City ta.v.: rate is IS mills. Miami Beach has siz public schools and 15 private schools. There are t,;o hospitals in Miami Beach, an(l i.l total of ten churches and five synagogues. There are 361 hoc els now available with 24,359 room::!, and 1,354 apartment houses - approximately 5,000 single i'amifY residences. There are si."{ public beach parks, a.>1d seven public sports and recreation centers.